The only thing better than HL2...

/me calls raptor-hello, raptor!?!? YOU ****ING HOMO! U KICKED MY DOG U FAG! NOW HE NEEDS SURGERY! HOW ABOUT IF I KICK UR BALLSZ?Z?Z?!?!?!2@
Lets get raptor and finish that debate in evoultion thread!!!!
Well anyway, by using the word Fcuk, to insult you, i implied that you are in some way related to the word 'french' which is a big enough insult in it's self.
Originally posted by Animal
Well anyway, by using the word Fcuk, to insult you, i implied that you are in some way related to the word 'french' which is a big enough insult in it's self.


Hey, dont insult the French, its not their fault theyve been beaten mercilessly in every war since the 1600s.
Animal:hahahaha.....another raptor....plz recorrect your spelling errors so we can read it....there I started the flame war.
Haha! And now they're accusing the American's of being snoty? WTF...has the world gone mad?
no where! cause britney was the only one that slipped madonna the tounge!
animals no fun, he doesnt have the fighting spirit of raptor.
Originally posted by Bass
animals no fun, he doesnt have the fighting spirit of raptor.
lol yea.It would be funny if raptor was here.
Originally posted by jasonh1234
so wheres the pic of Aguilara?

yeah I heard Aguilera did some lewd things as well. Nobody has the pic?

Aguilera>Britney>Modonna, IMO
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Hypocrites are funny...
espically if they don't know what there talking about.
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
yeah I heard Aguilera did some lewd things as well. Nobody has the pic?

Aguilera>Britney>Modonna, IMO

Haha, you said lewd. ;)
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
yeah I heard Aguilera did some lewd things as well. Nobody has the pic?

Aguilera>Britney>Modonna, IMO
But now it's Britney>Aguilera, Madonna
CHristina is so fakin' ugly now, so sluty.
I pwn rapt0rz!

Sorry, i'm not a flamer by nature, it's just a hobby.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
But now it's Britney>Aguilera, Madonna
CHristina is so fakin' ugly now, so sluty.
Who cares I would **** them both....even if Aguilera had an STD I still would.
Lol, even aids, not worth it my sexually frustrated friend.:cheers:
Remember doom3>hl2? He was retarded-ha, he thinks he can own you just by saying it...I'm doom3>hl2...I'm gay-I OwNEd j00!
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Remember doom3>hl2? He was retarded-ha, he thinks he can own you just by saying it...I'm doom3>hl2...I'm gay-I OwNEd j00!

Yeah he owned me repeatedly, I dont know how I even find the courage to show my face around here anymore
Originally posted by Animal
Lol, even aids, not worth it my sexually frustrated friend.:cheers:
well maybe except aids or hiv...but other than that I would shag them to death.
I would never want to screw them , because by the time I'm old enough-they'd be be all wrinkly and shit...
Ahhhhhhh who cares.....they won't be that wrinkly.Also I'm not sexually frustrated....I'm just a horney mother ****er :)
Hey Tred theyd be perfect for you. Women hit their sexual peak in their late 30s while men hit it in their early 20s ;)
But I don't think Tred would know what do even if pussy was right in front of him :)
I wonder how many pages we can get this thread to before it is moved???
Damn you nw909.I will unleash my domo-kun powers on you.GO DOMO KUN!!!!

/me throws his dokeyball and a domo-kun appears