The current machine gun model.

  • Thread starter Mr.Magnetichead
  • Start date
The PDW is an SMG, it's not a new class of guns. PDW weapons are for other types of soldiers who don't normally get Assault Rifles, like a vehicle driver.
And she is still round...

Modern firearms says:
The HK MP-7 Personal Defence Weapon (PDW) is a member of a brand new class of small arms, called Personal Defence Weapons. The PDWs are intended, as name implies, to be a defensive sidearms for second-line troops, vehicle crews and other military personnel who normally not issued with assault rifles.

So you're partialy right.
um i dint read post but did anyone else notice the realtime refletions on the m29 sight
Originally posted by Chicky
um i dint read post but did anyone else notice the realtime refletions on the m29 sight
Everybody have.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
But why can't they have the same animation when he throws it instead?

Realistically that's what should happen. But it's not something they can't EASILY change.
Just so everyone here knows, the OICW has been cancelled. *Gasps* Yes I know its a shocker, however since it was too friggin huge and heavy they weren't going to be able to reach their target weight of 14 lbs. Instead they have decided to begin developing a seperate grenade launching firearm and the M-8 rifle. The M-8 is more or less a G-36 made by HK, in reality, modifying the current line of M-4s and M-16s would be much more cost effective and a new rifle wouldn't have to be learned for those already in the services. Let's see if I can find the link...

I think they're fine. And I really love the ''sub machine'' gun. It looks cool with the red dot in the scope. Not to mention the rifle's greens lens on the scope has excellent reflextions. Sounds cool too.. I'm excited to use them.
I think you need to stfu and design your own game so we can talk shit on every detail. :)
the oicw is actually a prototype, they are going to create a smaller version of it, thats what I believe anyway. If yo have seen it it is too heavy, clumsy, has like 3 knobs on the side of the scope, and there is no way to fire accurately without looking through scope.
The models look absolutely wonderful, in terms of quality, but the mp7 design just looks ugly.
Re: Re: And she is still round...

Originally posted by Tredoslop
Then why is the PDW listed in the SMG menu?
Who cares? Its all metal-pointy-thingie-spitters to me :)
Actually, there is some grenades that do activate when hitting a surface. I forgot the names of them, but they work like modern grenades, except the fuse doesnt go off untill it makes contact with something. The fuse is 3 seconds if I remember correctly

And for the weapons, they look awesome IMO
well, going back to pages 4 and 5 i got to say this....YOU DONT PULL THE PIN ON A GRENADE IF YOUR NOT GOING TO USE IT.


The fact that gordon pulls the pin, and puts the grenade back in his invintory is suicide...seriously, gordon would be commiting suicide. For those of you who think the animation if fine, i suggest you get your heads checked.

Actually, there is some grenades that do activate when hitting a surface. I forgot the names of them, but they work like modern grenades, except the fuse doesnt go off untill it makes contact with something. The fuse is 3 seconds if I remember correctly

true, but the animation is still ridiculas. What if gordon bumped into a wall? Or fell on the ground? Or got hit by a zombie? it could activate the grenade. Thats why they will fix the animation. (ps, i know you cant trip in hl2
:cheese: )
OICW sure is one bad ass gun but think it look cooler IRL than in the game!:borg:
The OICW is nice, but It sucks without the new full body suit there working on right now :D

Its still a prototype, but the suit is able to stop a Ak47 round at all angles excluding a direct hit. That feature may go away though, cause it adds over 15lbs of weight to the suit. Not only that, but the Helmet has a HUD that has a link to the scope on the gun where you can peak around corners and not have to put half your body around the corner. It also provides heart beat rate, and some other medical info to the people back at the Comm center :) (Or is supposed to, still a prototype like I said)
Dyst....that is what the friggin HEV suit is for. Jeebus. Take away the orange HEV your taking away the essense of half-life.
Originally posted by subs
Dyst....that is what the friggin HEV suit is for. Jeebus. Take away the orange HEV your taking away the essense of half-life.

Dude, did you play HL? The crowbar is god.

**** the HEV suit, gimme the crowbar. Dig the crowbar.

jeez, i'm glad the Army finally wised up and cancelled the OICW, i mean, i can look at that thing and tell you that there is no way it can be combat effective
i saw both history channel and discovery channel in which army officials claimed OICW DRASTICALLY improved military and combat effeceincy in highly noticable ammounts.
The OICW was ment to replace the lines of M4's, M16's and M203.
The manual is 400 pages long and costs about $20,000.
Originally posted by Doobz
jeez, i'm glad the Army finally wised up and cancelled the OICW, i mean, i can look at that thing and tell you that there is no way it can be combat effective

Yeah, kinda like when I read your post, I can tell your clueless.

Originally posted by Phisionary
Yeah, kinda like when I read your post, I can tell your clueless.


actually doobz makes perfect sense...the gun is too big.

it maybe an amazing gun as in terms of fire power and cool enhancments, but i wouldnt like to be running to cover dodging bullets with that huge thing. Its too big for real life and seems like it would be really heavy. If it was an option the only thing i would take into combat would be a submachine gun or rifle, 2-3 grenades, lots of ammo, water, flak vest, helmet and maybe a map. and any parts i would need to clean or repair the weapon. screw a 60+lbs pack. The things i listed would only need pockets, and all together might way 10-15lbs not uncluding the flak vest and helmet since you wear them.

but in HL2 terms, as long as it shoots things i like it
Ridic it seams like you know more than militiary scientists/officials and Discovery Channel reasearchers. They reported opposite.
The gun is still in the development process. They've said that how it exists now is not their target size and weight for the weapon. Rather, the actual gun put into combat will be smaller and lighter. By just how much remains to be seen.
Originally posted by subs
Ridic it seams like you know more than militiary scientists/officials and Discovery Channel reasearchers. They reported opposite.

huh? i wasnt saying what they said wasnt true i was saying that i personally would not want to use that weapon in a war or something.

and i think a lot of people would feel the same since right now the gun is freaking huge.
it's not still in development, at least the U.S. military isn't buying if is

read the link the guy gave on the previous page

and whoever said i was clueless, i want you to go look at a picture of a soldier holding the OICW, even better, one running around with it

see, features are great, and the OICW has plenty of great features, but implementation of those features counts for a hell of a lot more

i can tell you i'd MUCH rather carry an M-8 into battle than that hulking monstrosity that is the xm-29 (OICW).
yah im sure you have used and tested both. Every soldier who has used and tested both talk about never wanting to go back to a m16 or m4 or whatever they use now.
In response to [Hunter]Ridic

Now, I'm not an expert on this weapon by any measure. My info is from the popular science article, mainly...

But it have some interesting info. As to weight, the OICW, in full combat configuration (including ammo, I believe), is 16 lbs. The m16, with the m203 and a night vision system, is 20 lbs. Yes, it does have a somewhat unwieldy(sp?) appearance, and isn't suite light-weight. But it does include: a gun with close-quarters effectiveness as well as accuracy at 500 yards; a explosive round launcher with effectiveness to one mile; a night vision, telescopic targeting system with target tracking; and is field strippable, modular design, with parts that can be exchanged from another gun. And apparently costs less then the equipped m16 system i mentioned above..

A lot of these future generation guns look pretty wierd, yeah.. with all the caseless ammo and stuff, esp. but it doesn't mean they arn't effective in the combat environment...

I would appreciate links to back up the info given here by the pro-OICW crowd. Preferably ones more recent than the one I gave.

The OICW doesn't use caseless ammo, it uses the same 5.56mm NATO rounds that the M-16 and its variants used. The M-16 with the M203 and Night Vision system is still less reliant on technology (think K.I.S.S.) and therefore less likely to fail in a combat situation then the OICW. Also, it maintains a lower profile. I don't know if you people here have held guns but having held just a Winchester Model '94 with glass on top (the scope is quite heavy) that only weighs at most 12 or so lbs and its heavy, I wouldn't want to carry much more than that around for extended periods of time. The OICW I can guarantee would not be cheaper than the current M-16, an M-16 runs a cost (for the military) of roughly $1000. Quite cheap, the M203 I don't know the price of but odds are its not more than $2000 and night vision is incredibly expensive, good units can go around $5000-7000 in the civilian market. Anyways the point is that even though the OICW costs more and is just as heavy it is not necessarily more lethal.

For instance how the 20mm air burst round would work against real live humans is unknown. The shift by splitting the weapon platform into two seperate components enables them to increase the size of the bore for the grenade launcher to 25mm and produce an extra 50% of fragments. The 5.56mm round is not very effective at killing or fatally wounding an enemy after 250yds. As for accuracy, 99% of all guns are more accurate then their shooter. The M-16s and (most) of their variants are very accurate, however if the barrel length is too short, say, 11 inches then the bullet cannot maintain the spin necessary for straight flight after 100 yds IIRC.
the army canceled it

that means they weren't happy with the combat trials and it's performance and such

if anything i say doesn't mean something to you, that should
well they must be soldiers that dont move around much. I could understand if a sharpshooter never wanted to go back, but as for soldier or marines who make urban assaults? YEAH RIGHT. i know for a fact a soldier making an urban assault into a small village or town would never want to be carrying an OICW. (assuming it stays its current size)

EDIT- i dont know how much a nightvision scope ways for an M16, but i can tell you that an M16 dosnt way 16lbs. I havnt weighed my AR-15(same gun, but semi automatic)and i dont feel like getting the manual, but its not 16lbs. Personally i dont see much good to the OICW except for the infared/nv scope and 20mm cannon. think about it...the ability to shoot around corners? pointless....if an enemy is around a corner and they see you hold a freaking rifle out to shoot at you they will either run for cover or start F*ing shooting at the corner your behind. The fact that you can look around the corner is cool, but you can do that with a mirror. If your in a battle getting shot at, i doubt you have time to take your rifle, point it around a corner and aim with a HUD. It would leave you as an open target for 5 seconds+
i mean, jesus, you can't even aim it properly without even looking through a scope

that does NOT bode well for combat at all
I also believe that it was designed as a general-use weapon for the standard foot soldier. So it's not specifically going to focus on urban combat.
I agree on that too. The gun models are done quite well.
I would have to agree. The OICW is really neat and all, but the Colt series seems a whole lot more efficent. A lot more cost effective too. You could probibly buy 15 M4's for the price of 1 OICW
so, what? the standard foot soldier doesn't engage in combat? of course he does, the situation in iraq proves my point right now
Relax, the OICW isn't comming out in 2010, by then, hopefully, the Iraq situation will be gone and World War 3 will commence...