The person above you

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^ Has an avatar that he took from the devil dude on the Hercules 9800 pro boxes

notices that he wants his soul to be eaten an forces his soul to be consumed, then acknolegdes The DemonWithin's power an cries.
spits out FarrowLeSparrow and says, "you taste like man...i dont want to eat you anymroe."
has been rolling in man for too long, which is why he tastes like it. ;)
edit: no fool!! you ruined it!
/me kills hoodlum
A man that can get out of everything by falling on the "I am a demon" exuse.
has been destroyed by The DemonWithin by a holy golf club, and his avatar is some binary.
is wrong, The DemonWithin learned how to in some dumb class, he mostly forgets but could probably figure it out.
doesn't realise the true sadness of Mitoboys avatar which reads 1337.. ;)
is the only other mod, kind of person, on at this time of night
is used to destroy mitoboy!
Spud: my spacebar works fine! see!? S p a c e !!!! !~ !!! !! ! ! yweah!

Then why is it The DemonWithin, why not The Demon Within
And Stone: is only 7 PM here
doesn't realise that its 2:53 in the morning here in the UK :(
Is discarded cause he doesnt want to be a StoneSword.
Spud: Its the max amount of characters allowed one this forum, only 15 are allowed, an with the space in between Demon and Within it would be 16, so i was outta luck. Although i have another name for when this happens, My Demon Within, but i felt like usin this name.
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