TF2 idea dump


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Paints mess with team colour palettes. Pink and orange lean towards RED and the greens towards BLU.

Ok, simple suggestion. Give players the ability to paint hats twice, once with a RED team colour and once with a BLU team colour, while dividing all the current paints we have into RED, BLU or neutral categories. RED paints will only show up when on RED team, BLU when only on BLU team and neutral if the player is on either team.

  • No more orange or salmon hats on BLU players. These colours lend towards RED and clash with BLU's colour palette a bit (Just look at the Engineer's hat, for RED it's orange and BLU yellow, the paint take away these subtle nuances of the palette, even the two teams' greys are different).
  • Being able to get two hats out of one hat (great for Valve, people will buy twice as much paint).
  • Valve will be free to stop trying to make neutral colours and can release different shades of team colours and team tints. Eg, it would be possible to release a turquoise paint (they clearly want a variety but the colour wheel just doesn't have that much neutral space on it and they're edging into both teams palettes already).

I suggest putting the current colours into the following categories:

  • Mann Co. Orange
  • A Deep Commitment to Purple
  • Muskelmannbraun
  • Pink as Hell
  • Dark Salmon Injustice
  • Color No. 216-190-216
  • Team Spirit

  • A Color Similar to Slate
  • Noble Hatter's Violet
  • Indubitably Green
  • Zephaniah's Greed
  • The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime
  • Team Spirit

  • A Distinctive Lack of Hue
  • Peculiarly Drab Tincture
  • An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge
  • Australium Gold
  • Radigan Conagher Brown
  • The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pants
  • Drably Olive
  • Ye Olde Rustic Colour

And like I said this could allow them to add more team-orientated colours like:
  • A Very Fine Vintage
  • A Sea of Defeat
  • Traffic Cone Orange
  • Indigo-go
  • A Troubling Stain

(colour codes pulled from a simple list, not exactly the colours I had in mind but it gets the point across I think).

Amount of metal in economy always increasing. You can get any hat you want for a few refined metal and very few people use the hat crafting recipe any more. This is a recipe for massive and destructive inflation and the trading economy will go insane. Though this would probably be very funny to watch I'll propose a solution anyway.

Introduce crafting blueprints for specific hats
I think raising the incentive to craft hats somehow would be better than lowering the value of crate hats. Give a random craft a 1% chance of creating a "Refined Hat". Refined hats have red-wine coloured text and "refined" in front of their names. Refined hats would either have community weapon style sparkles or be solid gold or something. Not painted with the austrailium paint, but with an actual metallic texture. That way the tiers could be
  1. Unusual
  2. Refined
  3. Vintage
  4. Normal

And people would actually have a reason to craft again.

Mini-game idea:
Elimination is activated the same way as the dueling mini-game except that when activated everyone on the server has thirty seconds to accept or decline it. You cannot accept it if you are dead or in the spawn room (the thirty seconds are to let you get ready and out of spawn). Once the time is up the mini-game starts. Everyone who accepted has a skull and crossbones icon (the symbol for the elimination mini-game) appear over their heads and are locked out of the spawn room until they are eliminated.

Players are eliminated if they die for any reason, including suicide, being killed by a player not involved in the mini-game, leaving the game or changing teams. If the round ends or teams are scrambled mid-game before the mini-game is complete then the game is refunded to the user.

One team wins when the other team no longer has any players left in the game. The elimination statistics are tracked by a new all-class human-skull hat (so that you can wear your dueling badge and elimination skull at the same time).
I went over the character limit for a single post.

Weapon balancing section (WIP)
Mad Milk
It needs to be made more similar to Jarate in how it functions. It should be able to be removed by all the same methods of Jarate, i.e., healing should remove it. There should be a more obvious indication when you're under the effects, e.g., drops of milk falling down the sides of theT screen. It should also make players under its effect slightly white, they way Jarate makes them slightly yellow. There should also probably be a pale-white Jarate+Milk state (currently one overrides the other).

Candy Cane
I think the explosive vulnerability is just too much. I think a downside that allows it to work outside of Medieval mode would be nice. So here's an idea that forces some specialization. It makes the Scout a scavenger who needs to get his health from pickups.
On kill: A small health pack is dropped
-50% health from healers on wearer

This weapon needs some huge changes. First of all, the Axtinguisher only does less damage to non-burning players, its crits are full damage. Did Valve forget about this stat when making the Sun-On-A-Stick? Also, the fire thing is pretty terrible for the Scout. I guess they were trying to make some sort of symbiotic relationship between the two Rift weapons. I've come up with a set of stats that makes it a bit more useful while still keeping the fire relationship there.
100% critical hit vs burning players
This weapon crits whenever it would normally mini-crit

-25% damage vs non-burning players
Spiky end goes into other man.

Fan O'War
Shouldn't show up on cloaked Spies. Scout already has milk to show up Spies. The fact that it persists even on Spies that have feigned death is ridiculous.

Black Box
Simply I think the healing should fall off with splash radius with a slight upgrade in direct-hit healing to compensate. Hitting someone directly doing maybe +20or +25 healing and only just hitting someone +5 or +1. Reward the Soldier for aiming better. Note: I'm not suggesting it be based on damage, only on how far away from the explosion the enemy way. It would be a separate calculation. Possible bonus: + 5 extra health for mini-crits and +15 for crits regardless of splash.
On Hit: +20 health
Healing falls off with splash radius
-25% clip size

Battalion's Backup
The Battalion's Backup has no indication when you're under the effect so players won't be sure if they're shielded or not unless they can actually see the Soldier who's buffing the team. At the very, very least a shield icon should appear next to a player's health so that they know when they're under the effect.

The Buff Banner gives mini-crits and so has a watered-down version of the crit boost effect. So I think the Battalion's Backup needs to do some sort of watered down version of the Ubercharge effect. I think what might be good is if ripples of the Ubercharge effect ran down the players. What I mean by this is the Ubercharge texture would run down the player from head to foot in a band of colour once or twice a second, but not over their weapon. Also it'd be nice if it got it's own distinct calls to arms from the Buff Banner (currently RED and BLU team have their own separate calls that are shared between the two Bugles).

Like the Backup, it needs its own effects. Perhaps the overhealed particle effect floating off the weapons of people who are buffed? Also seems UP compared to the other two banners. Perhaps change the rage meter to recharge over a set time instead of by damage? A distinct call for RED and BLU like for the other two would also be nice.

This weapon is overpowered. It just gives the Soldier way too much survivability. It was intended as a last stand heroic sacrifice type weapon but the speed boost just allows the Soldier to retreat and regroup far too easily. It just makes the Soldier, a class that is already very well-rounded and tough`and who has rocket jumping, way to easy to get out of trouble with. I say take away the speed bonus and increase the damage bonus to pre-nerf levels or above. Glad they're testing it right now.
Damage increases as the user becomes injured
Blocks healing when in use

Pain Train
Still useless on defence or CTF. I guess it doesn't need to do anything for these but it'd be nice if it did.
+1 capture rate on wearer
Speed bonus when holding intelligence(+20 hammer units, Solider moves at Demo speed, Demo moves at Engineer/Spy/Sniper/Pyro speed)
Blocks crits when defending (i.e. when standing on a point you own/the cart the enemy is pushing, crits & minicrits do normal damage (doesn't affect backstabs))
10% bullet damage vulnerability on wearer

There is pretty much no reason to use the Fire Axe, so I propose a small buff to the default axe:
Instead of making it only hit one target like a normal melee weapon, make it his all targets in a 90° arc in front of the Pyro. This would give the Pyro an edge in melee battles and give the Fire Axe a reason to be used. This buff should also be applied to the Axtinguisher, but not to the other unlocks (they're not axes after all).

Also make Milk and Jarate wear off instantly on the Pyro the way fire does. Details here.

I think the Axtinguisher gives the Pyro free crits without a huge downside. How often does a Pyro, after all, use his Axe? The idea I'm proposing is to make the flamethrower go through ammo faster when it's equipped (but doesn't affect airblasts). This would discourage random sprays for people who equip this axe and encourage precision strikes such as the puff and sting strategy. Please note that this is intended to go with the axe buff mentioned above.
100% critical hit vs burning players
-50% damage vs non-burning players
No critical hits vs non-burning players
+33% ammo consumption on primary weapon
(makes ammo equivalent to 150, does not apply to airblast)

This weapon is basically just for Medieval Mode as far as I can tell. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I don't know what to do with it to balance it outside of that other than brand new stats or perhaps it should just be left as another alternative for Medieval Mode.

I like the idea and I don't want to see the shatter on impact stat lost. I think it's interesting. My favourite idea to buff it is to have it reload instantly on kill for free (ie, without taking from the reserve ammo). If this is OP in the hands of skilled Demomen it can be made to only reload one grenade on kill instead of both.
-50% clip size
+10% damage done
+25% projectile speed
On kill: Reloads clip instantly

+25% damage to self
Launched bombs shatter on surfaces

Claidheamh Mòr
I think instead of extra charge length it should make the charge meter fill faster. This could also apply to the Sticky Launcher's charged shot.
+20% charge rate
No random critical hits
-15 max health on wearer

Dalokohs Bar
I think it needs a total reworking. I suggest making it the anti-Steak.
Provides a defensive buff that protects from Crits and blocks 35% of incoming damage for 10 s
Or if this is OP you can make it even more of the anti-Steak:
Provides a defensive buff that protects from Crits and blocks 35% of incoming damage for 10 s
Player must have spun-up minigun for duration of effect
Turning the Heavy into a stationary turret for 10 seconds where is ability to take pain is huge, but he can't run if things go south.

Just add what it does (including being able to throw it) to the description.
Can be eatten to restore 100% of health
Can thrown to heal allies and self

Gloves of Running Urgently
This is such an incredibly useful item. It just seems like the Heavy doesn't give up enough to use them. They're incredible for getting around as the Heavy, especially in 5CP matches. If the Heavy has a medic he can run straight to the midpoint with a Medic with all the other classes and be there with 450 health, completely removing one of the big downsides of the class. Even with no medic he can run up, throw down a sandvich and have full health. I think a nice solution would be to block healing while wearing them and give the Heavy an extra damage vulnerability while wearing. This will mean that he can't just charge around at full speed with a medic and must consider how using the gloves will affect his battle strategy more.
When weapon is active:
+30% faster move speed on wearer
-50% damage done
Wearer is Marked for Death
Blocks healing while active
(Heavy can be overhealed but as soon as he takes out the GRU his health goes to 300. This keeps the utility of the weapon, but makes the Heavy think about whether it's a good idea to throw them on)
possibly extra
Blocks healing when in use

Warrior's Spirit
I think the Fists of Steel get used more with the Steak than its actual itemset buddy, the Warrior's Spirit. It's a bit of a shame really. I like the look of the gloves and it'd be great if they were a bit more usable. I'm suggesting an alternative downside that I think is more suitable and fits with the name of the weapon:
+30% damage done
+20% attack speed
This weapon is Honorbound and once drawn cannot be sheathed until it kills.

As has been said many times just make it so it isn't shielded during the three second shut down time.

The Southern Hospitality
Fire damage vulnerability is completely arbitrary. Something that actually makes sense for the Engineer would be better. I suggest taking the Backscratcher's less health from healers, ie, the Engineer's dispensor. This wrench then makes tanking less effective but helps hands-on Engineers who move about and Spy-check a lot.
On Hit: Bleed for 5 seconds
No random critical hits
-25% health from healers on wearer

Its effect is not good enough. It only speeds up building a Sentry by 0.75s and you have to be hitting it for that to take effect. Not an original idea but I say make it swing faster (for faster upgrading) with a disadvantage of receiving less ammo from sources so that the Engie must be well aware of all available metal sources to make good use of it and less damage so that it doesn't get a higher DPS from the firing speed upgrade.
+20% faster firing speed
-15% metal from all sources
-30% damage done

It's way too limited in usefulness. I suggest adding at least one more bit of utility to it. Such as:
Blocks a single backstab attempt
+70% knockback resistance on wearer
+20% explosive resistance on wearer

Has the same arbitrary downside as the Southern Hospitality. How about reversing the upside for the downside? Also remove random crits because weapons based around controlled crits should not have random ones.
This weapon crits whenever it would normally mini-crit
No random critical hits
Wearer receives crits instead of mini-crits when active

I think item sets in general were a terrible idea and this set's effect is awful, but at least make it not retarded. Currently you can score a headshot on a Croc-o-Style Sniper but it will just bring them down to 1HP instead of killing them. This leads to the ridiculous situation where if you're using the Sniper Rifle against an slightly hurt enemy Croc-o-Style Sniper if you score a fully charged head shot it will no kill the enemy but if you shoot them in the arm it will kill them. The effect should be altered so that headshots against the Croc-o-Style Sniper just count as ordinary, non-critical bodyshot.

New items (WIP)
Fire and forget. This flamethrower increases the amount of after burn damage (totalling 100 damage over ten seconds) plus continues to damage for three seconds (30 damage) after the fire is extinguished that cannot be removed except by returning to the supply locker. The enemy burning with this fire emits dark smoke (which is also visible to the player on fire, adding a little noise to his display).
+15% damage done
+66% burn damage
Continues to damage target for three seconds after extinguished

No compression blast

Fuel Gun
Sawn-off shotgun with attached petrol tank. Extends burn duration of enemies who are hit.
On hit: Extends burn duration by three seconds
Can ignite players on crit

-50% clip size

Move speed increases as the user becomes injured
Blocks healing when in use

Cannot crit or minicrit

Dominations Medal
I think the duelling badge tracking your duelling history is an interesting item, so here's an idea for another one:
The Domination Medal (Looks the same as the one on the scoreboard)

Once added to the game it drops the next time you dominate someone. It tracks your total number of:
  • Dominations
  • Nemeses
  • Revenges

But it only tracks these for unique Steam IDs. Dominating someone, them getting revenge and dominating them again will not increase your dominations twice. If someone dominates you or gets revenge then if they are wearing this medal it will automatically show this medal on the "KILLER is wearing ITEM" section of the kill-cam above any other item. Levels up in the same way as the duelling badge, but does not have bronze, white, etc varieties.
A server option to disable hats, trading and crafting.
A server option to disable hats, trading and crafting.
I think there should be a client option to disable hats and a server option to disable trading. If you don't want to see cosmetics just check the box. You don't have to see theirs and servers won't be forcing people who like hats not to have theirs.
The Powering Down

New interesting weaknesses for the Heavy. The Powering Down.
(Exploiting the spin-up motion's set up.)

(The Cyborg Gun):
(-)Instant death effect when the weapon ran out of ammo. (allows interesting skill required usage to be developed in how to handle this mini gun. Adding a flavour of carefulness to how you can play when as a heavy.

(+)The dead heavy is a standing mechanical blockade and can be use for covering teammates/blocking choke points. The dead heavy can be destroy by both red and blue teams.
(-)Shotgun disabled.

(+) (Possible benefitial effect when the mini gun is running low on the ammo, to encourage careful gameplay playing around with the mini gun's sped up motion.)
(I like Natascha's bullet spitting sound. It reminds me of when in the old terminator movies, we saw clipse of the sci-fi doomsday where the terminators are metals walking on earth. And to me the mini gun Natascha's firing sound is just like the one they were operating with in the film. And maybe I would like more of that kind of stuff to be seen or sound like on this weapon, the classic beams-like.)

Scout's melee weapon: Dead Fish
This weapon would be hold like a larg sea shell or something you would hold into your palm. The dead fish has body bones poking out of half of its body in a comb's motion. And is also a similar take on how you would handle your comb.

(-)Double jump disabled.
(+)The dead fish allows faster bounces from the walls, direct melee after bounce guarantees crits.
(+)The dead fish allows scout to swim along with the walls for seconds if used skillfully enough.
(!) Bad bounces and bad swims will smash the fish. Any attack options temporarily disabled.

Doom Dum! (Grenade pistol) A primary weapon.
(model consider from Parasite Eve II)
(+)Can use reloading motion to whack people with, a cursor based attack. Should make the gun barrel look more like a bright classic comic blue baton when doing so.
(-)Melee weapon disabled.
Silver Spoon: (Nothing for silver spoon yet.)
For Engineer:
Engineer build cyborged-Heavy sentry. And a headless heavy when the heavy's equipped with certain set items.[/STRIKE]
Get rid of all the hats, crafting and other retarded shit that ruins the game.
Help me out with this one. I came up with this idea to give the Pyro a more formidable flamethrower that is perfect for ambushes and doing lots of damage quickly. Some of the ideas don't mixt or make it too powerful. What combination of abilities and what state do you think would be good. In some ways its similar to Riomhair's Afterburner.

Pyro: The Fusionator (flamethrower variant)

This top of the line device in incineration is a nuclear isotope power plasma thrower. This advanced incendiary weapon will turn even the most resilient opponent into radioactive ash in a just a few seconds. The device creates a lot of heat, we are offering Mann Co its choices of two cooling systems. The first will shut down the flame if it gets two hot, at which point you must let it cool. The second method is that fire blasts are limited to 2.5 seconds. Between the blasts is a short pause while the plasma chamber reprimes. Be warned: handling this device carries substantial risk.

I'm not sure on the basic stats but the idea would be to have a flamethrower that does a larger amount of damage bot initially and burn damage. The short blast variant would do more damage than the cool-down variant (but their DPS would be pretty close). Not sure what that damage should be though. It would consume more ammo than the other flamethrowers (it wouldn't be ammo but some kind of part that burns out). I also thought about it's range being slightly improved.

Downsides could include a venerability to damage or health decrease (radiation weakens the Pyro... it would kill other classes but the Pyro's suit protects it a bit). It will be large so maybe a movement decrease. No compression blast.

Two possible secondary fires: the Pyro vents the reactor chamber engulfing the Pyro in a ball of nuclear energy that damages nearby enemies (the pyro take almost ALL the damage). The other is that it launches a ball of plasma like a demoman's grenade that spreads fire in a blast radios.


Burning stick: does less damage but sets them on fire.

Napalm thrower: spreads fire onto surfaces, burns for a long time (less damage) (good against buildings)
Ghost-Face attack by Spy/ Scout's marrow gun

Ghouls and Goblins
(possibly a spy weapon)
(+)When fast close in on distances, in range with enemies on circumstances such as jump falls/fall drops/corner ambushes/reappearances when behind environmental structures. Disables nearby enemys' weapon switch capacity when Ghosts and Goblins is drawn The effect will be terminated immediately when the close distances is drawn out by either of the players, or by death, or when either end of the players becomes invisible.
(!)A reflex effect, trigger only when drawn and stay drawn to maintain the effect.
(!)No cooldown, on standby for all surroundings.

A scout's primary weapon: The Boneman's Marrow Gun

(-)Additional increasement on fall damage.
(-)Take 1-2 health per round.
(+)Every individual enemy needs firing two shots atleast to the scout by counts of their own in addition to bring down the boneman.
(+)More resilient to taking damage when gunning someone at close range, effective only while firing.
(!)Will be cursed-equipped with bone-spike melee weapon when character equipped with the marrow gun.
(!)Bone spike is use by switching on as a trap receivers' end to reflect damage from melee attackers. Bone spike cannot be use for attacking.

A Spy handgun: Death March
(!)Disables enemy weapon switch capacity when matched the above same catergorized conditions.
(!)Captives will be able to use primary weapon if it was the state he was freezes in. Movement controls disable still.
(+)Captives movement freedom locked. In commands by the Death March spy.
(-)Death march effect breaks when ran into allies.
(!)Death March effect "loosened" when turned one's head around.
#The Death March spy will be able to use his left hand to guide his captures while pointing the handgun.
(!)Effective only while the Death March is drawn. When cornered prisoners, effect will be on dead-lock for (2-3 sec)
(!)Death March conditiones will be forfilled by running its captives into an environmental dead end (Walls). Captives dead lock (2-3 sec). Use switch knife to do back stabs.
(!)Only to be equipped with stock knife.
(+)Captives will take damage by its allies when being fire at.