The Sims 3 Goes Gold, Set For Launch June 2

Sales: People who will buy the game
People who will buy the game: Teenage girls
Teenage girls: Inept at computers
Inept at computers: Does not know how to torrent
Does not know how to torrent: Must go to the store and buy
Must go to the store and buy: Sales
I thought they were all still rereading Twilight?
Nah, that fad went out a long time ago.
Need to keep up with the times, Sheepo.
Sales: People who will buy the game
People who will buy the game: Teenage girls
Teenage girls: Inept at computers
Inept at computers: Does not know how to torrent
Does not know how to torrent: Must go to the store and buy
Must go to the store and buy: Sales

Therefore, Jintor = Teenage Girl
Will my geforce 3 run this?

Probably not. A toaster would likely run it better.
I'd totally do Jintor if it wasn't for the fact I have a max age of 14.
Wanna know what always sucks balls about the sims franchise? Each new game of course has no expansions... and instead of build upon what they already had, they strip the game to basics and just release the same expansion themes over and over.

Stupid, honestly.
The game got leaked a few days ago, poor EA.

Wonder how bad it will look and run on minimum specs?

I will most likely have to run it on mininum too, I'll PM you some screenies ASAP

Well, I think the requirements won't be very high, because Sims is known as a casual game and casual gamers often have low-end graphics.
I wouldn't be too surprised if it runs on a Geforce 6200.
Wanna know what always sucks balls about the sims franchise? Each new game of course has no expansions... and instead of build upon what they already had, they strip the game to basics and just release the same expansion themes over and over.

Stupid, honestly.

Not really.
It rakes in the money.
Nah, that fad went out a long time ago.
Need to keep up with the times, Sheepo.
But surely they got to, like, totally remake the couple and let them have babies :D :) :D !!!! and write angsty fanfiction about their relationship, and how they HELPED ME KILL TINA FROM Ninth Grade because she's, like, such a bitch? :flame: :flame: And then I steal Eric from her :bounce: and she's all like 'ow! I'm so sorry please forgive my ghost', :rolling: :rolling: and I'm all like HELL NO SKANK, I'M GOING TO GO TO COLLEGE WHEN THE EXPANSION LETS ME. :angry:

Also, makeup and shoes and shopping and FEELINGS. :angel:

And for those reasons, I've always really wanted to enjoy the Sims. I just don't.
Can't even ****ing read that against the blue forum color.
I'd totally do Jintor if it wasn't for the fact I have a max age of 14.


Woo, looks like I fit system requirements easily then. Just gotta get all these assignments outta the way so I can go pick it up in June.
Yes, it accurately reflects reality now!
Yeah, Barbarbarbar just got banhammered again for it, huh...
Well, he posted a link. This lot'll just get comments removed, i guess.
EA have just set the prices for The Sims 3 store and bloody hell it's expensive.
You get 1000 points ($10) with the game, and the cheapest set in the game is 575 Points ($5.75) and it goes up to 2000 Points ($20). Now i can see why The Sims 3 is really lacking in objects to buy, EA have removed them to sell on it's store. At those prices the Stuff packs of the Sims 2 seem like a bargain now, you go alot more for a cheaper price. EA are really milking this one for everything they can get, this is borderline robbery. I just hope we get a modthesims 3 site.
Wow, they must really be hurting for money.
BFHeroes with micro-transactions and now Sims 3 with micro-transactions.

They should just stick with $30 expansions.
Yeah, the microtransaction is the worst concept about The Sims 3, otherwise I love it.

Also, you can via the ingame options menu set how long a Sims lifespan is, from Normal(Default) to Epic(like 100+ something ingame days) :)
The sad thing is that EA have now made it very difficult to mod The Sims 3. J M Pescado one of the most respected modders of The Sims 2 community found that the The Sims 3 files are heavily protected with encryption and other security features to prevent modding. It seems like EA want to stop all the free mods that were around for The Sims 2.
I still can't understand how EA can justify those prices. For $20 you can get GTA:Lost and Damned and that gives well over 15 hours of gameplay, new weapons, vehicles and radio, while all you get on the EA store are a couple of chairs and tables for the same amount. For a few dollars more you could get a full expansion pack. I am really considering cancelling my pre-order now.
EA have just set the prices for The Sims 3 store and bloody hell it's expensive.
You get 1000 points ($10) with the game, and the cheapest set in the game is 575 Points ($5.75) and it goes up to 2000 Points ($20). Now i can see why The Sims 3 is really lacking in objects to buy, EA have removed them to sell on it's store. At those prices the Stuff packs of the Sims 2 seem like a bargain now, you go alot more for a cheaper price. EA are really milking this one for everything they can get, this is borderline robbery. I just hope we get a modthesims 3 site.

Wow... what assholes.

I'm not here to tell them they can't do that, but it's certainly not going to help the game out.

And your post above also says they are making it more difficult to mod. I don't doubt it.

Stupid ****ers. User content was probably bigger in sims than it was in any other game. And I say that as an outsider. I just know there was a shit ton of custom content from a shit ton of people. Tons of high quality crap.
They sure aren't trying to hide the fact that they're just plain ripping content that's already done from the game to rob people of more money... kinda funny, but totally bullshit.
The sad thing is that EA have now made it very difficult to mod The Sims 3. J M Pescado one of the most respected modders of The Sims 2 community found that the The Sims 3 files are heavily protected with encryption and other security features to prevent modding. It seems like EA want to stop all the free mods that were around for The Sims 2.
I still can't understand how EA can justify those prices. For $20 you can get GTA:Lost and Damned and that gives well over 15 hours of gameplay, new weapons, vehicles and radio, while all you get on the EA store are a couple of chairs and tables for the same amount. For a few dollars more you could get a full expansion pack. I am really considering cancelling my pre-order now.
Got a link for the source on how hard it is to mod TS3?
Got a link for the source on how hard it is to mod TS3?

I'm afraid not. We were all chatting on the live chat on MTS2 because he can't post about The Sims 3 seeing as the only version out is the leak and being a featured Creator wouldn't have gone down well.
Well, when it's out, I guess I'll hear the shitstorm.

Still buying though. Urge to play Sims 3, even vanilla, overriding common sense.
The Night Life, Open for Business, and University expansion packs arrived in the mail today. :D
I've decided to cancel my pre-order. I've just been looking at some of the screenshots for the game before it was released and noticed a few things that are there but not in game, and sure enough they are already on The Sims 3 store being sold. I wanted my Sim to have a ponytail like in one of the pre-release screenshots and couldn't find it, and as soon as i started the game there it was being advertised at 100 points.
So you need to buy hairstyles and shit from the microsoft store?

Sounds a bit lame.
The Night Life, Open for Business, and University expansion packs arrived in the mail today. :D

Heh have fun lucid ;)

I've the game on pre-order but have sneaked a look at the 'leak' and I have to say it does seem like certainly with things like hairstyles they've gimped the character creation a bit (there barely 12 different male hairstyles to choose from), however on the flip side there is a lot of freedom when it comes to being able to stylise the textiles etc of the clothes. My one comment from playing around with the character creator is that its almost impossible not to end up with someone looking vaguely emo..which is kind of bizarre. Anyhows I expect when the game is out (not long now) there will be such a furore on the Sims forums, they will make a lot more items freely available.

Seems like the 'leaked' version might of been from a hands on event and isn't fully rep of the proper game as the person in this thread with the full version (reviewers girlfriend) says there's a lot more hairstyle options. Also apparently you get another town to DL when you register the game according to the moderators in the thread.