Strife Lately - II

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It's because he's so old. He forgets he's not to mention things.
Misc revival!? WHAT!? You gotta be kidding me? I mean... come on guys! Really! Heh. Yeah...
Why does brown bread cause so many more breadcrumbs?
Strife in my life currently persuaded me to start eating brown bread over white bread. I'm still as of yet to discover whether it was a choice worth making.
Exams in just over a week. Oh FFFUUU- Nah man, it's probably going to be all good. Good luck with yours, Highlander.
I think a post I made in toasters art thread got deleted, but I can't be sure. Weird shit like this has been
happening more and more. Post I could have sworn I made seem to disappear, and the same thing
happens with other peoples posts.
I think a post I made in toasters art thread got deleted, but I can't be sure. Weird shit like this has been
happening more and more. Post I could have sworn I made seem to disappear, and the same thing
happens with other peoples posts.

This "weird shit" is what we call "moderation."

Toaster started a thread in the ART section about his/her ART and for people to comment on his/her ART. But no, had to turn it into a discussion about his/her breasts. So yes, a bunch of posts were deleted. If I hadn't been busy with other stuff at the time, I would have given infractions with each one too.
I just made Portal caek! It took me two hours to make and decorate!



SHIT! When did we jump forward 82 years and 6 days??

Oh god damn it.
If we're going to post edit, shall we do it properly?
He's an Australian grill? We get to throw some shrimp on the Pi?
Only if you come to see me everyday.

I will write you out of my will.
Do any of you know of a free program that will graph equations for me?
Abby texted me in the morning about cuddling. It was sorta cute.

Then Ivan texted me to get lunch. I asked when to meet him at the Blue Wall, but he said "No, Panda East", so of course I replied "**** you." It was good food. He's trying to convince me to follow him to California to work after graduation, as an adventure. I'm considering it. My employers let us decide between Massachusetts and California. Ivan told me San Francisco is an hour driving from Los Angeles. I said he was wrong. Then we split the bill and left. His was one cent more than mine so he swore.

Then we saw the movie Role Models. It was really good and I recommend it.

Now I have a date at 5. Rock'n'Roll!!!
Watch out for jail bait... they'll screw you over really fast. In both senses of the word.
You're kind of a pedophile judging by the first diary post you made.
So gurls are fantastic because they make you feel great and wanted.

Is it worth the feeling of being useless when they leave?
Slightly. Further musings of a soul raged with inner lust for a piece of toast.
I dont see how the feeling of uselessness comes over you when you break up with someone. Or...atleast ive personally never felt it, maybe its just me?
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