The current machine gun model.

  • Thread starter Mr.Magnetichead
  • Start date


Is it just me or is anyone else finding it really difficult to stomach the current machine gun model? :x
Are you talking about the OICW or the MP7? Well, it's irrelevant; both are excellent models in my eyes.
There are 2 different ones? Lol, i gotta pay more attention to these vids. Anyone got a couple of handy screenshots of them both?
MP7 -

M29 OICW -

Images from PHL

They look pretty similar really. I agree though, they are kind of unamazing/uninteresting. I hope these are unfinished, but i dont really mind either way.
It doesnt look anything like the model when its on the ground though.
Technically, neither of them are "machine guns", one is a sub-machinegun, the other a rifle :p
Well as an mp7 has single shot, burst fire and full suto, yes it is a mchine gun.
Originally posted by Mr.Magnetichead
Well as an mp7 has single shot, burst fire and full suto, yes it is a mchine gun.

But it's actually classed as a submachine gun, as it's magazine fed. Proper machine guns are belt fed.
yes, just because a weapon has full auto fire dose not mean its a machinegun. Some well known machine guns are the m60, and the SAW. Both are belt fed.

anyway, i think the models look great, not my choice in weaponry, but they are good models none the less.
They're both very good, rather accurate models. And the guns are similar to something we'll see more of rather than the MP5 and M4/M16 over the next few years - and remember, HL2 is slightly in the future.
Actaully, thereason the mp7 is a submachine gun is because it fire pistl rounds, not rifle rounds. Tecnically, you could call the OCIW a machine gun, but it's more commly know as an assault rifle.

And whats wrong with them? they're both real guns...
And whats wrong with them? they're both real guns...
Yeah, I think that's the problem ;)

They ARE kind of boring... But I dont think its how they look that's important, its how you use them :)
Originally posted by SidewinderX143
Actaully, thereason the mp7 is a submachine gun is because it fire pistl rounds, not rifle rounds. Tecnically, you could call the OCIW a machine gun, but it's more commly know as an assault rifle.

And whats wrong with them? they're both real guns...

It actually fires 4.6 x 30mm rifle cartridges, the reason it's classed as a submachine gun is because it's magazine-fed, as I mentioned earlier.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
It actually fires 4.6 x 30mm rifle cartridges, the reason it's classed as a submachine gun is because it's magazine-fed, as I mentioned earlier.
Not only. Because it's too small to be a machine gun.:cheese: Also, not all machine guns are magazine-fed, take the RPK for example.

Originally posted by dawdler
Yeah, I think that's the problem ;)

They ARE kind of boring... But I dont think its how they look that's important, its how you use them :)

Boring???? How can an MP7 be boring? I think its rather good that we're gonna get to see an gun other than an MP5. Don't get me wrong, the MP5 is a good gun, but seeing an MP5 in so many first person shooters get rather dull and repetitive after a while.

I've got nothing to say about the OICW other than 'It's a great weapon'

They both look pretty good although they'll look slightly different (hopefully just that little bit better)
By the way - and this might be me seeing things - but in the bugbait video, the OICW's scope/retical/whatever has a very small warped green viewof what you're looking at. Nice touch...
You're right El_Chi - you can see through the green scope. Very cool feature.
I think they are very accurate and detailed models - I dunno what people are complaining about. You think they are boring just because they are based on real weapons?? Then maybe you should go play something like Doom 3 or Unreal with their blasters and BFG 9000's.

Just my 2c
<Admires LoneDerangers 2c and nods in agreement.> They are indeed shiny and good. Yes.

<Considers> Although the high-tech/alien weapons promise to be... Hee hee... Fun, shall we say?
You mean the one with the green light on it? Which one? Or the one used in the Barney video? I don't like the one with the green light on it. It just doesn't seem to fit in with the style of the other weapons, it looks out of place or something. I dunno.

Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I think they are very accurate and detailed models - I dunno what people are complaining about. You think they are boring just because they are based on real weapons?? Then maybe you should go play something like Doom 3 or Unreal with their blasters and BFG 9000's.

Just my 2c

The one with the big fat box and the green light in the middle is based on a real gun? I highly doubt that...
The one in BugBait. With the green scope. The OICW.
I'm repeating myself here - it's not whether you like it or not, Liftz, it's just pointing out a subtle aspect. You have to admit, it's quite nice.

And yes. It IS based on a real gun.
Yeah, I don't like the one used in Bugbait. Just not an attractive gun. :) My guns should be sexy.
Actually the MP-7 and similar are classified as mechanized pistols, which if you look at a MP5-K, you can see why :)

But yes, they are submachine guns. The M-16, M4-A1, AK-47, OICW, and whatnot are all classified as assault rifles. Long range rifles such as hunting rifles, sniper rifles, and so on are classified rifles. And finally, fully automatic mechanized weapons such as an M-60 or M-249, or even a 240-Gulf are classified as machine guns.

Lesson over. These models are hopefully just placeholder art for better models soon to come.
Originally posted by Lifthz
Yeah, I don't like the one used in Bugbait. Just not an attractive gun. :) My guns should be sexy.

I think it's quite slick. Nice and curvy. Not to mention it's an absolute beast of a gun- scope, night vision, rifle and grenade launcher all in one.
Rifles own Machine Guns. ;p

nah j/k they're both good for their specific purposes.
Originally posted by Lifthz
My guns should be sexy.
With carved naked ladies on them?
Or in the shape of an enormous phallus?
Depending on which way you swing...
Originally posted by Lifthz
Just not an attractive gun. :)

Not attractive? I voted for it as the best new weapon in the weapons poll - it came out at #2 I think.

But it's your opinion, I guess :)
While the pistol looks pretty much finished, judging by the new movies the crowbar, the "bug bait", shotgun and the M29 OICW are all unfinished at least when it comes to animation.

The crowbar obviously doesn't look like its swung with any power. The shotgun and M29 barely move when shot. The bug bait thowing animation is not smooth or flowing at all. It looks more like 2 frames of animation for the "throw". I'm not sure about the mp7. I don't have the E3 vids anymore to check them out, I'll wait till they are released on Steam.

There's no doubt in my mind they are incomplete.

Valve wouldn't release a shotgun that makes a big BANG! noise but moves 2 inches total. Look at the HL1 shogun.. It definatly has a feel of power in the animation.

I'm sure all the weapons will have the same "cool" feel and look of the pistol once they are all complete.
Dunno if they'll change the "throw" animation... Gordon was always a bit limp when it came to his bowling arm. Or pitching if you're a Yank.
Originally posted by El_Chi
With carved naked ladies on them?
Or in the shape of an enormous phallus?
Depending on which way you swing...

Guns are sexy in their own way.
Personally, I'm partial to a bit of AK-47.
Erm... Not that I swing that way, mind...
All the animations are incomplete. You can even look at how he selects the granade.

