The Daily Citizen - a many people post newspaper

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...The beasts we were sent to tame... are untamable.... The colonies we have been sent to regain... have been more than we had anticipated.... But Know this. Alexei did not die a hero. I killed him. My pride killed him..... Tell our children that their father died in defence of their future...

*puts gun to head, pulls trigger*

*empty chamber clicking sound*

...The beasts we were sent to tame... are untamable.... The colonies we have been sent to regain... have been more than we had anticipated.... But Know this. Alexei did not die a hero. I killed him. My pride killed him..... Tell our children that their father died in defence of their future...

*puts gun to head, pulls trigger*

*empty chamber clicking sound*


Sorry sir, we didn't pay our electricity bill for... seven years so the repo guys came over and repossessed your bullets. And your pants. And, most tragic of all, and I speak for everyone when I say this; They also took your underpants.

*tosses P90*

I have a much more SUITABLE gun for you, take it, and keep it close brother! Ahahahaaha!

Nice Star Craft Quote 15357!
Indeed. Starcraft = Awesomness.

Sir, charges have been set around the building, Tritinol 80:20 charges at that, 15 per level, every level. 20 per in the bucket we all had to crap in. Oh, by the way, have these pants and push down the plunger.
Hey, What about Ma PAY?

Yeah, that StarCraft screenshot was awesome, I used to have a bunch... MUST TAKE MORE!
I'd like to keep this Alive slightly so that I can loot it of its remaining articles later.
Perhaps a 'best of the Daily Citizen' could be compiled as a pdf format newspaper with proper layout and all. Minus all the strange office warfare posts. And the bad posts.

Or perhaps there is barely enough good content in 80 odd pages :P
I'd only do a front page, there's enough for that.

/EDIT and by front page I mean a bunch of Front Pages.
Ah! I suggested this a while ago, but no one listened to me so...

2 years this weekend, and the quality of articles has had such a huge drop off its depressing...
yeah, I wouldn't be surprised... there's some quality work here though.
Tired of life? Need something to ease the pain? Well suffer no more!

From the creative minds of MindRape and Combites comes BULLET!

Our Combine researchers have developed an effective and painless reliever for those days when you're in massive pain and just can't take it or if you just can't sleep knowing your friendly Overwatch aligned CPs will be giving you a friendly beating when you wake up in the morning!

Nine out of ten citizens reccomend Bullet!

BULLET! Apply directly to the forehead!


I tried guys.
I'd jave to say, put it in your anthology, just for laughs and to look back on it after a few years and say "Yeah, Willie was a perve :P"
I'm sorry, I own the trademark to MindRape(TM) and I object to you using it without my prior consent.
Allight, you maggots, listen up!

We talked about MindRape (don't sue me) and turned this thread into a legal arguement... does that answer your question?
...I'm tempted to write an article about fighting over the trademark "Mindrape", but I'm afraid that would degrade this poor, lost newspaper even more. :(
Hell yes son, I only left because's Off Topic became a massive cesspit of confusion. Danimal said it was pretty safe to return though.
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