The Death over a toe injury!!!

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I just wonder will the next generation of gaming expierience overcome the anomalies wich we know as shooting in the toe :E I can easily kill a zombie shooting his toe several times! Is that the bug of all times? Will it be finaly fixed? Will the HL2 answer this misterious question? Toe killers - disscus.
its a design decision, not a technical limitation..atleast i think.
That is what happens when developers don't create proper hit box damage locationing. Basically, all they do is lower the amount of damage you do for shooting its foot, but not entirely. They should have it extremely low and with a maximum effect (damage limit).
That happens because the game doesn't recognize lethal and nonlethal hits. That has to be coded into the game. I don't know much programming (barely any c++ but i made pong in "turing") but it wouldn't take that much code. You'd just have to tag each hitbox as either lethal or nonlethal, and then keep track of lethal and nonlethal damage separately. I think. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Originally posted by stigmata
That happens because the game doesn't recognize lethal and nonlethal hits. That has to be coded into the game. I don't know much programming (barely any c++ but i made pong in "turing") but it wouldn't take that much code. You'd just have to tag each hitbox as either lethal or nonlethal, and then keep track of lethal and nonlethal damage separately. I think. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Probably more in depth than that but it could prolly be done, im waiting for that e-mail to see.
Yes, you're right. Not much of code is needed. But you have to think of implementig it into the game. That is called an idea. :) First you have to be aware that people will like what you have done. (I mean lethal and non lethal hit boxes). It'll be harder to kill someone that way :) wich I think it's a good thing. (still waiting for e-mail reply)
I think it is a little more in depth by that but i think your on the right track, I think certain factors should be introduced, such as a random kill shot based on percentage and where your hit. head being like a 90 percent chance. torso 75 maybe...foot 1 to 5..? etc

i think it could work well :)
Originally posted by zdub
I think it is a little more in depth by that but i think your on the right track, I think certain factors should be introduced, such as a random kill shot based on percentage and where your hit. head being like a 90 percent chance. torso 75 maybe...foot 1 to 5..? etc

i think it could work well :)
That is a good idea in a way....but eventually you are gonna shoot a guy once in the foot and kill him instantly.
Then have ZERO percent chance of killing him instantly in the foot.
you also have to factor in gradual blood loss if you plan on getting that realistic.

I remember Urban terror the popular quake 3 mod implemented this rather well. Depending on where you got shot you would take major or minor damage, and would bleed according to how many times you got shot there and with what until you managed to bandage or died of bloodloss. They also factoring in hit boxes for internal organs such as the liver or spine or some stuff like that. The game was specific enough where you can bypass a guy's kevlar vest through the fabric straps on his sides and kill him by hitting his liver or some other important organs.

As far as i can remember, headshots were lethal for anything more powerfal than errant non direct shotgun pellets and a stray mp5k round (the least powerful in the game next to an individual shotgun pellet) would either kill you or wound you to the point where you might as well be dead from the massive bleeding.

Sniper rounds from an sr-8 would kill you in one shot unless they hit your arm or leg. either way you lost a lot of health and you bled like crazy. The psg-1, the semi auto sniper rifle would really wound you if it hit your torso, or instant kill if it hit a major organ. Not as powerful as sr-8 and didn't zoom as much but had faster fire rate.

Falling from great heights would break your legs and gimp you till you bandaged yourself. You could never go as fast you could after this though. (i'm assuming splints) Being really low on health made you move real slow.

can't recall anything else about the Urban terror hit boxes, but i always considered it pretty realistic as far as health vs bullets go.
It's purely a design decision, not a problem with hitboxes or whatever. It would make for a really stupid, irritating game if you couldn't at least eventually kill a creature by shooting it in the foot. People would then be on these boards complaining about THAT.
HL2 already has "boxes" set up on characters for the ragdoll physics so i dont think it shouldbe too hard to adjust damage based on which box oyu hit
Who cares.. if I shot you in the legs enough times you would eventually die from blood loss. So the game might as well show you "dying" right away instead of waiting a couple hours.
Originally posted by CrowbarOfDoom
If i shoot a combines penis will he act accordingly?

No, but if they use endorphin in hl3 then they would cover wherever they get hit.
Originally posted by CrowbarOfDoom
If i shoot a combines penis will he act accordingly?

Shoot it? Just hit it with a crowbar :cheese:
Originally posted by reever2
HL2 already has "boxes" set up on characters for the ragdoll physics so i dont think it shouldbe too hard to adjust damage based on which box oyu hit

you dont know shit about 3d gaming.
u HAVE to have hitboxes for damage!
I honestly doubt they would use endorphin, that is research quality software.
I really wanna get endorphin, it would be so fun to fux around with.
but i want to see a combine grab his nuts when i knock it with my crowbar
Originally posted by Quackzilla
you dont know shit about 3d gaming.
u HAVE to have hitboxes for damage!

Why put boxes on top of other boxes when you already have boxes laid down in a box like box formation?
Originally posted by reever2
Why put boxes on top of other boxes when you already have boxes laid down in a box like box formation?

u said tha they could use ragdoll boxes for variable damage
Originally posted by CrowbarOfDoom
If i shoot a combines penis will he act accordingly?

do u know where they hide their penis, since they're not human? maybe their penis is in their mouth? see the way human like to use mouth while having sex.

btw, the toe injury thing is actually a good idea. I would like that we have to shoot certain parts on the body of the ennemy to kill him, like the brain, the heart, the neck, etc. Other parts of the body, such as hands, ass, toes etc, get shot will only injure the ennemy and cause him to bleed, if no one help him, he will slowly and eventually die.
Originally posted by Gashtar
Shoot it? Just hit it with a crowbar :cheese:

How about now simply punch ur penis with ur right hand, see if u can react accordingly. If u don't, i suggest u to see medicine
shit wait,i forgot,they have no penis..sorry guys i know i burst your bubble of hope
Originally posted by CrowbarOfDoom
shit wait,i forgot,they have no penis..sorry guys i know i burst your bubble of hope

oh man, i think that's a huge bug, u need to e-mail Gabe to tell them to add penis to the combine? and also ask them whether the rest of people in the game are sexually capable.
gabe told me the combine lost their penis in the genetic mutations
because everyone who saw alyx has since then been secretely obsessed with sex in half-life 2

But it is annoying when i shoot a dude in the face and he doesnt die,I WANT HEADSHOTS!
maybe in hl3 they will be able to put up a model with real body, real organ stuff. Even the bio teacher recommand us to play games. While people making games, they must know exactly where to put which organ, so they wont make a mistake in putting the balls under the chin.
except when it's a cock :D:D:D

(rooster, you know? a male chicken?)

(damn my english)
Going back on topic (slightly) how many of you have ever been shot in the foot?

Just because Bruce Willis and Arnie can get shot in the leg and carry on in a movie doesn't mean people can.

Admittefedly it can go either way, wound shock can drop a man into a heap with a minor bullet hit to flesh or shock can let people who have been knifed in a fight not notice it until they put their hand down to the slight pain and it comes up covered in blood. I've heard of both happening.

It comes down to a gameplay and design decision in the end and personally I do think that (if hl2 is using a hotpoint for enemie system) you should only be able to do a maximum of 50% damage to a huan character by shooting them in the foot or arm. As for aliens, who knows....
Oh how I loved Soldier of Fortune (1), with the hitboxes and the arms and legs flying off when u shot ppl. That was like, so cool.

I think HL2 has basic hitboxes, not as extensive as 20 zones (like in sof) but more like 6 or so. head - torso - left arm - right arm - left leg- right leg. That's enough to make it realistic enough for most people, unless you're the guy that snipes a guy in the toe just to see what will happen. I don't care about HL2 being so correct, but it would be nice if a good HL2 mod would have this (like Urban Terror for Quake3).
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