The angry thread :|


Sep 18, 2005
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Post about people who you've seen going completly mad and loseing themselves. Should be a funny thread?

For expample today at school this female, a particularly bitchy female got real pissed at my mate for locking her locker lock or something, so pissed in fact that she actually started biting him on the arm (not in a sexual manner). Serioulsy this girl is mad who the hell would get so pissed at someone for locking there locker lock that they'd decied to bite someone on the arm? I would of punched in her in the face regardless of gender. Hilarious to be honest, some angry bitch trying to bite someones arm off.
The only time i've ever seriously lost my cool is when my brother locked me out of the house being a prat while I was going to get something leaving the pots on the cooker unattended for a second. I put my fist through the house window

that didnt go down well

but mad women trying to feast on my arm is not something I would tolerate at all :)
a few months back I was stuck in traffic and I could hear someone speeding and quickly stopping, speeding and quickly stopping I neared the car I saw the driver jump out run to the car in front of him and yell at the top of his voice at the driver "GET OFF THE ****ING PHONE" ..he really lost it cuz his voice was shrill and phlegm was flying out his mouth ..he quickly looked up, saw me looking at him with surprise, thought better of what he was going to do next (he looked like he was going to open the driver side door) ran to his car, stepped on the gas, jumped the island devider and sped off in the incoming traffic lane
CptStern said:
a few months back I was stuck in traffic and I could hear someone speeding and quickly stopping, speeding and quickly stopping I neared the car I saw the driver jump out run to the car in front of him and yell at the top of his voice at the driver "GET OFF THE ****ING PHONE" ..he really lost it cuz his voice was shrill and phlegm was flying out his mouth ..he quickly looked up, saw me looking at him with surprise, thought better of what he was going to do next (he looked like he was going to open the driver side door) ran to his car, stepped on the gas, jumped the island devider and sped off in the incoming traffic lane

Lol, you're not a great big massive dude with 25" Pythons who scared the guy into doing the right thing, are you? :thumbs:
Meh, i get angry quite easily, for example i got woken up at 7am the other morning after going to sleep at 5am due to my younger brother throwing a hissy fit about not wanting to go to school :| and had locked himself in the bathroom, so i got out of bed in a passionate rage and punched the bathroom door open :angry:

god knows why :P
Razor said:
Lol, you're not a great big massive dude with 25" Pythons who scared the guy into doing the right thing, are you? :thumbs:

no, he probably saw my look of "take a chill pill buddy, you look absolutely crazy" and changed his mind
I only ever get angry at family members. Four little kids running around constantly, ruining all your shit... ruined the milk, ffs. Someone was messing aroudn with the fridge settings, froze the milk. The ice in it melted, and now the milk tastes like water. come on.
The only thing I get apocalyptically pissed at is technology. When computers go wrong. And I go really, really crazy - although, to my credit, I guess, I never take it out on people. I take it out on radiators, coathangers and old magazines. Oh yes.
I always lose my cool when I get a static shock from anything. I don't know why. I guess it's the sensation and the surprise.

Actually, come to think of it, I get pissed at anything that startles me.
People sending me chain mail, or Iq Test shit or something.

If I had them right when they appear in my inbox I would punch them in the face.
Angry Lawyer said:
I'm just angry.


-Angry Lawyer
but you have such a nice smile - how could you possibly get angry :)
Like this:


-Angry Lawyer
Ive been told i should see anger management, but i`m able to control my anger very well so i don`t see the point. It`s just that my anger usually builds from a controlled agression into a rage that, in my freinds words "prevents me from being able to form sentences due to froth"

I make angry gurlgy noises :D
I'm angry right now at whoever messed up the page width. :frown:
Some freaking twit back in school...she and her friend were walking along with their bagel and cream cheese in the morning. She droppes her cream cheese, screams like she was about to get murdered.

CyberPitz said:
Some freaking twit back in school...she and her friend were walking along with their bagel and cream cheese in the morning. She droppes her cream cheese, screams like she was about to get murdered.


I got really mad when somone threw a plate at me :D
When I broke up yesterday I hit my car, now it looks like i gotta marble over my knuckle. Hehehehe, but I'm all better now.
I get bad rage every now and again due to hormone levels, sometimes i can get quite violent and destructive.

Normally i'll let most things go but there are certain things that really tick me off, things that people do that effect my health in some way etc.
I often use harsh means to get my point across (e.g. stabing people with my pen if they won't stop kicking my chair) and people often acuse me of easily getting angry but I'm not really angry, it just seems like a good idea to get people to stop doing whatever :P
short recoil said:
I get bad rage every now and again due to hormone levels, sometimes i can get quite violent and destructive.

Normally i'll let most things go but there are certain things that really tick me off, things that people do that effect my health in some way etc.

lay off the roids
CptStern said:
lay off the roids
I don't take arnolds, i don't need to, my hormone levels are elevated naturally through good genetics, good diet and good workout program.
short recoil said:
I don't take arnolds, i don't need to, my hormone levels are elevated naturally through good genetics, good diet and good workout program.

Good genetics are nothing if you can't control your emotions.
I'm never angry :/
And as far back as i can remember, i've never lost my cool either (There seriously has to be a better way to phrase that...)
i get seriously pissed whenever technology fails me at the worst time.

Case in point, last week i'm trying to print out some artwork to put into my portfolio that was due in a short amount of time.

My printer decides to pull the paper in crooked each and every time. I was mindnumbingly angry because it was wasting my good paper and my ink. And the designers over at dell screwed me over. Most printers have little wheels that feed the paper be set up either on either side, or one in the middle. My POS printer only has 1 wheel on one side. Ludicrous.

also i get fuming mad at commies and furries, or commie furries
short recoil said:
I don't take arnolds, i don't need to, my hormone levels are elevated naturally through good genetics, good diet and good workout program.

no supplements? amino aciids? creatine? testosterone supplements? etc
CptStern said:
no supplements? amino aciids? creatine? testosterone supplements? etc
I try to get all of my nutrition from balanced diet, i'll prob be starting on supplements soon to get big but so far i havn't had very many.
I have to do a few hours of classroom helping (I don't mind anyway, I do it with two teachers who I'd consider my friends, so I usually just chat with them if I'm not doing anything) and today one of the kids flipped out so bad when someone deleted his work off the screen. He slammed his fists straight into the keyboard, then hit the screen before standing up and kicking his chair at the idiot who'd deleted his work. Damned nearly hit him, too.

I've developed a high tolerance for things annoying me, but me not reacting to them, as in the past reacting has generally just made whatever problem worse and fooled me into doing the wrong thing without thinking it through. Sometimes if it's really bad, I just can't shake it off and I end up losing it when I'm on my own and throwing some shit at my wall.
I don't get angry at all. But one of my friends in school does, and I just am fascinated at how pissed off he can get over the dumbest things. And I can't do anything about it. Example from today, we were doing a lab in chemistry and he dropped a test tube, and it broke. Yadda yadda everyone claps or whatever, and I just look at him and his face is red and he starts acting all pissy, I'm passing it off as nothing, as there's no reason to get angry in the first place, besides with yourself, which is complete nonsense... And he's so miffed that when someone asked if she could help, he says "why don't you just go away!?" and I'm like wtf, calm down. But you can NEVER TELL SOMEONE WHO IS MAD TO CALM DOWN BECAUSE THEY WILL JUST GET MORE PISSED OFF. Lesson learned way back in the day. So wtf do you do? You sit and watch, there is nothing you CAN do that won't make it worse.

I can't remember the last time I've flipped out, or showed ANY negative emotion in public. I'm very optimistic in public.
short recoil said:
I try to get all of my nutrition from balanced diet, i'll prob be starting on supplements soon to get big but so far i havn't had very many.

you do know that even supplements can give you mood swings ..even aggressive behaviour ...not that weight lifters need added aggression
I tend to not get angry.

Only been trully aggressive one or two times in my life. But I have a reputation for being violent because of them. I kinda go far.

Hence why I try not to get angry. :)
I get pissed at the slightest annoyance. I nearly choked a fellow classmate to death for throwing shit at me during class. Hell, I literally throw my chair down and kick my computer often when it locks up or ****s me over.

My friends think I'm psychotic. The raging voices in my head tell me otherwise.
When I have a bad day, people usually get hurt, luckily I only have those about twice a year.