The Completely Unofficial (But Danimal & Ennui Endorsed) NIN Thread

i am still listening to MVH.

also, I would have a heart attack if I saw We're In This Together, Ruiner, or Dead Souls live.

There were two shows in NC last summer, I went to the first one but didn't have money or time for the second one since it was a ways away... my manager went, though, and he said it got delayed because of a thunderstorm, so Trent made it up by playing Ruiner AND Dead Souls.

Needless to say I wish I had robbed a convenience store for cash to go to that show.
Latest show, half of the Downward Spiral was played in order!
Heres the setlist

Mr. Self Destruct
March Of The Pigs
No You Don't
The Becoming
Help Me I Am In Hell
La Mer
Into The Void
The Day The World Went Away
Dead Souls
The Hand That Feeds
Head Like A Hole
the updates for Year Zero have been coming in at a pace nobody could have imagined... :O
now a Danish site is reporting that Queens Of The Stoneage are releasing an album this June and Trent will be contributing to it among serveral others.

what a year this is turning out to be! :D

edit: heres the snipet:

"I g?r kunne vi p? fort?lle, at Queens Of The Stoneage til juni udsender deres nye album "Era Vulgaris".

Og timingen kan n?ppe v?re bedre, for vi kan nu ogs? afsl?re, at bandet spiller til ?rets Roskilde Festival.

Det er GAFFAs udsendte, Lars L?bner, der har talt med bandets frontfigur Josh Homme, og senere f?et forlydenderne bekr?ftet igennem Hommes manager.

"Era Vulgaris" bliver bandets femte album og det indeholder, if?lge GAFFAs mand i felten, flere interessante bidrag fra andre musikere.

Blandt dem, Julian Casablancas, der til dagligt er forsanger i The Strokes, Trent Reznor, frontmand i snart albumaktuelle Nine Inch Nails, og den tidligere Screaming Trees-forsanger Mark Lanegan, der allerede har medvirket p? flere QOTSA-album."

here is the link.
Is it a poor-quality radio rip, or a clean MP3?

[edit] Found a good version. This song rocks, but I'm frustrated because for some reason I can't "sync" my brain to the rhythm of the song. I keep hearing the second beat as the first during the verse, and the third beat as the first during the chorus, and it ruins everything :(
Survivalism is decent..but no where near as good as MVH IMO
Listening for the first time now. I'm really enjoying the revival of the noise.
Lyrics to Survivalism:

I should have listened to her
So hard to keep control
We kept on eating but
Our bloated belly's still not full
She gave us all she had but
We went and took some more
Can't seem to shut her legs
Our mother nature is a whore

I got my propaganda
I got revisionism
I got my violence
In hi-def ultra-realism
All a part of this great nation
I got my fist
I got my plan
I got survivalism

Hypnotic sound of sirens
Echoing through the street
The cocking of the rifles
The marching of the feet
You see your world on fire
Don't try to act surprised
We did just what you told us
Lost our faith along the way and found ourselves believing your lies


(cut-up speech)

All bruised and broken, bleeding
She asked to take my hand
I turned, just keep on walking
But you'd do the same thing in the circumstance
I'm sure you'll understand


(guitar solo)

You got your pacifism - I got survivalism (repeat) said:
“the parepin makes us compliant, but kills aggression. different soldiers get different pills to put it back.
regulars get little blue ones, we call them ‘die-agra.’ blue pills keep you frosty and get your soldier on.
blue pills are fun.
sometimes, if you are very good at your job, they give you red pills. the red ones are called ‘blisters’ or
‘bloody mary’ or ‘jerk’
red pills erase the line between killing and ****ing. some of the damage is permanent. your family, you
can’t go back once you’ve taken the red pills. they told us that part afterwards.”

Oh God. NiN concept album. Viral marketing. Return to noisy industrial.

I'll let Ahnold describe how I feel.

Not really impressed with my violent heart. I like the noisy industrial sound, but it lacks any real melody. I would have preffered singing instead of talking and maybe at least one good hook like Closer had.
Just listened to MVH, the chorus sounds are damn chaotic (read: awesome).

Not liking the lyrics though, almost like 10th grade poetry :(
heh, are there any high-quality downloads for survivalism up yet?

i'm still listening to and LOVING my violent heart at this very second
heh, are there any high-quality downloads for survivalism up yet?

i'm still listening to and LOVING my violent heart at this very second

Your face.

[edit]: Everyone thank Trent:



EVERYONE LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What the hell!?!?!? If you look at the MVH audio file's spectrum it shows this at the static part of the song at the end:

What's this hand thing supposed to be from? It looks cool!!!!!!
That was found days ago, I thought it was in this thread. That's the hand thing that's been popping up on the websites, I can't remember what they're calling it. It's cool as hell that it's in the end of the song though.
It's like, the hand of god coming down or something. Hold on, I can't remember (haven't been keeping up with the viral stuff cause there's SO MUCH OF IT) let me find some info for you.

Edit: Here we go. It's called "The Presence".


- The Presence. You guys remember that old song "The Wretched" and how the singer says that "God himself will reach his arm through," right? Welcome to reality. The Presence seems to be this gigantic arm pushing through the sky onto the ground. On various websites dealing with the new concept, it is stated that sightings of the Presence can be attributed to many different things, whether it be the new drugs Opal or Parepin, a quasi-religious experience, and many others.

some images of it that've been found:

plus the wave spectrum or whatever at the end of MVH
Have you ever heard "The Wretched"?

Yes, reminds me of a lyric about god's hand or something.


"the clouds will part and the sky cracks open
and god himself will reach his ****ing arm through
just to push you down"

aye thats it
j-j-just to hold you down :p

A picture of The Presence is my current MSN display picture.
Second page links don't work, there are some rapidshare ones on 4 and 5, and this one might work too

Finished downloading it now... about to listen, impressions in a sec.

Edit1: a minute in, and holy shit, this is much better than Survivalism. Also check this out (I'm reading through the ETS thread): its some type of analysis of the cricket track that was also found on the flash drive leak

Edit2: i called the number from the spectrograph analysis of the cricket track... holy **** its creepy, its a wiretap of a girl screaming about how she's going to die. Call it, it's ****ing scary

Edit3: Almost through the song, found the lyrics...
well it's happening
never planned on this
you've got something I need
kind of dangerous

and I'm loosing control
I'm not used to this
what you want from me
I'm not used to this
can't shut it off

this thing I've begun
and it's hard to tell
just where it's coming from
and it's hard to see
what I'm capable of
and it's hard to believe
what I've become

can't stop me now
can't stop
can't stop me
I'm not

I can swallow it down
keep it all it inside
I define myself
by how well I hide
I feel it coming apart
well, at least I tried

I can win this war
by knowing not to fight
if I take it all back
someway, somehow
if I knew back then
what I know now

hey can't stop
me, I'm not
hey can't stop
me, I'm not
hey, can't stop
me, I'm not
hey, can't stop
me, I'm not

Edit4: Done with the track. It's fantastic, not to mention very different from both MVH and Survivalism. This album is shaping up to be epic. The phone number from the cicada spectrograph is 216.333.1810. Call it, it's weird. They already found a new website from it:

Can you say Orwellian?
Thanks for typing all that about the number and crickets mp3. I was gonna, but got lazy ha. Track is good as always.
There was a second track that was released with that new song, which only has the sound of crickets on it. Running the song through one of those spectrograph thingies gives you a phone number, and calling the phone number gives you this:
Damn, posted already and I just found it :p

This NIN stuff is moving wayyy to fast for me.
The website from the phone call is pretty interesting, it's got a long transcript (highlight to read) of an interrogation between a police officer and an "agent". I love this whole fictional backstory thing.
The chorus of Me I'm Not is so damn sexy. :D This is shaping up to be my dream NIN record. \o/

Heeeeyyy.......can't w-STOP---

-Me, I'm Not--Heeeeeyy....can't w-STOP---

I cannot ****ing wait for this. I do hope that there's maybe one or two more song leaks, tops, I want a lot of the album to be a surprise.

Wouldn't it be awesome if the songs we got were remixes of the original tracks, so every single song on Year Zero is still fresh?
Eraser beat me to it lol, I knew this was going to be the next "leak", because there were little icons next to it on the year zero website today.