Strife Lately - II

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Good job Kat, seriously you'll find it's for the best. Come mid next year or something, if you're still really unhappy then maybe rethink it. There's no point sticking with something that you're horribly unhappy with, but things do get better so for now I'd recommend just putting up with it :(. I hope things get better for you though, you seem like a nice person and you're only 18, you've got loads of options ahead of you!
NeptuneUK found love, it was behind the sofa the whole time.
What course(s) are you doing?

Childcare, but i've been starting to think that hardly any of the stuff I'm learing is actually relevent to my chosen career path (children's party planner), so that's why I've been having second thoughts. I've decided that I might actually do media next year because I also think it would be good to be a journalist (a lot of people have told me I could be a journalist).
Half a bucket of halloween candy (an exaggeration, yes, but still).

Spent half an hour after class with that girl, trying to catch cashews and skittles in my mouth as she threw them. Hung out a while, I think she and I really hit it off well. Now I'm tempted to ask her out. But meh. Behind on my Algebra work like **** too.
Childcare, but i've been starting to think that hardly any of the stuff I'm learing is actually relevent to my chosen career path (children's party planner), so that's why I've been having second thoughts. I've decided that I might actually do media next year because I also think it would be good to be a journalist (a lot of people have told me I could be a journalist).

You planning on going to ManMet?
My strife is pretty boring at the moment.
I'm trying to decide whether to go to Toronto for parties and fun


Stay home and finish some very late projects
Being a Physical Therapy major is great, if only for the lack of math.

Besides a statistics course( completed) and a basic algebra course (which I didnt have to take due to taking pre-calculus in High school), I am completely done with the subject (sans basic math in my sciences).

I've decided that I might actually do media next year because I also think it would be good to be a journalist (a lot of people have told me I could be a journalist).
Well, you already have the sweet hat.
I don't see why people like getting me down on purpose

**** you supposed friends :(

Spent half an hour after class with that girl, trying to catch cashews and skittles in my mouth as she threw them. Hung out a while, I think she and I really hit it off well. Now I'm tempted to ask her out. But meh. Behind on my Algebra work like **** too.

Do eet.

Gf's are (sometimes) awesome, really depends on the girl.
My job is about $35/hr, every day. :D Not counting health benefits.

Holy jesus shitcat. I don't know if I should congratulate or be disturbingly envious. The former seems less hostile. So i'm glad for your sake. :) What do you do?

I'm trying to decide whether to go to Toronto for parties and fun


Stay home and finish some very late projects

Life's too short to postpone fun :D
You can't simply scroll up? :p

I asked if you were going to MMU.
Had a knee infection, and an allergic reaction to the antibiotic creams, and now possibly crappy side effects from my antibiotic pills, and I was supposed to see the doctor this morning but whoever scheduled me totally screwed up and scheduled it on December 5th with the wrong doctor, so I have to go back later today and wait until my doctor is free, which will make me miss class so I have to reorient my schedule to make up class and move up lunch so I can have a meal to take my anti-inflammation pills with.

Also I'm way behind on graduate school applications and can't focus because of these stupid antibiotics.

That would help. I'd get to ride around in a wheelchair too.
AC/DC today mofo's.

Shit! Can't wait!
I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead yet. Probably not. I'll probably just stick with my current college until I get some proper qualifications! I'm not planning on going to uni cos I can't stand the lectures.
Uni's a load of fun. I know at least one person who's doing a degree in Childcare (or something similar) at mmu. They seem to enjoy it.

I suppose if it's not for you, it's not for you.
I decided to go to Toronto, so I got I got really drunk last night with my brother and people, and now I'm chilling with a bunch of friends I haven't seen in a long time + booze. Life is good.
Should I get Tropic Thunder, or the Dark Knight for Christmas?
Yes, if you need some pants, then get them. Otherwise purchase The Dark Knight.
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