The only thing better than HL2...

Originally posted by Tredoslop
I know what to do with a troll

You saying im a troll?

well it seems this thread is like a leper colony for trolls.
Originally posted by nw909
You saying im a troll?

well it seems this thread is like a leper colony for trolls.

I prefer posters without giant rods shoved up our asses ;)
Are you willing to challenge me to a dokeybattle????
/me pulls out m60, deploys bipod and kills domokun along with Tr0n
/me dies an awful death while holding on to his domo
/me notices that tredo only said he wasted the rounds on me so I look at my impenitrable armor and lol because i'll always come up with some excuse to win a roleplay battle.
/me sticks F1 Frag grenade down nw909's pants.
Say goodbye to ur future children
/me pulls out un-detonated frag and throws it back at tredo

/me watches frag blow tredo into bite sized peices.
/me runs to the nearest CVS and gets the "pill" to keep the sandy vaginas away
/me slaps nw909 with a sweaty HEV suit, then puts it on, shaves his hair, kicks his balls and farts in his general direction
Originally posted by nw909
/me pulls out un-detonated frag and throws it back at tredo

/me watches frag blow tredo into bite sized peices.
Dude, it already blew up in ur pants
/me regenerates and smokes a fatty in the ally and throws rocks at cats.

/me gets on his motorbike and rides off into the sunset.
Originally posted by Tredoslop
/me sticks F1 Frag grenade down nw909's pants.
Say goodbye to ur future children

No it didn't

you never said it did

so I threw it back.
/me grabs grenade from Tred and tosses it at a cute little kitty near by
Originally posted by nw909
/me regenerates and smokes a fatty in the ally and throws rocks at cats.

/me gets on his motorbike and rides off into the sunset.
/me takes nw909's regenerating object/powers,
Originally posted by thehunter1320
HA! sorry, had to do it!

Nah, after you date a bi girl you'll never like em again. Plus, you can't trust em, they're looking at everyone and want to **** all the girls.. it's nasty.
Originally posted by nw909
No it didn't

you never said it did

so I threw it back.
It has a timed fuse, I don't need to detonate it...and while u were firing tha m60, it blew up .shutup! I can not speak english...penos,penos-what? WHAT? wanna suck ma penies?
/me is fine with that because is already in space talking with stephen hawkings who un-intentionally blows up the universe.
Fire in the hole

/me ducks as grenade goes off and the cute kitties guts go flying everywhere
No the universe already blew up along with all the kitties and domokuns.
Garfield is a domo's will rip his fat ass to pieces.
/me pulls out a another dokeyball

*Shambler swallows nw909 and poops him out-then nw909 reincarnates as a...(insert word here)
shuttup, im the referee up in space rapping with stephen hawkings.