Strife Lately - II

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You're implying that you have to do some jerking off over yourself in this thread to make a productive post.

I think not.
Where did I imply that? If anything I was implying that you weren't contributing to Strife. Which is completely different from life, because if they were one in the same, this thread would be closed. It would be closed because the other thread "Life Lately" got derailed, which is what it seemed you were doing with your pointless post.

Now both of us are contributing to the derailment of Strife Lately.
*highlander for the save*

Seeing SAW V tomorrow. I know it's going too suck the dick. but oh well.
The action sucked dick, but it answered practically all the questions. I would suggest rewatching all the Saws just so you're fresh.
Hmm, I haven't seen saw 3, but I've seen every other one. First one was alright and now they're just milking it. BUT I STILL HAVE TOO SEE IT.
Awful lot of dick sucking going on here. Maybe I should stop by more often.
Hmm, I haven't seen saw 3, but I've seen every other one. First one was alright and now they're just milking it. BUT I STILL HAVE TOO SEE IT.
If I remember them correctly, you should see that one the most.

I can't get any of them straight...

Awful lot of dick sucking going on here. Maybe I should stop by more often.

You want to stop by to help the sucking?
I just chased the **** out of my cat. Hahahahaha. He's looking at me right now like, 'WHAT TUH VUCK WUD FOOR!?'

Anyway, just got done watching uhh.. Orange County. There we go. Now, I'm uncertain what I should do. Any ideas?
I just chased the **** out of my cat. Hahahahaha. He's looking at me right now like, 'WHAT TUH VUCK WUD FOOR!?'

Anyway, just got done watching uhh.. Orange County. There we go. Now, I'm uncertain what I should do. Any ideas?

While watching Orange County.

**** yeah shirtless Jack Black.
So, a girl I have a huge crush on just called me a dick and isnt talking too me :( all cause I said "meh" :(

I know none of you really care or anything but, I just felt like posting it.
I think I just got rejected (not sure yet - text messages are so ambiguous) by the first girl I really liked.
She was funny, smart, the whole deal... :(

I need to get drunk.. or go buy stuff. Either clothes or a guitar. "While my guitar gently weeps"
So, a girl I have a huge crush on just called me a dick and isnt talking too me :( all cause I said "meh" :(

I know none of you really care or anything but, I just felt like posting it.

Did the conversation go like this...

Girl: My dad just died.
You: Meh.
Girl: Dick!

If not I see no reason as to why meh would be offensive.
You're kinda supposed to be sympathetic.
So, a girl I have a huge crush on just called me a dick and isnt talking too me :( all cause I said "meh" :(

I know none of you really care or anything but, I just felt like posting it.
Follow up on that mayne! Apologize/give us some context.
I think I just got rejected (not sure yet - text messages are so ambiguous) by the first girl I really liked.
She was funny, smart, the whole deal... :(

Exactly! Follow up on that mayne!
Where did I imply that? If anything I was implying that you weren't contributing to Strife. Which is completely different from life, because if they were one in the same, this thread would be closed. It would be closed because the other thread "Life Lately" got derailed, which is what it seemed you were doing with your pointless post.

Now both of us are contributing to the derailment of Strife Lately.

I was actually contributing to my own Strife in a small and subtle way.

It might not have been apparent, but it was there.
Well situation update, we're talking again, and everythings okay, twas just a small misunderstanding.

also, t-minus 4 hours until saw V
I ****ing hate work. I ****ing hate work. I ****ing hate work.
All I've gotta do is get to 12:45 tomorrow, and then I have like 38 hours of straight whatever the **** I feel like/getting my learner's permit.
Hey at least you HAVE a job.
Well, it's a shitty job, but I now don't hate it as bad as I do before.
I ****ing love you. I ****ing love you. I ****ing love you.

I ate too many tacos. :(

Alright. I forgot you even existed. You aren't on MSN anymore.

Also, I hated work because of the fact that bitches can't switch me shifts. It's a short 3.5 hour shift and no one wanted to work it for me, but I finally was able to switch my shift with one of me best friends at work.

I can now go see one of my favourite bands ever, Brighten. They never play around here so it's amazing that I'm able to go. I'm so excited, so very excited.
So you should love your job because you have one and you can go see your most favorite band!
My life seems to be going to shit. Despite talking with Connexions and my college tutor about my course I still have no idea what I should do and I really don't want to stay on my course. I think my purpose in life is just to fail at anything educational.
I'm not at Manchester University. I'm at a college in Bury.
Yeah, well, don't worry I'm not planning on going to uni; not that I'd actually be able to stck to it if I went.
God, this whole situation is getting me so depressed. I've getting advice from everyone I can think of and nothing's helped. I'm crying even as I type this. ;( I need e-hugs from someone. Please?
MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF HUGS lovely kitten, don't sweat it, honestly. Things get better. Stay on your course and stick it out though srsly.

PM me your msn, hocake.
Umm, i don't have MSN. But thanks for the hugs, I really needed them!
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