Strife Lately - II

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I just got done working about 45 hours of work this week. It was me first 40+ work week, and by golly, I was ****ing tired. I had to wake up to be at work at 6 AM till 11 AM or whenever they allowed me to leave which Wednesday, I got to leave at 3 PM. :p

I had to come back Tues and Thurs for a split shift so it sucked even more. Anyway, today I'm going to me friend's Uni 5 hours away and coming back Monday. I can't wait.
I just got done working about 45 hours of work this week. It was me first 40+ work week, and by golly, I was ****ing tired. I had to wake up to be at work at 6 AM till 11 AM or whenever they allowed me to leave which Wednesday, I got to leave at 3 PM. :p

I had to come back Tues and Thurs for a split shift so it sucked even more. Anyway, today I'm going to me friend's Uni 5 hours away and coming back Monday. I can't wait.
Get crunked.

A young Sarah Palin or her daughter.

**** no, I hate that dumb bitch. And am ****ing sick of hearing about her.

The girl in my avatar is Scarlett Johansson. <3 times a million, tbh. (first time I ever used <3)
I thought it was either Scarlett Johansson or Hilary Duff. It does look a bit like Hilary, actually.
Dexter just headbutted Doakes

Season 2 Dexter is so awesome.
Witnessed another ****ing car crash last night. Fustrating as ****, could have been easily avoided but noooo.

Holy ****ing shit Feast 2: Sloppy Seconds is awesome.

Also lol Koola, dumb ass crackers can't drive and fight at the same time WITH THEIR BIG FISTS.
3 days of working 8 hour shifts annnnd now school. I'm tired as ****.
hah, I got you beat:

6 hours of school then 4 hours of work right after on Friday, 9 hour shift on Saturday, 9 hour shift on Sunday (today), and 6 hours of school with 5 hours of work after on Monday.

Pretty standard AND I DON'T BITCH ABOUT IT.
double ha: im finished school. now im doing nothing till january! yippee! but then im joining the marine corps. then iraq. oh ****.
Ok, which one of you mother ****ers just sent me a text message saying "Punching babies in the face!"?
Sorry about that Willie, I was trying to get it to someone else...
So two more exams to go.

Maths was tough.
I ate too much candy corn.. This shit is good when you have a little, but not alot.. Definitely not alot.
Yuck, candy corn! Never liked the stuff. You either love it or hate it.
Man, I've finally finished my art design board.
Holy bitch it's a good feeling. But to be honest, I'm kinda lost as to what to do... This has completely dominated my life for the past month, and now it's gone.
Trying desperately to decide which console deal I want to get. $499 for 360 pro and 4 games (Saints Row, Kung Fu Panda, Need For Speed Pro Street, Lego Indiana Jones) or $688 for PS3 and 2 games (choices are Uncharted: Drakes fortune, Resistance fall of man, Motor Storm, Rachet and Clank)
Musky dear, you know I will kill you if you dont get the ps3. Painfully. How the hell are we supposed to play MGS4 if you get a 360?
My legs are hurting like ****ing mad.
Mmmmm sleeping in is niiiiiice.

Of course now I'm trying to finish homework in time for 18 minutes
*Halo's Covenant Elite voice* Work Work Work!

Got to sleep for a half hour today. Got an A on my Ethics midterm. Blade 1 is on FX tonight, so I'm looking forward to that. :)
I love Candy Corn, but sometimes I eat too much and my mouth gets yucky! :nasty:
So, apparently I had a bloodnose while I was sleeping and nooooooow I'm spitting blood!
That's friggin' nasty dude.

Come to find out today, I have more friends backing my sorry ass than thought I did.
Heroes is playing on my TV right now, and holy shit how did it get this bad?
*punches through the other guy's chest*
Why? Exams over mate?

2 more, sort of slagging-match Extension english then horrific butt-rape Ancient History.

Oh god, the Ancient History.

Nah, when I wrote that post I think I had been sitting in this chair for close to three hours rewriting essays.
Guys, should I have used Albert Speer in my modern history exam rather than Leni Riefenstahl?

Pah, I probably would have buggered it up anyway,
new Job, waiting for VMware Key to get activated on my account, and boomb start working again.

in other words (****ing booring).

Just want to go home and play some ****ing games then sleep.
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