Strife Lately - II

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I'm having internet troubles. Srs ones. It blows. BT make me so mad, I'm glad they're firing shit loads of people.

Just be glad your not on Pipex or Tiscali. You'd have even more trouble if you were with them. We're unfortunate enough to be with Pipex so us poor bastards have to suffer with it! But seriously, stear clear of Pipex/Tiscali.
Internet relationships with Phobie are.

Either you speak from first hand experience or you speak with ignorance.

Also, loneliness is a disease. I might move to Madagascar.
Either you speak from first hand experience or you speak with ignorance.

Also, loneliness is a disease. I might move to Madagascar.

I'm one ignorant mother****er. Go snag me a dingo.
I'm feeling what you're feeling brother. You'll move past it.

You'd think so. Or I'll just walk into it for a third time. I mean, do you give up after a while and accept it or do you keep falling over in the vain hope that someday you'll get it right? How many times does it happen before you find it right? After falling so many times you just realise the next hurdle you've set your sights on is just bound to fail, the motivation leaves you and you trip and fall regardless.
You'd think so. Or I'll just walk into it for a third time. I mean, do you give up after a while and accept it or do you keep falling over in the vain hope that someday you'll get it right? How many times does it happen before you find it right? After falling so many times you just realise the next hurdle you've set your sights on is just bound to fail, the motivation leaves you and you trip and fall regardless.

Never heard it talked about that way. Chances are it'll happen again, but the choice is up to you when things turn sour. It ****in' hurts and it hurts for a long time, but it'll heal. Give it time to see more choices up ahead, and time for things to smooth over in your head.

There's no set time for anyone to jump back into the game, and just because it happened once, twice or three times doesn't mean it's gonna stop at the fourth. You're still young, we're still young and the odds are that it'll happen again. What matters is that you make a decision to keep playing the game, or forfiet the match.

Hope you're not as de-motivated as i am. The biggest thing in my life at the moment (apart from exams) is waiting for L4d. Pretty goddam pathetic in my mind. Reckon that'll pass after exams are over.
Well, on the first count HAHA

on the second count, attempt failed. Fo srs.
Sure, you run into the same situation time and time again. You always do. Everyone does. However, what about if you run into it while still half way through falling over the bump? You didn't see it coming. You'd tried not to. You'd tried so hard not to let it get in the way and tried so hard to look out but out from nowhere another hit comes and floors you half way through getting up. It didn't hurt as hard as the last time. How could it? You'd barely stood up. You'd barely even had time to look at the target, and you hadn't even seen it. Why bother getting up? You just fear another strike. Another blow to the head, knocking you back, flat on your back.

After standing on a podium, so long and so happy, and being pushed off, one might look for many little things to replace the one big thing you had for oh so many year. You soon realise you can't get up on your own. You need the big thing there to steady yourself. You can't get up on your own.

I don't have a "biggest thing in my life", btw.
Not compared to say, a zeppelin maybe, but... Okay, I can see this isn't helping.
**** brother, that ****ing sucks. What would be the worst part? :(

No it doesn't. It's life. There's always a solution. Our legs are stronger than we might think, our supports greater in number than we originally thought. It's only a matter of time before we pick ourselves up. All it involves is adjusting to the new situation.

Also, what worst thing?
The biggest issue with the whole concept of this human-generated-idea of relationships is people's inability to keep to change. Both parties involved need more. They're never satisfied. It's human nature, it can't be avoided. They need more attractive, more humourous, more interesting, more active, more attentive, more fun, more readily accessibly partners. It doesn't matter what it is, but they'll find it almost anyone. At that point you're ****ed. Unfortunately some people are just left feeling less attractive, less humourous, less interesting and less fun than others. I think this is what hurts the most.

Due to this, I don't get why human nature also seems to have formed the concept of relationships which require trust and dedication, neither of which people are very good at doing. The ideal solution would be to be constantly going out on the pull getting laid left, right and center. Maybe 'relationships' were just conjured up by the people who needed that love and attention but simply couldn't get it like that, in short runs.
I don't understand (this may be due to a few things..).

What are you talking about.
Life in general.

Life in general can often be incredibly generic.

Thus it would be hard to describe what one is talking about.
There is no definition of a relationship mate, what it should be or what it isn't. If you look too deeply into what it is you'll end up sinking down a ****in hole. Don't look into it that deeply, take the time to get over a relationship and start again. That is the animalistic human nature.

Again, you're'll be much easier to get it every night but it's a rare breed that can do that successfully on a continual basis. I managed to get it the first week or so after the break up, relieved a bit but didn't help much in the long run. Doesn't really help as much as i thought, nothin much has :p Except riding the bike o course.
It's hard to get over one relationship when the only way you can see of doing so is by finding more.
Your penis.


You could view heartache as a kind of exercise. When you lift very heavy weights, it hurts and actually tears your muscles, but they grow back stronger.
Of course there's the chance for a kind of catastrophic collapse where you drop the weights onto your chest and end up dead. And looking for heart ache is probably a bad idea.

This way of thinking is really a work in progress.

How about that drink?
That drink will have to wait until I've worked up the motivation to finish this report which I just lost all motivation for doing.
I used to say pronounce it "scon", but these days I just don't even know. :(
Sometimes I say something more like "scoon".
Well some say it's "scone" because of words like "stone" and "bone".

Others say it should be pronounced more like "gone".

I say, "but what about done!" and pronounce it "scun".
I could totally do with a scone right now.
With jam and butter, oh yeah.
Ah ****. Why do parents have too **** such simple things up.... Why?
So today I jokingly asked a friend of mine out (Although I have been attracted to her for quite some time now), and she took it completely seriously and proceeded to tell me shes been waiting for me to ask forever, so now I guess were going out or something wtf.


(This tells me that I should jokingly ask for things now. Hey bro can I have some money? Ahaha no im just joking, oh hey thanks!)
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