The person above you

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Made an observation of an observation of the INITIAL OBSERVATION...

By George, we have a conundrum!
is most likely an atheist or devilworshiper that wears all black clothes and whose room is very dark and black, and some how fasinated with the so called game "Half Life."
likes cartoon porn
Yes, i am atheist, and my room is black, an yes i am fascinated wit hl2, but im not a devil worshiper
Kanarico: hey man
You've got your ball
you've got your chain
Tied to me tight tie me up again
Who's got their claws
in you my friend
Into your heart I'll beat again
Sweet like candy to my soul
Sweet you rock
and sweet you roll
Lost for you I'm so lost for you
You come crash into me
And I come into you,
I come into you
In a boys dream
In a boys dream
I step off the train
I'm walking down your street again
And past your door, but you don't live there anymore
It's years since you've been there
Now you've disappeared somewhere, like outer space
You've found some better place

And I miss you, like the deserts miss the rain
And I miss you, like the deserts miss the rain
Seems to think he is a poet. And likes fast forward cartoon porn. Also, is not staying on topic.
Doesn't realize that "old and knoby" hasn't done drugs in 3 years, and acid in 5. :P
Is an overachieving pothead, who thinks I am crazy.

I only did it twice? Can't really remember. Those years are a blurr. I saw barney 200 ft tall the first time, and the second time my friends all turned into God, Satan, Angels, and my lawyer, and I thought I was being judged. I could of sworn there was a buncha people than came over and a guy more messed up than me who was freaking out on the floor, but my friends said no one else came over.
has an avatar of a crazy man running in a box.

I have a font with only people running, dancefloor-exit.
Has a number at the end of his name for some reason
commented on someone who commented on someone who has a really cool running man avatar.
Spends his weekends reading erotic literature to children and the elderly.
Has a signature which seems to think that fighting someone will give you all information about them.
Has a small gun.
Is not a Freudian nightmare. This is a Good Thing.
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