Team Fortress 2 in Hl2.exe?


Aug 11, 2004
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look what i found at the bottom of hl2.exe in the base steam file :
could this be Team Fortress 2 ? :naughty:
yep, tf2 will be a standalone version.

i just had a good explanation for this, but i forgot. uhm, darn.
that file (launcher_main.pdb) is a debug file for visual studio, and from the name I would hazard a guess it is for a launcher app of some kind (like on the autorun of a CD). Maybe they will be using the same launcher for hl2 and tf2? just with changed graphics sound etc.
it's included in there because half life 2 is actually built on the tf2 engine, not the other way around :)

you see, work started on tf2 long before hl2, and what once was the new tf2 engine grew into the steam engine, so there's still references to tf2 (and third eye, for those old school tf fans) through out the engine files.

valve haven't said anything about when tf2 will be released, so who knows when they'll give it to us :)
Teddy said:
it's included in there because half life 2 is actually built on the tf2 engine, not the other way around :)

you see, work started on tf2 long before hl2, and what once was the new tf2 engine grew into the steam engine, so there's still references to tf2 (and third eye, for those old school tf fans) through out the engine files.

valve haven't said anything about when tf2 will be released, so who knows when they'll give it to us :)
Right, and I gave birth to my mother
Would be a really good multiplayer for launch though. Whats not to say they aint left any suprises. They better have and if TF2 was it then it be like a dream come true. I mean they have kept very very quite on multiplayer not commenting on anything only thing we heard is the CS rehash but we know thats just to bring in the CS community into buying HL2.
steam engine??? DOH! Source engine!!! Source was not taken directly from tf2. It is to advanced! VALVe used the money they got from HL to develop the Source engine which was created for HL2.
Annihilator_91 said:
Source engine??? DOH! steam engine!!! Source was not taken directly from tf2. It is to advanced!
Hehe.. whoops! yeah, i meant source. Anyways, i'm pretty sure tf2 came first. Exhibit A:

I searched the CS:Source release, and found in these engine files FileSystem_Steam.dll, shaderapiempty.dll, unitlib.dll & vguimatsurface.dll the following pdb references are made:

So they were all compiled from the U:\tf2\src\ directory.

Where as all the other engine files refer to code in the
C:\SourceBeta\sourcebeta_main\ directory

And Exhibit B, the tf2 console vars in CS:Source:

tf2_facefronttime : 5 : , "sv", "rep" : After this amount of time of standing in place but aiming to one side, go ahead and move feet to face upper body.
tf2_feetyawrate : 720 : , "sv", "rep" : How many degrees per second that we can turn our feet or upper body.
tf2_ik : 1 : , "sv", "rep" : Use IK on in-place turns.

So either they're left over stuff from TF2 days, or robin walker is hacking things into the base engine code, instead of in his mod code.

So there you go, interesting and pointless at the same time!
TF2 was being built on a modified half-life 1 engine. Then they just scrapped that idea and started making source. (if anyone wants quotes from Gabe in an interview i'll find them)

So it's not surprising to see some TF2 remnants in there.
Teddy said:
Hehe.. whoops! yeah, i meant source. Anyways, i'm pretty sure tf2 came first. Exhibit A:

I searched the CS:Source release, and found in these engine files FileSystem_Steam.dll, shaderapiempty.dll, unitlib.dll & vguimatsurface.dll the following pdb references are made:

So they were all compiled from the U:\tf2\src\ directory.

Where as all the other engine files refer to code in the
C:\SourceBeta\sourcebeta_main\ directory

And Exhibit B, the tf2 console vars in CS:Source:

tf2_facefronttime : 5 : , "sv", "rep" : After this amount of time of standing in place but aiming to one side, go ahead and move feet to face upper body.
tf2_feetyawrate : 720 : , "sv", "rep" : How many degrees per second that we can turn our feet or upper body.
tf2_ik : 1 : , "sv", "rep" : Use IK on in-place turns.

So either they're left over stuff from TF2 days, or robin walker is hacking things into the base engine code, instead of in his mod code.

So there you go, interesting and pointless at the same time!

Dude, you have too much time in your hands
Mr-Fusion said:
TF2 was being built on a modified half-life 1 engine. Then they just scrapped that idea and started making source. (if anyone wants quotes from Gabe in an interview i'll find them)

So it's not surprising to see some TF2 remnants in there.

TAAHH DAAA! The answer!
Mr-Fusion said:
TF2 was being built on a modified half-life 1 engine. Then they just scrapped that idea and started making source. (if anyone wants quotes from Gabe in an interview i'll find them)

So it's not surprising to see some TF2 remnants in there.

TF 2 is still in development on source though. There have been updates on it as little as 2 weeks ago and plenty of valve peeps have stated that after HL2 is released we'll see more media.
Well they found out that HL engine was too limiting to what they wanted for TF2 so they made a new one, source but they would have thought it be better for a new engine to have a solid SP to, it so along came HL2.

Taking that into account there could be old TF2 referances if they started making source with TF2 but then changed it all thinking it be better to have a solid SP to release new engine but old TF2 references still in the engine. Although it would be a nice suprise if TF2 came with HL2 after people having been waiting for it for so long, well stoped waiting now, and then it just apears with no announcement. Still i dont think its gonner take long for it come out after HL2.

They are still been quite about MP though with HL2 even though CS:S has been announced there not mentioning anything really.
Teddy is a smart man =)

Although my bet is its all simultaneous development a la their cabal style. Than at some point everything is combined together. The different technologies and playstyles etc.

If you want to understand how somthing like this could be in the source itself you have to read up on how valve designs games themselves.
So you guys are saying because HL2 was built on the TF2 engine (which it wasnt anyway) they had to include a TF2.exe in the HL2 preload? Whaat? I don't remember HL1 having a Quake.exe in it's directory...
very intriguing. but i don't know what to make of it.

Could be like the script, accidently included.
Or it could be some cool concepts from the TF2 team, that were includoing inside hl2. A La valves cabal style development. People read to far into things, but gives for an entertaining topic none the less.
and just to set the cat amonst the pidgeons, i'm believe half-life 2 is built on top of the half-life 1 engine, meaning there might still be some quake1 code in there somewhere... heck, most of the cvars are exactly the same (and did anyone notice the q3 commands in doom3?)

i don't know if this would have any legal implications for valve & id, i seem to remember they got a special engine license when q2 was half built and then finished the engine themselves (eg. hl1)
Source is built from the ground up, but they just happend to use the same cvar names, because, quite frankly, sometimes there is one best thing to do.

I mean, what else would you call sv_gravity? Being different for the sake of different is generally bad.
omg did none of u ever play the HL2 leak? theres refrences to TF2 throughout the code. Theres even batch files which run/record tf2 video tests but of course they dont work becuse the TF2 files are not there.

jesus welcome to 2003! and actually many games journalists were saying TF2 would be displayed alongside HL2 at E3 2003! thsi isnt news

and yes the source engine was originally started for TF2. Valve have stated more information on TF2 will be give after the release of HL2.
oh annihilator i read an interview with valve where the guy was asked where did the idea for source come from? answer: we were working on tf2 and couldnt acheive what we wanted so we decided to build a new engine. Not exact quote but u get it.So yes TF2 was the catalyst for the source engine.

also to whoever said source was too new to be from tf2. There is still original HL1 engine code used in source!!
Valve first started working on a updated version of the HL engine for TF2. Once they realized they couldn't do things they wanted to do with that engine, they started work on the source engine and then decided to build HL2 also. Valve is quite predictal but also so sketchy at the same time. Who knows what could happen with TF2. It's doubt that it would be included with HL2, because we have heard so much stuff that it won't be but they do say they will talk about it after HL2. They are most likely telling the truth on that part, so hopefully in 2 months or so we will hear some shit.
ukfluke said:
omg did none of u ever play the HL2 leak? theres refrences to TF2 throughout the code. Theres even batch files which run/record tf2 video tests but of course they dont work becuse the TF2 files are not there.

jesus welcome to 2003! and actually many games journalists were saying TF2 would be displayed alongside HL2 at E3 2003! thsi isnt news

and yes the source engine was originally started for TF2. Valve have stated more information on TF2 will be give after the release of HL2.

This guy knows his shit, and he has some points....but what do they exactly mean? Is valve trying to tell us something? Did valve leave some old files in there? or is this entirelly pointless?
heh tokin ;)

i think its just becuase HL2 was compiled from TF2 Source. I think we'll see all these TF2 refrences in the HL2 final aswell. But yes its also pretty pointless :)
ukfluke said:
heh tokin ;)

i think its just becuase HL2 was compiled from TF2 Source. I think we'll see all these TF2 refrences in the HL2 final aswell. But yes its also pretty pointless :)

Thats BS. You don't leave a reference like that. I mean, I saw TF2 icons icons in the Beta. No company would leave a reference without atleast renaming it, or changing the icon. It goes deeper than that.
razorblade kiss said:
Thats BS. You don't leave a reference like that. I mean, I saw TF2 icons icons in the Beta. No company would leave a reference without atleast renaming it, or changing the icon. It goes deeper than that.

who knows, but this is considered pointless since we cant go any further with this. i heard ppl read files about the tf2 classes, that true? id love to hear some stuff about tf2, im not a leet hacker :(
I'm not a hacker either. But Valve had me looking forward to HL2 since summer of 99. I've been waiting for news far too long. Any thing possibly related to TF2 and I jump all over it like a rabid monkey. I just want to know Valve!!!!
Personally, I'd much rather play TFC than TF2.

Although I can't judge TF2 yet, I'm sure it'll be good. It's like saying I like cookies better than ice cream, but both are damn good. xD
I was waiting for you to pop in on this one Tokin! :thumbs:
razorblade kiss said:
Any thing possibly related to TF2 and I jump all over it like a rabid monkey.
Ok monkey boy, here's a thread i bookmarked a while back:
but TF2 character classes (!!! woohoo)
Commando, Defender, Escort, Infiltrator, Medic, Pyro, Recon, Sapper, Sniper, Support
[ed] it appears a commander class will still exist, a battle manager if you will

Flatbed (truck?), Mortar (maybe just a stationary gun engineers can create), Battering Ram, Motorcycle, Siege Tower, Tank, Wagon

[ed]other misc...
grenades listed
anti personnel, limpet mine, object sapper (anti tank?), rocket grenade
Gas Blob... probably for the pyro, i cant tell if its for a napalm type weapon which you can spray then light later or if it sprays already lit, or if its just the name for the object of the normal flame thrower
other "weapons"
harpoon, EMP generator, sentry gun, teleport stations, stub shooter?, chargable plasma, mortar, infiltrator class may include a 'predator' type of camoflauge, manned missle launcher, manned shield, weldable doors
I don't know where he found all this out, but my guess is it's pretty old..
That shit has gotta be fake. That list of stuff doesn't sound to realistic, there is no way, valve wanted this game entirelly different than TFC.