Submit your questions for Gabe Interview

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Mr Bond

May 26, 2003
Reaction score
Gabe Newell has been kind enough to give some of his time for an interview with We'd like to get the community involved by asking a few community-submitted questions. You will be given credit in the interview (e.g. x asks: blah). Post your questions in this thread - but only questions please - other discussion will be deleted. Keep in mind that we're not going to be asking questions that have been covered in previous interviews or announcements - try keep them original. Thanks.

Questions from me...

Question #1
A lot of people awaiting this game, if not all of them have pre-ordered it yet there seems to be waves of confusion about what they're going to get. Why did you split it up into a single player package, a normal package ( sp and mp ), and a collectors edition?

Question #2
There have been so many rumours surrounding this game that only people who have followed the news word for word have really been able to distinguish between what is fact and what is fiction. We've seen rumours such as a mmorpg gametype, online pay to play and of course, the king of them all, the release date. Although in recent interviews you keep saying that the game is still planned for Sept 30th, many shops and websites selling the game have put the release date as somewhere in November. Is this just management being really stupid or do they know something we don't?

Question #3
It's been quite a while since you told everybody there was an easter egg hidden in the movies yet to this day not even the most detailed trainspotter among us has been able to find it. Would you be willing to give a subtle hint to the loyal fans so that they might have some better luck in the upcoming weeks?

Might add extra questions to this post when I can think of some more decent ones.
Could you tell us what will be included the collectors edition and the price.
Is there any significance in the order of the movies?

EDIT: Slightly modified .. thanks Xtasy0
When you talk about high dynamic range DirectX 9 features, though some of us know what you mean, we have no idea how something like HDR would be implemented in HL2. Can you comment on the potential of HDR, and how it will be implemented?

(If you don't know about HDR, read this.)
Will the hit boxes in Half Life 2 be better and more accurate then the ones in Half Life 1 and Counter Strike? Will we be able to shoot closely over peoples heads and between peoples legs without hitting them?

Edit by Pi|Mu|Rho: This has already been answered in the "Official Valve Info" thread. Good question though
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Are the e3 movies released through Steam directly from the game or were they designed specifically for e3? Is there any significance in the order of the movies?

this has been answered, the movies are from game levels.

as for questions for gabe. asking price points for each retail box version, SP only, SP+MP, and the limited edition.

asking how people who preorder can be sure they're getting the version they want, when retailers only have one version online or in their inventory database.
Will there be completely new footage released over steam?
Will the collector's edition be released at the same time as the other SKUs?
ok, here are mine

[Question 1 has already been asked]

2) There have been a few threads on gibbing, of all things! Will Combine soldiers "gib" when hit with certain weapons? (like the zombies did in the Traptown video)

3) Alot of us are excited about the upcoming steam videos, and wonder when they will be released. Think you could give us a hint? :)
Has there been any progress made regarding centralized player stats through Steam? If this feature is not available during the release of Half-Life 2 will you be looking at adding it in the future?

Will 56K users experience lag during multiplayer games? Is it worth buying the fully-featured version (SP and MP) if you do not have broadband?

Can you give an approximate number of physical copies of Half-Life 2 that will be going out to retailers on Sept. 30?

If Half-Life 2 is purchased through Steam, are there any plans to provide a coupon or a discount for the user to buy a physical copy?
Is it true mod teams will be allowed to put a price on their mods over steam?

About how much disk space does Half-Life 2 take up?

Is it true Half-Life 2 will be bundled with Radeon products?

When the game goes gold, do you plan on having annother celebration? Will there be a headcrab piniata?
I understand that each type of solid model will have certain properties assigned to it. Such as how wood will splinter and make a certain sound, and something different will happen to steel. Are these properties able to be applied to something like petrol? Say there is a puddle of petrol could you shoot it and make it burn without having it scripted to do so?
Recent polls indicate that the majority of Half-Life 2 fans are around 20 or older. Was it your original intention to cater the Half-Life series of games to an older and more mature audience such as this?
Will Half-Life 2 have hit detection ragdool physics? in other words when I shoot a living enemy the are he is hit will jerk realistically.
Will Half-Life 2 have a geiger counter for when the charater gets hit by an object used by the manipulator.
Will it even have a geiger counter at all?
will cars be available in multiplayer, or able to be added to custom multiplayer maps?, if so will cars take damage if they hit each other, then eventually stop functioning?
We know that NPC's are very important in Half-Life 2. What sort of measures were taken to improve their chances of survival? Is the enemy AI programmed to attack less important firendly NPCs (i.e. the resistance soldiers) before moving on to the important ones (i.e. Barney)?

While most of us are very careful, it's not impossible that a player could accidentally kill a friendly NPC character by accident (i.e. lobbing a grenade into the sewer before proceeding at the end of the "tunnel" video could have had very sad consequences). Will mistakes such as that usually mean a trip to the quickload key?
ok, here go's......

1-Will there be any improvements/additions or upgrades for Gordon's HEV suit?

2-Will the special edition be on DVD/CD or both?

3-The bink videos feature ambient music, will this music also be HL2?

4-Now that you are at the final stages, are there any modifications to the minimum specs for the game?

5-Will people who still use dial-up connections be greatly affected using Steam?

6-Found an intersting thread about HL2 toys people would like to see.Any chance of releasing a range of stuffed toys? Zombie? Head Crab? Hedgehog maybe?

7-Is it possible any of the Valve team will come over to New Zealand?
We would really love to see you guys!
my 2 bit (2 unique bits :))

if you shoot a body in the water, will blood seep from the body and saturate the water?

will there be halflife 2 hats? i do so love hats :)
hi team, plz ask gabe for me if the enemys in hl2 (combine soldiers) blow up like they did in the original, cuz i havent seen nothing like it yet. k thx
Will the collectors edition be on both CD and DVD?- Already asked

Will the DVD version have any advantages other then simply having 1 disc instead of several?
Can you give us anything on the release date of the benchmark?

pretty please? :D
1. Ok, HL2 MP will be Steam only, but how does it work?
Will I have to leave the SP part (which I opened up by
a simple shortcut), open up Steam and start HL2 MP
from there? Or is Steam fully integrated into HL2, so
that I can join a game server from inside of the game
without opening up Steam?

2. Will the Satchel Charges and/or the Trip Mines return?

3. What about the 64bit version of HL2?

We know that Gordon will be wearing the HEV suit again. Where would he get the juice to keep the old lady running? Do the combine soldiers wear similar suits (judging by the sounds in the videos)?

In the Half-Life 1 owner's manual there was included a mysterious letter from the administrator. Can we expect any easter eggs like that with Half-Life 2?

Will we be able to use the OICW's scope to zoom in?

in halflife 2. is it possible to make a car that has detachable parts. if so, can you make it so when you shoot the gas tank it will explode causing all the deatchable parts to fly and the rest of the car to maybe do a mid air flip? (maybe deform a bit too?)

Is a GEO mod possible (fully deformable terrain in real time)

if i were to make a mecha mod (giant robots [ i probably would leave that to someone else]) could i make it so limbs like a a arm or a leg can get shot off without the person dying (the player would stumble to the ground [ or something ] and could only be able to shoot and use it's booster)

sorry if they were a lil long
1) Can you please elobrate on the multiplayer aspect of HL2. Even if it's a little hint.

2) Can you confirm, from the man himself, the release date is still on track for 30th Septempter 2003? And if so is that a steam only release date or boxed SKU aswell.
If they're are more weapons from real-life, will they be modified(for example: An Mp-5 with 50 rounds) Or will they be the same as real-life?
Also, will they're be leaning,sprinting and will the long-jump module make a return?
2) Why is Fragmaster over at PHL so sure that HL2 will be delayed?
Originally posted by Spiffae
2) Why is Fragmaster over at PHL so sure that HL2 will be delayed?
I can answer that.
Because he dosn't want to look like a retard handing out free copies of Half-Life 2.
What kinds of improvements or upgrades may we see being made to the Source engine in the near future?
Is it true that some people will get Half-Life 2 early because they helped Valve in some way?
On the day Half-Life 2 is released, what will Valve be doing? Playing online under different names to see what the players are saying?
#1.Will There be any new footage before the sept30th release date? if so when?

#2.What sort of weather/Environemental effects can we be expecting in the final piece?

#3.How does the damage model work on vehicles, is it just a bar that goes down until it blows up OR is it a piece by piece "specific" ie: popped tires, engine shutoff, etc???

Thanks Geno
Will the Prima guide that shows people how to mod come out on the same day as Half-Life 2's release?
1. Is Valve expecting to add major new features (not just content: things on the order of blending ragdolling with keyframes, or support for realistic clothing) to HL2's version of Source as people's system specs increase and the HL2 mod community develops? Or are any major new features going to be saved for release with future games only? If HL2's version of Source will be updated with new features, will these new features cost extra (like new game content), or will they be free (like patches)?

2. For goodness sakes: what was that business with "moss" about (you mentioned in one of your previous interviews as something you wish had made it into the game)!
What has been the most rewarding/frustrating aspect of developing Half-Life 2?

When the delay rumors first surfaced, why did you refuse to comment? And is the game really and truly coming out September 30?

Despite working on Half-Life 2 for five years solid, do you ever sit down and play it just for fun?

Looking at your career up to this point, what are you most proud of?

Seriously, is Half-Life 2 really coming out September 30? - Already asked
In hindsight, are you guys glad that you let the word out on HL2 in May? Would it have been easier to get work done without hundreds of fans emailing you? Or was the communication with the fan community helpful to the game design process?
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