The person above you

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According to his signature thinks the universe could turn into an apple in the next 24 hours...
Is posting waaaaaaaay too fast :P

EDIT: Just to clarify, I meant that I was about to comment on FLS, and he posted, making mine redundent :E
Is annoyed
(I really hoped that redundified Comrade Badger)
Doesn't seem to realise that spaces aren't allowed in User Names
Is absolutely right... But seems not to have noticed or victimised Login_Here.
Why is The DemonWithin allowed to use spaces?
Should have said i mentioned that because El_Chi was above me and not Login_Here.

Should have also said anyone can use them...

Was right in what he said though....
The person above the person above him (ie: D33) says silly things
Should tell MrBadger he smells of poo...

(I can see this degenarating...Im not helping but what are you gonna do?)
Is confirming mr.badger, who is trying to hit 2k posts so Zerimski can Zero out his post count.


/me laughs uncontrollably!
Is under arrest for poor grammar, and anything he says will be taken down as evidence and later used in a court of the english language law
is a bizkit hater

lol :cheese:

*burnzie removes crowbar from back of badgers head
Is a murderer. SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE. Thats a FC(friendly crowbar), and not allowed here!

1.Dosent know what he is talking about

2. dosent know i was only kidding

3. is a member of the grammer police
dosent know we already mentioned that

j/k lol :cheese:

Has had one to many toblarones (spelling)

*Burnzie wressles chocolate bar out of sparrows hand to save him from himself
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