Post about people who you've seen going completly mad and loseing themselves. Should be a funny thread?
For expample today at school this female, a particularly bitchy female got real pissed at my mate for locking her locker lock or something, so pissed in fact that she actually started biting him on the arm (not in a sexual manner). Serioulsy this girl is mad who the hell would get so pissed at someone for locking there locker lock that they'd decied to bite someone on the arm? I would of punched in her in the face regardless of gender. Hilarious to be honest, some angry bitch trying to bite someones arm off.
For expample today at school this female, a particularly bitchy female got real pissed at my mate for locking her locker lock or something, so pissed in fact that she actually started biting him on the arm (not in a sexual manner). Serioulsy this girl is mad who the hell would get so pissed at someone for locking there locker lock that they'd decied to bite someone on the arm? I would of punched in her in the face regardless of gender. Hilarious to be honest, some angry bitch trying to bite someones arm off.