The only thing better than HL2...

buddy you better pass it around then!!!
wow, 121 posts in 1:30 hrs
/me throws the "pill" to people afraid of the sandy vaginas
/me passes star weed to nw909, then Tr0n, then Stephen Hawking, then Shambler, then Bass
/me grabs the pill and crushes it turning it into dust then puts it in a line and snorts it
I think this thread shows you that we need more moderators here.
well damn't fine I will stick to my acid and you go ahead and take your weed

/me runs off
thanks nw909
/me eats sum pizza, smokes star weed, sprinkles star weed on pizza
mmmmmmmm, gooooood
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
Yeah, all Doom3 fans are quite a bit delusional.

all fan's are delusional!

hence the term Fan which is short for Fanatic which on means...


\Fa*nat"ic\, a. [L. fanaticus inspired by divinity, enthusiastic, frantic, fr. fanum fane: cf. F. fanatique. See Fane.] Pertaining to, or indicating, fanaticism; extravagant in opinions; ultra; unreasonable; excessively enthusiastic, especially on religious subjects; as, fanatic zeal; fanatic notions.

source :

replace the religious with the word Gaming... and your all set!

TheRook :dork:
pust some weed in brownie mix and bake it :)
Originally posted by thehunter1320
srry tr0n
/me asks nicely for sum star acid
I dunno I think you might die from it......ahhh hell just put 2 drops under you tounge.
/me is high on star weed
hahahahahahahaha..... u forgot the milkey-milk for the milkey-milk poop colored cocke(cake). HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
/me shoves a kitten up thehunter1320's ass, rips out his eyes, launch them have way across the galaxy with a manipulator, then farts into his eye sockets
Well this thread has gone to hell and isn't coming back.
/me gets his robotic killing domos to bite treds balls off
/me bites the head of every one of Tr0n's Domo-Kuns b4 they can bite Tredo's balls off. Then puts on a sweaty HEV suit.

/me lays beside his headless domos and cries
No I don' think so.If they where they would have told me :)