Strife Lately - II

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This. They have no reason to write anything you say down. It's all a judgment call based on your personality with them. Whether or not you come out of the interview and left a good taste or not is the only way to be sure if you got the job. Body language and everything you say is judged. I've had an interview where he just looked at my resume and asked questions based on that, and he didn't write anything down.

It's just to see how you as a person are, and whether or not you are going to be a viable part of the team with the impression to give off.

Ah, I guess that makes sense. It was the only interview I've had where the interviewer didn't take notes though.

I also heard from several other well-qualified interviewees that this particular company rejected them as well. According to my dad, he's had an interview before where the company recruits on campus with no intention to hire anyone... they're just there to hold their recruitment position with the university for the next year. I am always pretty cynical when it comes to recruiters.
College is good, looking forward to transferring next semester. It seems like I'm never home anymore with Mon, Tues and Wed being the only days I am home. Otherwise I'm with friends (at the college I'm transferring to) or in class. So that had led to me being really inactive in the forum lately; I've just kind of drifted off. But things are going good.

Nine Inch Nails concert on Saturday with a few friends, and as such, I've donated my signature to Trent.
I was off college again today with my IBS and he's now threatening to throw me out because of it.

What's IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome or International Business School? wth?
Bought a new album, found it to be horribly distorted ._.
Its 2.40 am and im pissed out of my mind thanks to free drinks from my landlord for all those that are linked to him.

Cant rememeber the last time I was this drunk, and am surprosed at my typing skills.

Roooom is spinning biatches, yeah!

Gonna fell shiut tomorrow, woot!

Hangover much?
Mr. Love doesn't have strife.

'Cause he's too full of loooooove.
Have you met Pesmerga? You seem an awful lot like him.
Hangover much?

Errr I vaguely remember writing what I said, I was feeling happy for some reason.

Ive felt worse though. Bad but not as bad as I was expecting. Amazed at how ive yet to be sick from alcohol, ever.

That is all
Not able to download Left for Dead because i went over my dl cap :(

Koola is a sad panda.
Will be without Left 4 Dead next week for a couple of days. It makes me sad.
Who was Mr. Love?

You obviously don't chatroom whore much.
No left for dead because when I tried to update my drivers it makes the game crash.
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