The Gabeth speaketh

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cool. hopefully it passes as fast as HL1's rc did. i think it was approved within a week. if thats the case, i expect a gold announcement by the end of next week.
kaf11 said:
cool. hopefully it passes as fast as HL1's rc did. i think it was approved within a week. if thats the case, i expect a gold announcement by the end of next week.

HL1 was approved in 48 hours i was something like 1 or 2 days. HL2 is a much bigger game, dont forget things likes CS:S also have to be approved and tested. :farmer:
Let's all cheer, this is the most positive HL2 news since it was announced :D

Be happy! :D:D

Wow, this seems so unbelievable right now... :D:D:D
Just think, the release could come anytime now, its like a ticking time bom *Tick....Tock.....Tick.....Tock*
lol typical, prolly get HL-2 around the same date as Rome:TW
Glad to hear about the RC though :D
I'm curious... so, what's happening now at Valve offices? let's speculate a little:

1. Hopefully Valve is still working trying to find bugs, in order to release a steam update inmediately the game is released/unlocked
2. Even squashing very little bugs that are so little to put the RC in danger to be rejected
3. Idle workers are playing HL2 themed multiplayer or CS:S trying to find hard-to-spot bugs or doing minor balance changes
4. Getting ready to release the SDK
5. A few valve developers meet with Vivendi people trying to help with the RC test
6. Working on other proyects like Team Fortress or giving support to Natural selection/Dod/whatever mods people who already have SDK

7. <--- PUT HERE
|_HeLL_| said:
I'm curious... so, what's happening now at Valve offices? let's speculate a little:

1. Hopefully Valve is still working trying to find bugs
2. Even squashing very little bugs that are so little to put the RC in danger to be rejected
3. Idle workers are playing HL2 themed multiplayer or CS:S trying to find hard-to-spot bugs or doing minor balance changes
4. Getting ready to release the SDK
5. A few valve developers meet with Vivendi people trying to help with the RC test
6. Working on other proyects like Team Fortress or giving support to Natural selection/Dod/whatever mods people who already have SDK

7. <--- PUT HERE

7. Drinking tea.
WOW this is funny.
About a week ago I was thinking that maybe the G-man was manifested in a real person. Then the same day someone at comes up with a pic of a man that lokes like the G-man.
Last night I dreamed that HL² soon would be released soon, and look what happened.

No I don't belive in that stuff, just thought it was funny.
HL2 RC released!!

I have no LIFE!!

:| Lol..
PlagueX said:
Last night I dreamed that HL² soon would be released soon, and look what happened.
Tell us when you dreem of a HL2 release date. :)
Maybe Gabe's email got hacked :laff:

This is good news, but please refrain from blaming Valve for any further delays.
i tried to post in the hl2 fallout forums but it crashed lol :D
PlagueX you fat ass ^^ (just for fun heh)

wierd dreaming about hl2 :P i have never done that, but maby i will tonight heh
Who the hell cares what Vivendi thinks, just release the damn game on Steam... :\
|_HeLL_| said:
I'm curious... so, what's happening now at Valve offices? let's speculate a little:

1. Hopefully Valve is still working trying to find bugs, in order to release a steam update inmediately the game is released/unlocked
2. Even squashing very little bugs that are so little to put the RC in danger to be rejected
3. Idle workers are playing HL2 themed multiplayer or CS:S trying to find hard-to-spot bugs or doing minor balance changes
4. Getting ready to release the SDK
5. A few valve developers meet with Vivendi people trying to help with the RC test
6. Working on other proyects like Team Fortress or giving support to Natural selection/Dod/whatever mods people who already have SDK

7. <--- PUT HERE

The whole point of a release candidate is to FREEZE the code. This means that no more bug fixes are put in for fear that adding a bug fix can de-stabilize the code. A RC means that they feel the code is stable and they have fixed every bug they feel is worthy enough to fix. I am positive they still have bugs that they decided not to fix because that is how the engineering game is played.
|_HeLL_| said:
I'm curious... so, what's happening now at Valve offices? let's speculate a little:

1. Hopefully Valve is still working trying to find bugs, in order to release a steam update inmediately the game is released/unlocked
2. Even squashing very little bugs that are so little to put the RC in danger to be rejected
3. Idle workers are playing HL2 themed multiplayer or CS:S trying to find hard-to-spot bugs or doing minor balance changes
4. Getting ready to release the SDK
5. A few valve developers meet with Vivendi people trying to help with the RC test
6. Working on other proyects like Team Fortress or giving support to Natural selection/Dod/whatever mods people who already have SDK

7. <--- PUT HERE

7. Playing DOOM 3
|_HeLL_| said:
1. Hopefully Valve is still working trying to find bugs, in order to release a steam update inmediately the game is released/unlocked

Apparently they were down to zero bugs on August 5th.
I wonder how long it will take gabe to adjust his spamfilter to search for "RC" :)
Sp00fman said:
I wonder how long it will take gabe to adjust his spamfilter to search for "RC" :)

Then the mail of Vivendi "The RC is accepted" will be moved to trash and > HL2 delayed till 2005.
At last! Finally some light at the end of the tunnel. Now we at least know for sure that the game is finished and the release isn't probably too far away. I'm pretty confident that this first release candidate will be the only one. GOLD!

I hope no one comes up with something like "yeah well bUt thEy kiNd4 sAid they weare liek g0nna send it by teh 15th th3y lide agnai batsarsds!1!!111!"
Awesome news...especially now that I know what RC stands for.
in the steampowered forums, MATT (a mod) is confirming this as we speak.
Yay, the final countdown begins... The Gman is coming! The Gman is coming!

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Registered: Jun 2003
It's Real

-----Original Message-----
From: apache [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 11:36 AM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: HL2 Fallout Post Correct?

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So is the news in the HL2 Fallout forums correct? Did you really send
the RC yesterday?

Thanks for your time,

w00t! :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu: :imu:
ShadowFox said:
I think you will see it go gold once the CS:S beta ends.
Vivendi has the release candidate. If CS:S is being included in the box as Valve has said, it means that either CS:S is finished enough to be releasable or Valve feels any currently outstanding flaws can be easily patched through Steam once the customer installs the game.