Strife Lately - II

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You break up with someone, I feel...well its completely situational. Id feel sad sure if I liked her but not a feeling of not being able to do anything?
Not knowing the precise feelings that you're talking about, I'd say the difference is probably how you(general you) take the judgements of others, or even whether you see their actions as a judgement of you and not them.

In simplistic terms (Because I am a simplistic man), someone might specifically say "You're useless" but that could simply be that their own expectations were wrong.
Hmm, I guess if you feel its as a result of her judgement of you then youre shooting yourself in the foot emotionally.

Maybe im just overreacting to the word, being useless in terms of a breaking up with someone context to me links with suicide. The whole 'what have I got left to live for' kind of sense.

You break up with someone, I feel...well its completely situational. Id feel sad sure if I liked her but not a feeling of not being able to do anything?

It comes in phases. You might find completely the opposite; bursts of motivation to do everything right to correct mistakes that will never be fixed.

Not knowing the precise feelings that you're talking about, I'd say the difference is probably how you(general you) take the judgements of others, or even whether you see her actions as a judgement of you and not herself.

In simplistic terms (Because I am a simplistic man), someone might specifically say "You're useless" but that could simply be that their own expectations were wrong.

How does that relate?
Well, I guess my disclaimer is "Not knowing the precise feelings". Maybe it doesn't relate. The way I took what you said was that when a girl leaves, you feel useless... because either you feel powerless to hold onto someone you like, or you see her leaving as a judgement of you, finding you unworthy.

This is why I asked if it was slightly rhetorical, because now I'm dishing out my words of unwisdom and getting myself into a pretty mess.
Well generally feelings of worthlessness happen when a girl leaves your life or your relationship for someone else. At that point you feel indirectly judged, like you failed some sort of test. I'm not sure whether that feeling's worse after three years of after three months.

That feeling can also induce some sort of motivation for self-improvement. I think without the catalyst of another person, however, it remains as a feeling of uselessness and self-pity. I'm not sure what happens when the catalyst is removed for reasons unknown.
I keep losing track when I try to read your post.

I think returning to the initial point is my only option about "Is it worth it?", I'll say something crass like; Is it worth not doing it? I've not had many relationships so I'm still fairly optimistic. As for the feelings of uselessness. Be a rogue. Live life by your own rules. You'll get results.

Sorry, I'm not terribly helpful. My emotional aid for men usually comes at the bottom of a vodka followed by a quiet embrace.

I'll buy a drink if you'd like?
A drink would go down a treat.

I didn't even realise I'd mentioned the word "uselessness" until now when I went back and read my original post. I was wondering where on earth the discussion had come from.

Ahem. Stalybridge in fact. We have drinks of all ages and colours.
You do live quite close. Particularly if I zoom out on Google Maps. Hey look, we're sitting right next to each other!
I can't believe I lived/live so close to somewhere with such a name and didn't know it. That explains a lot about Chorltoners.
It really does. I admit, I didn't know it was there until I saw it on google maps about a year ago. Place names can be so wonderful.
You actually live nearer to me than Pi. That's slightly comforting. At least I have someone who I can call to protect me from him and then run away while he's distracted.
Dinner with Christine was great. Going out again tomorrow, Bertucci's! No school on Tuesday, some holiday I guess, should I take her back to my place after?

A few surveys on Allie's Myspace makes me feel a little sad:

Do you want someone you can't have?
No. I have him.

What grade is the last person you kissed in?
Senior in college.

Do you want someone you can't have?
No. I have him.

are you singl​e?​

will he/​she ever be anyth​ing more than "​just frien​ds"​?​

I don't feel like telling her anything otherwise, whatever. Haven't even talked to her today. Rock'n'roll.

Can't wait till tomorrow!!
This ends with you being murdered by the fat chick unless you do something fast.
You actually live nearer to me than Pi. That's slightly comforting. At least I have someone who I can call to protect me from him and then run away while he's distracted.

Pi wouldn't hurt me.
Well. It'd be a painless death I hope.
Ok, maybe he'd hurt you a bit.
He'd still hurt your children.
It's strange how one can go from thinking one's lower than everyone else, to truly believing the possibility that they're better than the average man in a moment. It's also strange how quickly it fades.
I might be getting sick. What a ****ing curve ball. This is one of the turning points of my life, I can't deal with this now.
I've been working on an NSF graduate research fellowship application all day and a presentation + written progress report for my senior lab course and managing crazy stupid retarded mess-ups/mix-ups with an extracurricular event... all day. My mind is racing all over the place and I'm writing stuff and not sure if any of it makes any sense. oh crap crap crap help.

(also i've been drugged up on antibiotic and corticosteroid pills for over a week now, and although I finally get off the antibiotics tomorrow morning, I've also hit the point where I'm now dependent on the steroids and will have to be slowly weaned off them in dosage reductions by the doctor so I don't get Addisonian Crisis and it turns out my doctor started me off on the upper end of steroid dosage (40 mg/day in a possible range of 5 to 60 mg/day) what the heck ;( why is this happening)
Right now there's no other person in the world I hate more than my dad. I was off college again today with my IBS and he's now threatening to throw me out because of it. I wish the f***ing c**t was dead. In fact I've wished he was dead for a long time now. All he does is make my life a living hell and I can't stress just how much I hate him.
Bought the PS3. Kind of funny when I got it. The salesman must of thought I was so weird. He gave me the console and said "Well enjoy your new console" and I just took it and said "Yeah I'll try" and walked off. I didn't see his reaction but my friend said he gave me such a weird stare.
I think I'm getting a cold. :frown: Still, it's that time of year when I get my annual cold so it should be right on time.
I went to a job interview which lasted <1 minute.

...because it was government funded and the dude was just like "Here's your jobseeker interview you can fill it out yourself from home. NEXT."

I got owned. : <
I went to a job interview which lasted <1 minute.

...because it was government funded and the dude was just like "Here's your jobseeker interview you can fill it out yourself from home. NEXT."

I got owned. : <

Well at least they didn't sit there and waste your time.

I had an interview where the guy kept me there for half an hour asking questions without writing down anything I said. Asshole. Looking back on it, if I could have done anything different in that interview, I would've used my question session part of the interview to call him out on wasting my time... considering I knew I wasn't getting the job anyways :p
Tbh, they don't have to write things down. Half of the interviews are just to see how you are in real life.

I had one of those. A number of hours of a waste of time considering it was a pain to get there, but it was necessary.

Also: Interference on the Interwebs!
Tbh, they don't have to write things down. Half of the interviews are just to see how you are in real life.

I had one of those. A number of hours of a waste of time considering it was a pain to get there, but it was necessary.

This. They have no reason to write anything you say down. It's all a judgment call based on your personality with them. Whether or not you come out of the interview and left a good taste or not is the only way to be sure if you got the job. Body language and everything you say is judged. I've had an interview where he just looked at my resume and asked questions based on that, and he didn't write anything down.

It's just to see how you as a person are, and whether or not you are going to be a viable part of the team with the impression to give off.
Its 2.40 am and im pissed out of my mind thanks to free drinks from my landlord for all those that are linked to him.

Cant rememeber the last time I was this drunk, and am surprosed at my typing skills.

Roooom is spinning biatches, yeah!

Gonna fell shiut tomorrow, woot!
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