Strife Lately - II

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I didn't realize what had gone down until 10 minutes later when my friend rita called me to say: "DIDYOUASKCHANTELOUTOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD"
So I gave my somewhat-girlfriend a hundred and twenty bucks to get a tattoo (as an early birthday present) and then the ****ing guy wasn't even there. Dammit!
Not me. Look at all the fat ****s to make money off of, it's a genius and a disease.
That's it! Druckles is taking his business elsewhere!
Will probably be asleep when I get back from uni later.
ugh, i got that familiar feeling back...i wish it was gone. Damn Paxil, do your job!
I am "getting up" now. I hope everyone enjoys their days.
Thats the 3rd restless night in a row for me, waking up every hour or so. Been bloody annoying, and I feel like a cold is coming...argh I hate this.
I've been on one of the most stressful/screwed up schedules I've ever had. It involved NSF fellowship application, handling job interview stuff, getting to a doctor, special lab project presentations and reports, homeworks and exams, last-minute event planning plus taking a bus at 8 AM (because no "normal" time fits in your schedule) to order donuts to feed 90 people, on top of the 30-hours of class a week schedule I'm normally scheduled for....

By the end of classes yesterday, I was just fading in and out of consciousness.

I slept a lot last night though. Just need to start my homework due today.....

I think it'll go back to normal after Saturday.
Went for a walk this morning into town to clear my head of anything that might have been keeping me awake these past few nights.

Ended up going into GAME, flirting with the sales assistant as always (ffs I really should just ask her out), ended up getting COD : WAW.

Got back home to find my Gears of War 2 had arrived in the post at last, things are looking up at the mo.

Got a dissertation meeting at 2:30 and im kinda not looking forward to it, as it means ill actually have to do something...god im so lazy sometimes.
they stopped making those? What the hell
Ages ago, here at least. The only good thing to ever come out of McD's and they ****ing discontinued it. Makes me want to punch Ronald in the vagina.
Whew, I thought they discontinued them here.

New Zealand Micky D's ftl :(
Im guessing Virus won't post another post becouse he's in the 9,999 number? Come on man I know your here! Go ahead and post damn it!
Gah my Dissertation advisor cancelled on me, now I have to wait till next week thursday as he's on 'sick leave'.

Bastard...hope he gets well soon.
Just had a craaaazy dream. One part in the dream, there were like 20 moths that would fly down my urethra and stay there... occasionally all shooting out and returning shortly after and it was driving me insane. I was trying to figure out how to get rid of them.
At some point I should sleep. Maybe in an hour and a half.
Wait, I did me maths wrong. :(

It would be 9pm in a hour and a half in the UK?
Working all weekend as well, starting today.. ****. 30 more minutes until I leave.
I got 5 today, 8 tomorrow and 8 the next day, go wai kami.
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