teenage Iranian girl to be hanged

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Nat Turner said:
It's not nonsense. Rape by itself affects a person mentally, not physically.
Some women can be badly injured by rape, it's not like gentle sex with a partner............
short recoil said:
Some women can be badly injured by rape, it's not like gentle sex with a partner............
Yeah, it's much hotter...

... too soon?
Nat Turner said:
Later, if she could prove the rape, she could get the guy arrested. Or she could have beaten them off with non-lethal means.
oh and another thing, IF she had been married and successfully raped, she could have been found guilty of adultery and possibly put to death by STONING under Iranian law

serious human rights issue? i think so.
_Z_Ryuken said:
I believe rape is a form of not just physical, but mental harm, so she had every right to defend herself, but if she was sound enough of mind to bring about this man's death, she could have incapacitated him as easily.

Chances are she is either homicidal or a loose cannon that does not think things through under pressure, therefore must be excavated from society.

that is the most absurd comment ive read today

you're saying that her execution is justified because she wasn't able to keep her cool under pressure??

we're talking about a 17 year old girl being jumped by 3 men remember?
Parrot of doom said:
A convenient way to avoid the question implicit in my post. I think you're just trolling now. Nobody can really be so amoral.
Yes, he likes to avoid questions.
I see where Nat is coming from, their laws, we can't really get involved as they have a 'democratically' elected gov't ('democratically' because i doubt Iranian democracy exists atm) but they are performing a heinious, awful act by sentancing the girl to death.

It's just wrong that she can be killed and the others involved in the attack get away scot free

This world i way ****ed
Nat Turner said:
It's not nonsense. Rape by itself affects a person mentally, not physically.
You are so full of it. Try saying that to an actual rape victim. Rape almost always results in some form of injury and even sometimes death.
Nat Turner said:
Oh well, I don't believe people have to die because of a "possibility", especially on the part of a woman. In almost every case of rape, the victim does not die. In fact in most cases the victim is not physically injured.

you have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about, just because in your experience you didnt hurt the person it doesnt mean it's true in every case

"Violent rape" is said to occur when violence beyond the rape itself is a part of the assault. This may include physical force, harm, threat of harm, including death threats, or threats against a family member. Violent rapes are likely to be reported (Bachman and Saltzman, 1995) more often than non-violent rapes on a proportional basis. However, many organisations and victims of rape consider any rape to be a violent crime, as rape is more about power and violence than sex (as confirmed by many rapists who used supposed "non-violent" rape)."


you really need to shut your pie hole as your ideas of justice are idiotic
Black. White. Black. White. Black. White. Black.

That's all I see here.
One point you have is totally wrong. Rape is violent and unwelcome and the delicate genital tissue is almost always ripped and torn. Image that is your penis being ripped to shreds Nat. Then consider violent unwelcome buttsechs is often the order of the day here. Just imagine either or both of these situations happening to you Nat. If that's not physical damage than I don't know what is.

EDIT: and if someone points a gun at you and threatens your life Nat, you say you deny any right to defend yourself by any means necessary? It doesn't matter if the gun is loaded, thats not your problem. The guy shouldn't be threatening your life regardless if he uses a hammer, a spoon, a knife, a loaded or unloaded gun, or anything. It shouldn't be your problem to decide if he will use it or not, or whether the gun is loaded or not. Thats just rediculous.

While you do often have interesting points of view, sometimes you just don't know basic things that I thought everyone knew, like rape is violent physical and mental damage, so thats where I came in, to enlighten you.
Rape by itself is just nonconsensual sex... I wasn't referring to violent rape.
VirusType2 said:
While you do often have interesting points of view, sometimes you just don't know basic things that I thought everyone knew, like rape is violent physical and mental damage, so thats where I came in, to enlighten you.

Nonviolent rape causes almost no physical damage.
VirusType2 said:
EDIT: and if someone points a gun at you and threatens your life Nat, you say you deny any right to defend yourself by any means necessary? It doesn't matter if the gun is loaded, thats not your problem. The guy shouldn't be threatening your life regardless if he uses a hammer, a spoon, a knife, a loaded or unloaded gun, or anything. It shouldn't be your problem to decide if he will use it or not, or whether the gun is loaded or not. Thats just rediculous.

I may not have the right but I would still defend myself.
B_MAN said:
oh and another thing, IF she had been married and successfully raped, she could have been found guilty of adultery and possibly put to death by STONING under Iranian law

That is actually incorrect. If she could prove it was rape she would not be stoned.
Nat Turner said:
Nonviolent rape causes almost no physical damage.

just give up. please. you've opened your mouth and left no doubt.

oh, and you've never known an iranian, so don't tell us how much they love their society.

Oh and about democracy in Iran, tell me if they have a democracy, why has the US created a new Office of Iran Affairs, whose job is promotion of democracy in Iran. Yes, nominally Iran has a constitutional republic, but in practice, this is a farce. It's a theocracy, ruled by religious extremists who interpret the Sharia (islamic law) in the most extreme way. and part of that involves killing a girl who tried to defend herself against three attackers. Woman in islam have no authority and no rights. I'm not surprised.
Adidajs said:
just give up. please. you've opened your mouth and left no doubt.

oh, and you've never known an iranian, so don't tell us how much they love their society.

Oh and about democracy in Iran, tell me if they have a democracy, why has the US created a new Office of Iran Affairs, whose job is promotion of democracy in Iran. Yes, nominally Iran has a constitutional republic, but in practice, this is a farce. It's a theocracy, ruled by religious extremists who interpret the Sharia (islamic law) in the most extreme way. and part of that involves killing a girl who tried to defend herself against three attackers. Woman in islam have no authority and no rights. I'm not surprised.

All these religious extremists ran now in power ran their campaigns on populist agendas. They promised all the poor people that they would help them basically. The recent administration was definitely voted in democratically, in fact they replaced a different one through peaceful democratic means. You can have a republic and a theocracy at the same time, by the way.

Look, you can have an ignorant opinion, or an educated opinion. Your pick.

I actually know several Iranians. They left the country for political asylum.

The U.S. government hates the Iranian government and they need an excuse. So of course they'll call them undemocratic.
Nat Turner said:
Nonviolent rape causes almost no physical damage.

Call me a pedant if you want, but "almost no" damage does not equal zero damage. Therefore you contradict yourself when you say "Rape by itself affects a person mentally, not physically".
Murray_H said:
Call me a pedant if you want, but "almost no" damage does not equal zero damage. Therefore you contradict yourself when you say "Rape by itself affects a person mentally, not physically".

Fine, I guess that statement was too broad, and I now retract it. :p
you're the guy who would claim the Mubarak in Egypt was also democratically re-elected.
Adidajs said:
just give up. please. you've opened your mouth and left no doubt.
Yes, please just give up. Your arguments are just insane. How was this woman to know, for instance, that these three men wanted to 'just' have nonconsensual sex in the first place? It's not like these guys sat her down over a cup of tea and said 'Look. We're not going to REALLY hurt you. We're just going to penetrate your body without you really having a say in the whole thing. It's not like we're going to slit your throat or anything.' 'I might.' 'Yes, Abdul might, but the rest of us will keep an eye on him.' **** that. They violently came at this woman, attacked her, and what the hell else was she supposed to do? Hope for the best? Give up and hope they go away? If someone came at my girlfriend and raped her, I guarantee if she didn't manage to kill them, I would. Nonviolent rape my ass, rape DESTROYS women.
Adidajs said:
you're the guy who would claim the Mubarak in Egypt was also democratically re-elected.

But the current Iranian administration was indeed democratically elected. Look it up on Wiki if you don't believe me. (And note "current", no sidestepping me there)
Greatgat said:
Yes, please just give up. Your arguments are just insane. How was this woman to know, for instance, that these three men wanted to 'just' have nonconsensual sex in the first place? It's not like these guys sat her down over a cup of tea and said 'Look. We're not going to REALLY hurt you. We're just going to penetrate your body without you really having a say in the whole thing. It's not like we're going to slit your throat or anything.' 'I might.' 'Yes, Abdul might, but the rest of us will keep an eye on him.' **** that. They violently came at this woman, attacked her, and what the hell else was she supposed to do? Hope for the best? Give up and hope they go away? If someone came at my girlfriend and raped her, I guarantee if she didn't manage to kill them, I would. Nonviolent rape my ass, rape DESTROYS women.

Clearly she was supposed to submit. Otherwise the judge wouldn't believe her about the rape due to lack of evidence and sentence her to death. Also in that society you would have to keep your girlfriend closeby, or else some random guys would rape her.
Nat Turner said:
Clearly she was supposed to submit. Otherwise the judge wouldn't believe her about the rape due to lack of evidence and sentence her to death. Also in that society you would have to keep your girlfriend closeby, or else some random guys would rape her.
Oh. My. ****ing. God. Do you speak a language the rest of us do? She was supposed to submit. To RAPE. So she could try them before a jury of her peers after the fact? Is that where you are going? How about trying to defend herself while the crime is happening instead of worrying about preserving evidence?
Greatgat said:
Oh. My. ****ing. God. Do you speak a language the rest of us do? She was supposed to submit. To RAPE. So she could try then before a jury of her peers after the fact? Is that where you are going? How about trying to defend herself while the crime is happening instead of worrying about preserving evidence?

As you can see, defending herself resulted in her being sentenced to death. It's OBVIOUSLY the wrong option.
Nat Turner said:
As you can see, defending herself resulted in her being sentenced to death. It's OBVIOUSLY the wrong option.
Legally, apparantly. Morally? Hell no.
Nat Turner said:
As you can see, defending herself resulted in her being sentenced to death. It's OBVIOUSLY the wrong option.
So you're saying that if someone was trying to rape you, you would be more worried about the consequences of your defense rather than the actual defense itself? If that was the case, then humanity would've died out long ago because we were too worried that staying alive might cause someone to be hurt. MAYBE EVEN YOURSELF.
What part of this happened in IRAN do you people not understand!?

It's IRAN! This shit has been going on for CENTURIES!

If we can't petition VALVe into selling us Plush Headcrab Hats, I somehow doubt we can petition Iran into giving up its ancient laws.
Greatgat said:
So you're saying that if someone was trying to rape you, you would be more worried about the consequences of your defense rather than the actual defense itself? If that was the case, then humanity would've died out long ago because we were too worried that staying alive might cause someone to be hurt. MAYBE EVEN YOURSELF.

Yes, I do things that don't result in my death.
vegeta897 said:
Legally, apparantly. Morally? Hell no.

Uh.. that's your morals. Not everyone shares them. They are certainly not absolute.
Nat Turner said:
Uh.. that's your morals. Not everyone shares them. They are certainly not absolute.

I have to agree with everyone else on this one. I also have to agree with OvA.
Nat Turner said:
Uh.. that's your morals. Not everyone shares them. They are certainly not absolute.

Vegeta holds very dearly to his morals as I've noticed in my short time here.

Although I disagree with some of Nat's points (ie: I think rape is as abhorrent as murder, and submitting yourself to it is ridiculous) i understand his main point: if we don't use the law to judge this woman, then whose morals should we use? Why yours over theirs?

It's not about me agreeing with their decision, it's about me seeing why they made it: it's the law.
OvA said:
What part of this happened in IRAN do you people not understand!?

It's IRAN! This shit has been going on for CENTURIES!

If we can't petition VALVe into selling us Plush Headcrab Hats, I somehow doubt we can petition Iran into giving up its ancient laws.
'grats on 2000.
This all comes back to culture clash. Iran is stuck, morally and culturally, in the middle ages.
We only know about it now because of the wonders of the internet.
The reason why we think it's so rediculous is because we are raised this way. Judging other countries actions is kind of rude. We don't understand their thinking because it's like another planet. It's alike our war with Iraq -- you don't understand what they're thinking or at least we can't rationalize it. You can't win a war where the other side WANTS to die because it's an honor. We just don't think that way.
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