The Suprise Is Here! (Proof)

MiccyNarc said:
*CS: Sucks.

Not everyone agrees with you..

I agree....CS has had its time now..... Why did Cliffe fancy a move to Valve. Things change. CS has had to change. HL2DM is the future.... maybe....!

Yes I did the CS clan thing many moons ago, but we all get older and so did CS.

Crack on...... NEXT!
Cunni said:
Well for me if the surprise is DM, I will be disappointed. I WANT AN EXPANSION!!!!!! :D

an expansion 2 weeks after release.. WOW dude, !! your CRAZY
CS it's just that funny. It's for addicteds.

I hope that's true!! I want Half-Life 2 ****ING DEATHMATCH!! :D
i guess that some of the magazines must update their reviews then since a couple of them slated hl2 because it had no hl2 themed multiplayer
I don't think we should expect much from HL2DM. There aren't very many weapons and they probably aren't much fun in DM anyway.

Also, if CS:S and the prop_physics_multiplayer is any indication, it's very likely that HL2DM wouldn't include the manipulator (at least in the official maps).
Zeus said:
Whats the big deal really about DM, CS:Source is fine.

Agreed. (first time?)

It will be nice and spiffy for two months, but I guarantee you everyone will still be playing CSS in a year (or two).

But extra MP would always be nice yes.

I wonder if the gravity gun is in there, but with the way CSS handles physics, I very much doubt it.
Cs Source Really Is The Worst Multiplayer Ever. It It So Boring.

Zeus said:
Whats the big deal really about DM, CS:Source is fine.

Yea, it's fine, but after countless hours playing that's all it is, and all it ever will be. HL2 deathmatch, however, will be much more than fine.

And what do you mean whats the big deal? deathmatch, with HL2? CS:S? I know which I'd prefer to play.
can someone please explain to me how those screens he posted are supposed to mean HL2 DM? what the hell am I looking at here?
it's just a chart of some sort...
well cs source is cs and cs will only be cool if they add more gameplay features cause its boring since everyone has played it

cs source= cool for 1 week

now hl2 dm could have some cool shize

sorry to referring to leak but maybe they will put the physgun in that can weld objects to one another

that was sickkkkkkkk

u could like make a house in a tree or like on a wall and like snipe peopple from it

The only thing I don't understand about this is why Valve would not mention that they had multiplayer in the works ready to come out just a little later.
I mean, why leave yourself open to get penalised in reviews when you've done the work?

Not that I'm disputing this is real, seems pretty genuine to me, nice find by the guy who dug it up!
L. Duke said:
I don't think we should expect much from HL2DM. There aren't very many weapons and they probably aren't much fun in DM anyway.

Also, if CS:S and the prop_physics_multiplayer is any indication, it's very likely that HL2DM wouldn't include the manipulator (at least in the official maps).
did you have fun with them shooting combine? if so then you will shooting other people.

and the grav gun is already in HL2's crappy unofficial version of MP
DoctorGordon3 said:
CS:S is the stupidest game ever.

1. All the players are morons
2. Nothing to do with half-life 2
3. Boring after awhile

I agree with you alot there Doc, although i do enjoy playing it sometimes. But i think HL2DM and other HL2MP games would be way better... :smoking:
If you guys noticed, and look at the console list, everything for Half Life 2 MP is in there. ban commands, server name commands, everything. It would be so easy for Valve to add mulitplayer, they should be SMACKED if they did not.
Mr.Wotsit said:
The only thing I don't understand about this is why Valve would not mention that they had multiplayer in the works ready to come out just a little later.
I mean, why leave yourself open to get penalised in reviews when you've done the work?
because there wasn't any MP in the works at that time.
i guess they said they wouldnt make any hl2 themed mp just to be different, to look even more "revolutionary". they thought they could get away with CS:S because it was the most played game - they were obviously wrong, and now they repair their mistake
Nice find. I think CS is getting a bit old myself, I'm stoked to see some HL2DM.
Well I'll be damned. There it is, big as life.

As an aside, thanks for pointing me toward XVI32, I've been looking for a decent freeware win32 hex editor. =P
Interesting find, but I'm still not going to get my hopes up. If it ends up happening though, then THANK YOU
Azrael. said:
Nice find. I think CS is getting a bit old myself, I'm stoked to see some HL2DM.
Yep posted this earlier.

Anyways, there will be a bucket load of MP's coming your way when the SDK is released.

CS is fine, i think DM offers a greater chance for more varied map styles and gamemodes, Airboat racing in that buggy MP mod thats floating around, has so much frigging potential, all we need is a stable release.
but its more multiplayer. plus, that means theyll have to make a gordon model!! cs source is okay but i want to play multiplayer that is hl2 themed
Man i can't wait, has anyone got a release date for this "surprise" ???


If HL2DM doesn't come out im going to eat my hat...
F34R said:
Man i can't wait, has anyone got a release date for this "surprise" ???


If HL2DM doesn't come out im going to eat my hat...

sometime this week, before friday i would think
Cs:S is great. I mean TO ME it is still fun. I personally love messing with ragdolls etc.. But I would rather have HL2:DM with no doubt.

it's conceivable that this isn't VALVe's work, it is known they have been working with the Sven Coop's team for a while
I was pretty sure that valve never gave Sven Coop any pre-release of the full SDK. As one of the memebers said so. 2 Mod teams I believe got it, sven coop wasn't one of them. I don't think HL2DM was designed by Sven Coop's team.

Personally they will probably force the physics to be like HL2's and not Cs:S's. Thus creating more lag though.
Vesh said:
As an aside, thanks for pointing me toward XVI32, I've been looking for a decent freeware win32 hex editor. =P

Yeah, that's the best part of the whole post for me too! :P
If there really is multiplayer, then I would guess that it is simply an upgrade of Half-Life 1's deathmatch, probably without the manipulator. As someone said, the manipulator probably wouldn't work well with the crazy online physics. I think everyone should be cynical like me so when HL2: MP comes out, we won't have to make 5,323 rant threads because our astronomical expectations were let down.
YESSS! but that CSS update will still go ahead this month right??
kingthebadger said:
sometime this week, before friday i would think

Ok, cheers for the speedy reply :E So that means that we only have a few days to wait.

While we are on the subject of HL2MP why don't we keep this thread alive with a few questions :

1. Which character models/skins do you think they would use for deathmatch?
2. Do you think they will release any other modes such as HL2-TDM or OFFICIAL CO-OP?
3. Out of all the single player maps which 2 would you think they would use for MP?

Sorry if you think the questions are bad, It's the best i could think of :E
F34R said:
Ok, cheers for the speedy reply :E So that means that we only have a few days to wait.

While we are on the subject of HL2MP why don't we keep this thread alive with a few questions :

1. Which character models/skins do you think they would use for deathmatch?
2. Do you think they will release any other modes such as HL2-TDM or OFFICIAL CO-OP?
3. Out of all the single player maps which 2 would you think they would use for MP?

Sorry if you think the questions are bad, It's the best i could think of :E

1. i would hope they used the resistance/combine elites
3. i would want them to use the entrapment i think... the one with the towers on the beach at night..
OllyDb (or Olly debug, just search for Olly debugger on google, should get it) is quite a good debugger/hex editor, too.
Insurgency is one of the mods that got the SDK ahead of time, but I did not hear the dev's say they got the special treat.
riles said:
but its more multiplayer. plus, that means theyll have to make a gordon model!! cs source is okay but i want to play multiplayer that is hl2 themed
There already is a gordon model, its just unskinned.
Add the fact that they already have a Hev suit skin and all they need is a head.