Strife Lately - II

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Was walking to Tescos tonight in the rain, and walking back with a bag in each hand listening to my iPod when Massive Attack's Teardrop came on, and I just stopped, closed my eyes and tilted my head back, just standing in the rain listening.

Was almost euphoric.

I love rain. Random.
Was walking to Tescos tonight in the rain, and walking back with a bag in each hand listening to my iPod when Massive Attack's Teardrop came on, and I just stopped, closed my eyes and tilted my head back, just standing in the rain listening.

Was almost euphoric.

I love rain. Random.

I'd do the exact same thing.
Was walking to Tescos tonight in the rain, and walking back with a bag in each hand listening to my iPod when Massive Attack's Teardrop came on, and I just stopped, closed my eyes and tilted my head back, just standing in the rain listening.

Was almost euphoric.

I love rain. Random.

In all seriousness, that was awesome. I salute you.

Strife? Strife? Mobile ****ing Phones. That's strife.

I've gone through 3 in the past few months, through either minor accidents or general failures.

This is two years' worth of phones:


I wrote this last night in my livejournal and am just reposting it here. Since that time I am feeling much better. Anyways.

I am writing just to see what ends up here. There is no real point to this. I am feeling lonely. I have deleted people I don't talk to from my buddy list. I am not double checking this.

Allie, a very nice overweight girl from Avon, yearns for me. We went out two weeks ago and had fun. We made out. She likes me a lot. She has a cute face but her body is obese. I don't know if I can deal with that. But I pretend to like her, which makes her like me even more. I might end up seeing her again - I don't know. I might have to settle for her.

I really want to see Christine again. We got lunch on Tuesday, and for a first date it was great. I didn't feel awkward at all even though I was dead tired. We talked and laughed together and sat there for an hour even though we finished eating much sooner. It was really so much fun.

I met Christine on the sidewalk where we were both looking at squirrels with pitch black fur. Either they came from Japan or it is a mutation that started in Amherst. I am not really sure and have heard both stories. Still they're damn cool. I asked her out and got her facebook info. A week later we went out.

She's really cool and relaxed which is unlike me. I am never really relaxed. I really like her and I want to see her again and I think she wants the same, but I don't know. I am scared to get my hopes up. I am terrified of rejection from girls I actually like. It always makes me so disappointed. I will be depressed and won't want to do any work. I am already slightly depressed in anticipation of this. I don't want to have to go back to Allie.

I am going to call her tomorrow. Maybe for lunch in Northampton this Sunday? Her friends are coming up this weekend so she might tell me no and I will try to reschedule but I don't know if she really wants to. I am anxious. I will likely not be nervous during the call, but I am anxious to find out if I can see her again. Getting a second date is always so much harder than getting a first date. So, so much harder.

Last Sunday I saw Rebecca, who is a Jewish girl with a full scholarship to the elite Amherst college, and she got a 1570 on the SAT. We got coffee at Raos in Amherst. I thought lunch was fun but we didn't really connect and she didn't like me. I met her on Okcupid. She blocked me on Facebook which surprised me. Even my insane ex, who hates me and thinks I am a stalker and who threatened to call the police after I friend requested her, did not block me on facebook. I think she secretly liked the innocuous text messages I'd send her every 3 or 4 days. She probably liked the attention. But I stopped communicating with her entirely.

My parents think I am misogynist. This is after I told them that I talk to girls to control them. But I wasn't being honest. I really just want someone I can love and depend on and have fun with. I don't want to have to worry about girls. I want someone to be there for me so I can focus on other things like making money.

Last Friday I went to Worcester and went out with a girl I met on stickam. It was weird because she was only 16. We were obsessively texting eachother, hundreds of messages, for almost a week before that. But when she met me with her friends she didn't like me at all, even though I am perfectly sure I acted normal and was not awkward. She was extremely awkward. It kinda sucked. We saw a movie and she ran away with one of her friends leaving me with the other two. She had arranged the seating so I would sit far away from her, which both amused me and hurt my feelings. Interestingly her 15 year old friend talks to me on AIM and I am pretty sure she likes me, even though she has a boyfriend. But she is 15 and has a boyfriend. I don't want to date a 15 since I am 21. Even dating a 16 year old is mad sketchy and I wouldn't admit to it with my friends. And I don't do hookups, especially illegal ones, so that is out of a question. Nothing to gain from that poo.

After that date, now Friday night, I went to my friend Ryan's apartment. I got lost on the way there since I was extremely hungry. He has a really awesome setup in his room, with a keg cooler from his dad and a projector and a nice leather couch. His roommates are really friendly too, especially his roommate Alex's girlfriend, who was a little too friendly with me. She kept talking to me and sitting next to me on the couch. I think she liked me more when she found out I'm also Jewish. Later that night we watched star trek and she sat next to me and under the blanket I rested my hand on her thigh and if anything she moved closer. It made up for my failed date with the 16 year old, even though my chances with this girl were nill. But at least she liked me, I guess. It always sucks when they are taken. She was cute too and really nice. And over 18.

Meeting girls on the Internet hardly ever works out. Last month I went out with a really hot girl I met on okcupid. But she didn't like me within a minute of meeting me. Her roommate liked me though, and I went out with her a week later, but I intentionally botched the date because she annoyed me. She ran away and I didn't even have to give her a ride, which is a good thing. I'm really glad I decided to put my arm awkwardly around her just to see what would happen. Her hair is gross too, since it's all curly and poo. Curly hair is disgusting because I don't want to touch it. Her personality is quite annoying. She's very opinionated in the wrong ways. She's Jewish too.

I just want a great girl to like me already so I can focus on my schoolwork and stop looking for girls. I want Christine to like me because she is amazing. I will never hurt her. I failed a midterm today because I am too focused on girls to study. Without a girl I feel like something is missing from my life and I can't focus on anything else. I need one, now. I want a girl who is not Allie. I want someone who I really like and don't feel like I'm settling for. Maybe Christine will be this girl. I really hope so.

I was reading the book rules of attraction today. In it a girl pines after a guy and sends him anonymous love letters for months. She plans to meet him at a party, but before she can, he mistakes another girl for her and runs away with her. The first girl kills herself. This thoroughly disturbed me since I can relate to this. It's a feeling of despair, of hopelessness, of lost love. It's a feeling that nobody you like will ever love you. I really don't want to settle for Allie.

Well it's now 2:51 AM and I need to sleep, so I guess I will go to bed. I wonder how things will work out tomorrow. Maybe my pessimism will subside. Or maybe it's realism, I don't know anymore.
I lost my mobile phone the other day walking to school. Where i dropped it is only down the road from the local police station but the guy decided to drop it it to the police station like 20 minutes away. Don't get me wrong, I'm very thankful but couldn't he of just walked up the road?
Anyway I've only had 2 mobile phones ever but it looks like Pi has the equivalent to the one I have right now. One at bottom right in the light blue or whatever color that is. Aqua?
I've gone through 4 in the past 2 months.

God damn Pi, relieve your stress some other way man. Oh right. Steam Chat.
Goddamn, Pi, stop breaking phones. What is wrong with you? Are you giving off an EMP field?

Madagascar, I read that whole thing and my advice to you is this: fuck the fat chick.
I didn't read it, but if Darkside suggests to **** the fat chick, I can only suggest to do as the man says.
In all seriousness, that was awesome. I salute you.

Strife? Strife? Mobile ****ing Phones. That's strife.

I've gone through 3 in the past few months, through either minor accidents or general failures.

This is two years' worth of phones:



**** off! D:

By god Pi, that's a shit load of dosh to spend on phones :eek:
First person to arrange them from oldest to newest get's a .. cookie.
I got an Itouch yesterday...then I bought Iartwork from their site...and it doesn't work.

What the **** apple.

and there isn't even any help for it :| :(
god****ingdammit, can't my parents just let me tell them I don't believe their damn religion? No, they gotta talk to me for two hours and try to ****ing convert me. SHIT.
god****ingdammit, can't my parents just let me tell them I don't believe their damn religion? No, they gotta talk to me for two hours and try to ****ing convert me. SHIT.
What are parents for, eh?
to drive me to work.

Which actually ended today or maybe monday, afterwords I plan on working within walking distance. So.... about jack shit.
Sell your body to SCIENCE!, maybe start a better home and gardening business in your garage.
hmm... 1990 model, shag carpet, slight wear, minor bullet damage. I could fetch a pretty penny.
****ing mother****ing **** piece of ****ing paper cut me right in between ****ing fingers ****
****ing mother****ing **** piece of ****ing paper cut me right in between ****ing fingers ****

Ouch man.
Yay this is just a ***king barrel of laughs;

The past day or two my wisdom teeth on my left side have been nipping at my cheeks when I bite down, and now theyre doing it every time I clamp my teeth down, so eating has become slightly painfull.

For ***k sake. If it takes a week to get me into the hospital to get these teeth pulled im gonna go mad.

Anyone had theirs pulled to tell me how much it hurts afterward?
I feel like writing, so I will go on. Again I am writing just to see what I write.

Things are looking up. I freaked out on Friday when I called Christine and she didn't pick up. I figured she rejected me and had lied about wanting to see me again. It's really so hard to tell sometimes. But then I started texting her, and we're going out for dinner tomorrow night. I'll take her to some place in downtown Amherst, not sure where yet. I am going to give her vodka and she will give me cake.

Today was a flurry of text messages. I woke up to Abby texting me about how she broke up with her boyfriend and wants to hook up with me, and take her to get a tattoo. She is 16 and is really hot but has suicidal issues and is a little crazy. She says she likes me a lot. She lives an hour north of my house and 2 hours east of Amherst. I honestly don't know where things will go with her. It's hard to turn down a really pretty girl, although I am not fond of jail. She keeps enticing me. She sent me nude pics to my phone and I didn't even ask. I used to text her a lot but then she got her boyfriend and now she is broken up again. I'm scared to text her too much because texting can be expensive with Verizon, which by the way is the devil.

I can't remember if I talked to Allie today. Whatever, I don't even like her. I cleaned my room and did laundry. I got lunch with my brother and he told me all about this new fantasy series he's reading. I glanced at some girl in the dining commons and she kept looking back at me. She was sitting alone. I wonder if I had any chance with her. I went to the gym and showered.

Then more laundry. Another girl was doing laundry too and I asked her about her cute rugby shirt and we talked for a while. She was very animated the entire time, and I wasn't nervous because I have countless alternative girls. I could have asked her out but I have a date with Christine, and not sure how that will turn out, so instead I just got her name for facebook. Turns out she has a boyfriend. I wondered if I could go out with her anyways. But she isn't good looking enough to try, just isn't worth the trouble. And messing with people just isn't too fun anymore. Instead I want to make money and break more captchas and get better grades.

My roommates started drinking at 4:00 in the afternoon. I joined them and had a Sams, then called those Mt. Holyoke girls who wanted to hang out yesterday. I went out with both of them before but like I said it went nowhere. One seemed really interested in coming. I texted my friend Ivan, who I went to Europe with, and told him two Mt. Holyoke girls are coming over if he wants to try to get with the hot one, even though she had a boyfriend. The idea clearly amused him because he kept asking details about how we could separate the girls, etc. But later it turned out they weren't coming after all. What a couple of flakes. The hot one was too interested in talking on the phone with her boyfriend or something. I think the Jewish one with the bad hair was disappointed. I wonder if I could have gotten anywhere with her tonight, even though I don't want to. Ivan told me I should have gone to Mt. Holyoke, but again, I don't want her. Besides, I have a date tomorrow.

Once the rain stopped, and after some pre-gaming, my roommates and I headed over to a party at my friend Mike's house. It was really nice out. On the way there Matt was joking about Obama and how black people just want to leach off everyone else's hard work. The party was decent once more people showed up. I started to get sad after I realized I probably wouldn't get any of the girls there. Then I remembered my date tomorrow, and how she is cuter than every girl there except for my roommate Andrea, who is a freakin dimepiece. This psyched me out a lot just thinking about this. Then Christine randomly texted me, which psyched me out even more because this means she likes me since she initiated it. We talked about parties and empty frats and cake and creepy guys (some guy at the party gave me too much attention and I walked away).

I'm boring myself here, so I'll skip ahead. Andrea made out with a random guy. She used to go out with my other roommate Matt. This isn't the first time she's done this. We left early then went back for her. She was very emotional about it. Matt privately was telling me how she's insane. Matt knows I post on this forum so this all here might be a terrible idea. I might go back and delete it. I was walking back with her and consoling her a bit as Christine was texting me. I told Andrea how Christine was texting me a lot, how I actually met her in real life (not online), and that she's actually over 18. This made her smile. She then said probably Christine likes me. I said I hope so, because I really like her. At this point Andrea broke into tears, saying nobody likes her a lot, which might be true. I said it's not true at all but she didn't stop crying. She left my arms and walked by herself. I texted her later about how honestly she's really pretty and cute and is fun to be with, and she said thanks. Oh well. I can really understand how she's feeling.

I texted Christine until 2 in the morning. Every text I got from her made me really excited because I like her a lot and am so hopeful about where things might go. I want it to turn into a relationship, I don't care about the physical stuff really, I just want to be able to take her out whenever and spend time with her because it's so much fun. We'll see what happens. I can't accurately predict the future even though I try so hard most of the time.

I wonder if these posts are actually interesting to anyone other than myself... no idea really. It's probably just random nonsense but maybe can serve as a small window into my life, which isn't all too fascinating really. After all, I spend the majority of my time on my computer. Maybe a lot of this nonsense, especially with internet girls, is just inside my head. Maybe not.
And as one cell in the lifeblood of this forum, it's my thread.
I wouldn't consider this forum alive so much as... unalive.
Oh, toaster-man. You know you shouldn't be here, even if you are posting funny.
Tell me: is Madagascar not entitled to the thread he inspires?
NO says the forum admin; it belongs to me!
NO says the forum member; it belongs to all of us!
NO says Samon; it is naught but a Misc revival!

I smell a hint of Bioshock mixed with toaster.


That can't be good..
Tell me: is Madagascar not entitled to the thread he inspires?
NO says the forum admin; it belongs to me!
NO says the forum member; it belongs to all of us!
NO says Samon; it is naught but a Misc revival!

A misc revival you say? Why, the thought had never occurred to me. Thank you for bringing this to my attention!
Everybody thank toaster! He's our forum snitch!
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