Strife Lately - II

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Today's been a decent day. I woke up, and my brand new headset came in the mail, and I absolutely adore it. I've never been so scared of a hunter in my life. >_>

I also received the new Xbox dashboard 2 hours than when I should have, and that is bloody brilliant. Installed Rock Band 2 to my drive, and it loads quicker than a midget putting pants on.

I have work at 8 tonight which is rather lame, and I'm unsure of the time I'll get out, but if it's any indication, I'm not too worried since it's just a floorset update.

A few of my friends are home so we might be getting a few pints of hooch after work to down.
I also received the new Xbox dashboard 2 hours than when I should have, and that is bloody brilliant. Installed Rock Band 2 to my drive, and it loads quicker than a midget putting pants on.

You already have it?? How/why/when??

I want :(
You already have it?? How/why/when??

I want :(

You had to sign up for this survey thing on Microsoft Connect, and they've sent out 3 waves of testers/early releases. I was lucky enough to get picked on the third and final wave. I'm using it as we speak. I also signed up for a Netflix account just to use the streaming, and by God, I'm delighted at what I'm able to do on this wonderful machine. I love Xbox. I love Microsoft. This new dash is also so quick and so nifty. I'm so ****ing glad they updated to it.
Working on a christmas list:

-Tropic Thunder/Dark Knight
-Pokemon Diamond
-Colbert poster/t-shirt
Just got back from the new Bond. Wasn't as good as the last one but it was still pretty kickass. Go see it.
Bird decided to **** off with someone else.

I'm drinking myself to death.
So the hundred twenty I gave this chick turned into a dress and a hat, rather than a tattoo. She christened the dress by wearing it with no panties, and I guess she took a pilates class or something earlier today that taught her how to wrap her legs around someone's head. Guess who's gonna get a first-hand demonstration?

Oh, she's in LA right now, and I'm not. Grr.
So the hundred twenty I gave this chick turned into a dress and a hat, rather than a tattoo. She christened the dress by wearing it with no panties, and I guess she took a pilates class or something earlier today that taught her how to wrap her legs around someone's head. Guess who's gonna get a first-hand demonstration?

Oh, she's in LA right now, and I'm not. Grr.

I quoted this for :( .
Why are you a prick? I quoted that for :( because you're not were she's at.
[internet comforting]

Why are you a prick? I quoted that for :( because you're not were she's at.

Oh, that's a much better reason to have a :(

Yeah, I could have been there, but for my parents. Damn them. Anyway, the prick comment was just to help reaffirm everybody's beliefs.
Just ate an epic packet of skittles in about 15 minutes flat OH GOD IT HURTS SO MUCH

Why do I always do this to myself?
[internet comforting]


Me Likey. Any more where that came from?

Anyways... strife... tomorrow we're getting all the carpets steam cleaned. My room is empty. I dismantled my waterbed. I didn't ****ing want to, but... well, it's not my choice.
Quickly quickly were they normal skittles, sour skittles or berry skittles?
Oh god...oh god....its like a clown threw up

EDIT: Just normal Skittles KA

filthy filthy skittles...
Is it awesome when you can't hold your newborn baby boy in your arms?

Did you feed and dress yourself this morning? I didn't.

I met a man on the bus today. I shook his hand. He'll never see his family again.
Ohhh my mistake.

Its still pretty awesome..

Ohhh my mistake.

Its still pretty awesome..


Oh shush you. I edited my post so you can have the glory. <3

Anyways. Bedtime for me. I'm sleeping on a hard floor with only carpet between me and concrete.
Just normal Skittles
Heathen. Sour or death. Your end shall be swift.

I'm in a 'hating things' mood right now. I can't seem to find an appropriate outlet, so instead I'm just kind of simmering... hmm.

My stomach hurts.
Watchmen isn't worth getting as a Christmas present. It's simply too far away. Get it now.

I don't really work on "Christmas lists", I simply work out what everyone else needs. I know what I'd get for my ex. Which is feckin' stupid. As always. Brother's should be easy. I can just get him L4D.

If I wanted anything for Christmas, it'd have to be Valve merc. Something along the lines of awesome t-shirts. Unfortunately shipping and all that is a pain. I might consider rounding up similar Englanders to order shitzizzle for Christmas.
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