The angry thread :|

I dick smash people when I get angry. And stick my thumb up people's ****s.
I feel very angry now, i've just done a hardcore shoulder workout.

Testosterone polarizes your view of the 2 sexes, you want to ****/care for women and punch men in the head.

So funny how much of an effect it has had on me in the past few months.
man I worked out for 2 years ..3-4 days a week pretty hard ...I absolutely never experienced any of the dementia you seem to be describing most of the time ...what's going on?
CptStern said:
man I worked out for 2 years ..3-4 days a week pretty hard ...I absolutely never experienced any of the dementia you seem to be describing most of the time ...what's going on?
Two years is not enough. Plus you have to consider how healthy he eats.

Actually, I have no idea what I'm talking about. God help you Short Recoil.
CptStern said:
hemroids? .....ya man they drive me crazy
that made me laugh...

CptStern said:
man I worked out for 2 years ..3-4 days a week pretty hard ...I absolutely never experienced any of the dementia you seem to be describing most of the time ...what's going on?
I dunno, in the past few months something "clicked" and i found my hormone levels increasing, weights became easier, facial and chest hair doubled in thickness...jutting jaw and eyebrow ridge e.t.c the main thing it has done is smashed my "i can resist women" mentality completely.

I think it literally must be diet, they seem to correlate.
High protein, brocolli, sprouts, zinc supps, eggs, asparagus, seafood, horny goat weed, ginseng, ginkgo biloba.

So yeah, prob the reason.
Kamikazie said:
that made me laugh...


You paedophile.

I bet you dress up like a child and stroke one out.

it made me lol a bit..
Murray_H said:
You paedophile.

I bet you dress up like a child and stroke one out.

fine, forget the damn children.


CptStern said:
starve, binge, purge, or starve, burn, binge

EDIT7000: sorry dog--, thats just me angry, take it out on other people D:
short recoil said:
I dunno, in the past few months something "clicked" and i found my hormone levels increasing, weights became easier, facial and chest hair doubled in thickness...jutting jaw and eyebrow ridge e.t.c the main thing it has done is smashed my "i can resist women" mentality completely.

I think it literally must be diet, they seem to correlate.
High protein, brocolli, sprouts, zinc supps, eggs, asparagus, seafood, horny goat weed, ginseng, ginkgo biloba.

So yeah, prob the reason.

well make sure you put a lid on it, aggressive behaviour can lead you into all sorts of problems ..also screwing with your body (starve, binge, purge, or starve, burn, binge) can be hazardous to your health
CptStern said:
well make sure you put a lid on it, aggressive behaviour can lead you into all sorts of problems ..also screwing with your body (starve, binge, purge, or starve, burn, binge) can be hazardous to your health
Yeah, I've found relaxing (meditating if you like) and drinking some herbal teas (chamomile) helps calm me down a lot.
Kamikazie said:
EDIT7000: sorry dog--, thats just me angry, take it out on other people D:

I thought you were joking because you had the :p face underneath your post...
outside a car passed by and I heard a male voice yelling for someone in the car to shut up. Then he pulled over a little down the road and got out slammed the car door extremely hard (2 handed slam) and walked away..not sure what that was about but that guy was pissed
short recoil said:
I think it literally must be diet, they seem to correlate.
High protein, brocolli, sprouts, zinc supps, eggs, asparagus, seafood, horny goat weed, ginseng, ginkgo biloba.

So yeah, prob the reason.

Sounds interesting....
short recoil said:
I dunno, in the past few months something "clicked" and i found my hormone levels increasing, weights became easier, facial and chest hair doubled in thickness...jutting jaw and eyebrow ridge e.t.c the main thing it has done is smashed my "i can resist women" mentality completely.

I think it literally must be diet, they seem to correlate.
High protein, brocolli, sprouts, zinc supps, eggs, asparagus, seafood, horny goat weed, ginseng, ginkgo biloba.

So yeah, prob the reason.

Testosterone has defintely changed my appearence. I go back to Utah (where i previously lived) and people dont know who i am.

Jaw dropped a good 2 inches and now I'm getting weight lifter's face.... but still not a lot of facial hair. Chest is as bare as a baby's bottom.

....... i wrote "best is as bare.......", i suck at typing.
My bro has the amazing ability to piss me off with most basic things, I love him but he talks about the most inane things that I couldn't give a flying hoot about.

your character levelled up to 24? thats nice. got a new shield and sold some outfit? ummm ok good for you.

now repeat daily and other similar inane things.
pvtbones said:
My bro has the amazing ability to piss me off with most basic things, I love him but he talks about the most inane things that I couldn't give a flying hoot about.

your character levelled up to 24? thats nice. got a new shield and sold some outfit? ummm ok good for you.

now repeat daily and other similar inane things.
I'm assuming he's a little brother?

He's just trying to have conversation with you. Or trying to impress you. Little brothers look up to you, and if you would engage with them in conversation I'm sure it would make him happy and be more rewarding instead of just ignoring him. He wouldn't be telling you this stuff if he didn't want to try to impress you or talk to you.
vegeta897 said:
I'm assuming he's a little brother?

He's just trying to have conversation with you. Or trying to impress you. Little brothers look up to you, and if you would engage with them in conversation I'm sure it would make him happy and be more rewarding instead of just ignoring him. He wouldn't be telling you this stuff if he didn't want to try to impress you or talk to you.
He's crying out to be reconised.
Yeah seriously. Treat your brother like he was your best friend, honestly. The closeness you can share with a sibling through life can be stronger than any other 'friend' you have... with the exception of romantic involvement with a woman/guy that you like.

Your friends may betray you, its more likely your family will keep your best interests at heart. Especially when you start forging that bond at an early age.
hmmm, a forum full of Doctor Phil's... o.o

*runs as fast as his legs will take him*
Kamikazie said:
hmmm, a forum full of Doctor Phil's... o.o

*runs as fast as his legs will take him*

Dr. Phil's a joke. Dr Razi will set you up straight.
Mother ****ers I ****ing hate all of you ****ing pieces of shit because all you do is just bitch and moan and **** ****ty **** ****. I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU IN YOUR SLEEP SONS OF BITCHES DFGDFSGSDFDSFFDS
Tr0n said:
Mother ****ers I ****ing hate all of you ****ing pieces of shit because all you do is just bitch and moan and **** ****ty **** ****. I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU IN YOUR SLEEP SONS OF BITCHES DFGDFSGSDFDSFFDS
i expeirience d a violent week a while ago,

short documented some of it , but it went after while.

and i managed to avoid anger unelashment, but doode i wanted to smash every ****eheads face in who tried to chat up my gf!

admitedly im not big enough atm, to take one any bigger guys,!!

but i wills oon as i get paid again :P
Raziaar said:
Yeah seriously. Treat your brother like he was your best friend, honestly. The closeness you can share with a sibling through life can be stronger than any other 'friend' you have... with the exception of romantic involvement with a woman/guy that you like.

Your friends may betray you, its more likely your family will keep your best interests at heart. Especially when you start forging that bond at an early age.

QFT x 1000
Raziaar said:
Yeah seriously. Treat your brother like he was your best friend, honestly. The closeness you can share with a sibling through life can be stronger than any other 'friend' you have... with the exception of romantic involvement with a woman/guy that you like.

Your friends may betray you, its more likely your family will keep your best interests at heart. Especially when you start forging that bond at an early age.

For expample today at school this female, a particularly bitchy female got real pissed at my mate for locking her locker lock or something, so pissed in fact that she actually started biting him on the arm (not in a sexual manner). Serioulsy this girl is mad who the hell would get so pissed at someone for locking there locker lock that they'd decied to bite someone on the arm? I would of punched in her in the face regardless of gender. Hilarious to be honest, some angry bitch trying to bite someones arm off.

I don't think your telling us everything. Anyway, give someone enough reason to bite you, and they will. Becareful. Whatever you guys did to her, earned this response.
If you don't like someone, kill them. :D
Tr0n said:
If you don't like someone, kill them. :D

Then blame Tr0n.

Raziaar said:
Yeah seriously. Treat your brother like he was your best friend, honestly. The closeness you can share with a sibling through life can be stronger than any other 'friend' you have... with the exception of romantic involvement with a woman/guy that you like.

Your friends may betray you, its more likely your family will keep your best interests at heart. Especially when you start forging that bond at an early age.

True true. Even though I couldn't stand my brother at times when I was little, we still got on for the most part. Now we're older we spend less time together (not seen him since christmas) due to living at different ends of the country, but because of that I actually look forward to seeing him. He's coming up to Durham for my 20th in a couple of weeks and I'll be happy to see him (he gets on with all my mates up here so that's good too!).....if you had told me that I'd be happy when I was 12, I would have laughed.

Just acknowledge him. Like it's been said before, you'll be brothers for life and one day you might need him when no-one else is around.

As for angry - I was buying a battery today in the market. The silly bint who owned the stall stood right in front of the batteries and talked to someone behind the counter. I don't know how she didn't notice me. Anyway, she went, I picked up a battery and gave it to the guy "just that please"..................."how much is it?".......*points to sign* "a pound" said in a way like 'you daft twat, are you blind?'. Unfortunately I hadn't seen the sign as the battery I wanted was at eye height and I saw it straight away, the sign was near my hands. Silly knobber, he could have just said "that'll be a pound please"


I can spam all I want because I'M THE ****ING JUGGERNAUT BITCH!
actually he's my older brother who was a major dick when we were younger, had alot of anger and I got a good chuck of it. alots changed since then of course, fences have been mended and we get along better than we used to but I still find some things he does irritating (like the aforemention things)
back on topic:

It makes me angry how my roommate stinks up the room doing God knows what whenever I leave the room. I come back and it's ****ing disgusting. And then he wants to keep the door closed (not gonna happen).
Nat Turner said:
back on topic:

It makes me angry how my roommate stinks up the room doing God knows what whenever I leave the room. I come back and it's ****ing disgusting. And then he wants to keep the door closed (not gonna happen).
When he's gone one day soak his bed in 2 week old urine.
short recoil said:
When he's gone one day soak his bed in 2 week old urine.
He would have to urinate a lot in one day, because if he does it on different days it won't all be two weeks old.
Wanna know about angry? I'll tell you about angry...

Nothing gets me more pissed off than when my internet connection starts to go down... then up, then down, then up and further repeatedly sporadic access. Add this to when i'm trying to do something important... and I become more ****ing pissed off than the hulk.

My skin doesn't change color, and I don't grow muscles, but my vision starts to get blurry, I see little floaties in my eyesight, and my body starts getting very very hot as I stew in my anger.

Right now, I just had an experience with that, and I feel sick. I am all lightheaded and nauseous... and just feel terrible overall after the experience.
