Terror attack in Spain: 173 dead.

Yeah, I saw the first thing about it on bbc this morning, but couldn't wait on anything else then three explotions in spain, then they cut to the buisness news, and I left for school.
Man this is :bonce: :bonce: so sad.

Whos is the responsible?
Wow, that sucks... Why spain? I didn't read the whole article...
damn seperatist groups, always causing trouble.

Seriously I hope they catch the bombers and dissembowel them with a plastic fork.
Damnit, when are terrorists going to learn that harming others will get you nothing but an early death.
Thats just horrible I hope these bastards are brought to justice.
Why can't they campaign for seperation like good little politicians? Terrorism: it may be big, but it's not clever.
Eta terrorist group is responisible. They tried a similair attack on two trains on Christmas Eve, timed for their arrival at the station, but were captured when planting the bombs. Two weeks ago two eta members were caught some 100 km outside of Madrid with half a ton (500kg) of explosives. The explosives used this time, titadine, is that used in most eta attacks, and this batch seems to have been stolen in France in 2000. For what we currentlly know, there were at least 13 bombs, ten of wich exploded on time, placed both in and outside of these inter-city trains. They were placed moments before the explosion, by members just walking in and dropping a backpack, and then leaving. This attack happened at 'rush hour', when people from periferic urbanizations take the inter-cities to get to school or their jobs.

Eta, a terrorist group, was politically represented by hb, a party with proven ties to eta, that represented a very small portion of basque indepenentist population. Basque nationalist parties represent roughly 50% of basque population, with non-nationalist parties taking up the other 50.

As you may have noticed, some international media companies declare eta to be a 'separatist group'. That is wrong, separatists groups, and we have a few, althoug mainly leadered by jerks, are not terrorist organizations. An example of a separatist group would be the ERC political party, that does not support terrorism. You might also be hearing, mainly from CNN, that this could be an al-quaeda job because of differences in methods. This is false, eta has bombed many times without notice, being these notices aimed at either killing police members, or diverting attention from the real bomb. Simultaneous attacks are also not a novelty. The only difference is scale, and this responds to Spain having elections on Sunday, and the recent arrests of many eta members.

If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them at my best.

Thank you for your thoughts at this time.
hey, they used the same explosives, but they havnt said they are responsible yet. usually they own up to it. so unless youve heard that Eta are behind it as updated news, thats not entirely true..

President Bush's comment, ' a vicious act of terrorism'

:laugh: lol. .. duh , what a broken record
lol, no. Well, not yet. I'm preparing my opositions (entrance exams) for it, but I'm not in yet.

So, clarky003, I know that a group used eta's favoured explosive, carried out a terrorist attack based on a previous foiled attempt, on a moment when eta has been especially active, that coincides with eta's favoured moment (elections), two weeks after eta members were caught transporting 500kg of explosives to Madrid, yet I am supposed to have doubts as to eta's involvement?
Yeah damn those terrorists! The american army should be put to justice along with some random asian blokes.
OMFG!!! The reversed vampires in assoction with the saucer people and funded by the Rand Corporation finally made their move in Europe!!!

This isnt the last of it people, mark my words... We are entering the Twilight Zone.

/me pets his pink Hobgoblin pet with bunny ears and fluffy feet
Aint that right Smiggles?
You do know that your absurd remarks, unless they have some intricate, hidden meaning, are quite insulting?

One tends to expect more from people with certain authority, but you prove that inconequential cretins lie everywhere.

And yes, I just insulted a moderator. Just in case it isn't totally clear, **** you dawdler.
Rilcon said:
You do know that your absurd remarks, unless they have some intricate, hidden meaning, are quite insulting?

One tends to expect more from people with certain authority, but you prove that inconequential cretins lie everywhere.

And yes, I just insulted a moderator. Just in case it isn't totally clear, **** you dawdler.
Without having some fun even in the darkest of hours there is no point in living as life would be a very depressed place, a living hell.
omfg call ghost and teh rest of teh S3@LZ1!!11
Rilcon, my sympathies for you and all the people of your country, as I said before, I hope these bastards get the justice they so rightly deserve.
CNN is now reporting that a van has been found with detonators, and arabic writings, and the quaran (SP?) sounds fishy to me... could be alquada, but they still say it looks like ETA-
I hope this is not a new allegiancy between ETA and Al Qaida. They said that ETA was virtually wiped out in the past 2 years, but this could very well be a new young splinter group with Bin Laden Ties
They just changed it, it wasn't arabic writing or quaran, but a tape of quaran teachings, that can be bought in stores...
I think this is a good thing, now maybe another country will help in the war on terror.
You moron, "a good thing"?

Have you been in a cave this last year? UK and Spain have been the few countries that supported the war in Irak.

I don't think it will be long before we have suicide bombers and public bombings here in the UK.

I have never heard of Spain fighting in the war on terror, lol. I guess there role is just that insignificant.
DUBAI (Reuters) - A letter purporting to come from Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network claimed responsibility for the train bombings in Spain on Thursday, calling them strikes against "crusaders," a London-based Arabic newspaper said.

"We have succeeded in infiltrating the heart of crusader Europe and struck one of the bases of the crusader alliance," said the letter which called the attacks "Operation Death Trains." There was no way of authenticating the letter, a copy of which was faxed to Reuters' office in Dubai by the London-based al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper.

The letter bore the signature "Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades." The newspaper received similar letters from the same brigade claiming responsibility on behalf of al Qaeda for a November bombing of two synagogues in Turkey and the August bombing of the U.N. headquarters in Baghdad.

Wow...This is bad...real bad
Fat Tony! said:
Yeah damn those terrorists! The american army should be put to justice along with some random asian blokes.

What do you mean by "the american army should be put to justice"?
Time to break out the nukes I suppose... F'ning morons, what do they expect to acoomplish by killing innocent people who are in no way affiliated with the government, nor its foriegn policies? They want to hurt the "crusaders" why don't they strike political or military targets, oh yeah thats right, they don't have the cojones to fight some one would could potentially fight back.
Im pretty sure Spain will handle it.they did bring us the Inquisition after all so I have no worries that what ever the Spanish decide to do with the Terrorists it will be effective.

My condolences to all the Spanish people who frequent these forums and to any people who have lost friends and loved ones to these cowards.
Rilcon said:
Eta terrorist group is responisible. They tried a similair attack on two trains on Christmas Eve, timed for their arrival at the station, but were captured when planting the bombs. Two weeks ago two eta members were caught some 100 km outside of Madrid with half a ton (500kg) of explosives. The explosives used this time, titadine, is that used in most eta attacks, and this batch seems to have been stolen in France in 2000. For what we currentlly know, there were at least 13 bombs, ten of wich exploded on time, placed both in and outside of these inter-city trains. They were placed moments before the explosion, by members just walking in and dropping a backpack, and then leaving. This attack happened at 'rush hour', when people from periferic urbanizations take the inter-cities to get to school or their jobs.

Eta, a terrorist group, was politically represented by hb, a party with proven ties to eta, that represented a very small portion of basque indepenentist population. Basque nationalist parties represent roughly 50% of basque population, with non-nationalist parties taking up the other 50.

As you may have noticed, some international media companies declare eta to be a 'separatist group'. That is wrong, separatists groups, and we have a few, althoug mainly leadered by jerks, are not terrorist organizations. An example of a separatist group would be the ERC political party, that does not support terrorism. You might also be hearing, mainly from CNN, that this could be an al-quaeda job because of differences in methods. This is false, eta has bombed many times without notice, being these notices aimed at either killing police members, or diverting attention from the real bomb. Simultaneous attacks are also not a novelty. The only difference is scale, and this responds to Spain having elections on Sunday, and the recent arrests of many eta members.

If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them at my best.

Thank you for your thoughts at this time.

another reason why france is usless, they cant even stop terrorists... wait i dont even think they try.
Foxtrot said:
I think this is a good thing, now maybe another country will help in the war on terror.

Spain has already been helping in the war on terror, infact they went to iraq with us.
Oh well, it was a horrible thing that happened and I guess some good could still come out of it.
waedoe said:
another reason why france is usless, they cant even stop terrorists... wait i dont even think they try.

If I do recall correctly, the French Govt. had some shady ties with not only Saddam, but deals with Terrorists to not strike if they gave them haven.

gh0st: Yeah, we'll take care of it! :P
Rilcon, u need to lighten up people have been killed but you cant do anything about it, give dawdler a break we need people like him to lighten up you fools. And zeus, in my opinion the american army have misused their power and shouldnt had gone into afganastan i agree with iraq but not afgan and erm that other place which is recent. Also they dont treat prisoners of war properly and its discraceful. I think people care to much about terrorists and restrictions should be dropped. so annoying i can understand why terrorists attack sometimes
America treats POWs better then almost every other country. And you were against stopping terrorism? What did you want, another 9/11 to happen?
foxtrot, theres always some bleeding heart liberal who will whine about how our damn POW's are treated.

"they only get 2 showers a day!? AND NO SOAP? WTF BUSH SUX"
Fat Tony, most people who are against US policies are more against Iraq than Afganhistan. As for the other country (im assuming Haiti) there has been almost no arguments to the US sending in troops there.
Fat Tony! said:
so annoying i can understand why terrorists attack sometimes

Sorry, I can't understand why killing mothers, fathers, and children has anything to do with how annoying someone is.