The VALVe appreciation thread


Aug 1, 2004
Reaction score
Most people here are acting as if VALVe owes them HL2. VALVe doesn't owe any of us ANYTHING! They have spent the past 6 years making this game, 6 years of their lives! Sure, it's their job and it sure as hell pays well, but what makes them different than other developers? A lot actually. They actually communicate with us, the community. They answer our emails! Not many devs do that these days. They have also released a lot of info and content yet they have not spoiled any parts of the story line.

A lot of people are whining that VALVe can't get their release dates right, the only time they missed the release date was back in 2003. And the delay was for a good reason (the leak wasn't the reason of the delay). They didn't delay because "they are evil and want you to suffer". CS:S was supposed to be preloaded today but you wouldn't even get to play it until the end of the month so what are you all whining about? And funny thing is, that some of the people whining about the CS:S delay probably aren't even eligible to be in the beta, they just want to bash VALVe! People are saying "omfg, valv3 sUx, it sumer and HL2 not out, omfg i haet u valev!!!11". There are still TWO months of summer left (September is actually considered a summer month for releases and such).

Another thing, all these HL2 vs. Doom 3 threads gotta stop, you just can't compare the two when one of them isn't even out. It's like comparing Die Another Day to the next unreleased James Bond movie. Also, all the Doom 3 bashing has got to stop. This is an HL2 forum, if you wanna bash Doom 3, go do it at a Doom 3 forum.

We should be greatful for what we have, I'm sure that VALVe are busting their balls right now getting this game out to us, and we should appreciate them for that, because once it's released, we will be quite "refreshed" by it.

Be patient, find something to do apart from visiting these forums and twindling your thumbs, the game will be out and it will be glorious!
Valve has put more power into the people that buy their games than most companies would want. I mean, they give them EVERYTHING to make a new game with their engine, PLUS the support if they have time, which they don't and they still help out serious modders. Valve has brought us the tools, and we have probably surprised most of them. Now, they give us a bigger challenge.. will we surprise them again? probably.
all respect for valve is now gone, how many times have things be delayed, and no its nothing to do with bugs or working on things imo, its about stringing things along and making HL2 delay until christmas for christmas sales
Not another one of these threads. :rolleyes:

Thanks Valve.
Coolpot said:
all respect for valve is now gone, how many times have things be delayed, and no its nothing to do with bugs or working on things imo, its about stringing things along and making HL2 delay until christmas for christmas sales

This is exactly the type of attitude I'm talking about, they only missed a set date once. Other developers miss their dates way more times than that. No other dates have been announced and HL2 can't possibly be delayed until christmas since it's basically finished.
VALVe owns. You dudes rock.
But forget about CS:Sucks and finish HL2 asap. Please? Pretty please with sugar on?
i guess im fed up of it now

i mean seriously, they shouldnt give dates they are never going to meet.

I want HL2 as much as anyone else here, but i wont expect it until christmas

i dont think vivendi will miss out on the extra sales oppertunity.

i think at best ill be hoping for its realease just before my b-day nov 25th

give people chance to ask for it for their christmas presents.
Coolpot said:
all respect for valve is now gone, how many times have things be delayed, and no its nothing to do with bugs or working on things imo, its about stringing things along and making HL2 delay until christmas for christmas sales

Yes, because delaying things in order to make better games drains my respect too, I mean why can't they just do it like EA? That works doesn't it? You get 50% of the game in the box, the rest can be downloaded in the form of patches in the coming 2 years! Isn't that just AWESOME?!

Not enough companies really care about the quality of their products, be thankful Valve does.
So the f*ck what if they delay? It doesn't stop you living you life does it? The game will come when it's ready, and it will be good when it's ready, and any delays will be irrelevant if they contribute to the quality of the product.

And you're stupid if you truly think that deliberately delaying for christmas will help them sell. I mean, the delay has cost them more money than they would benefit from selling at christmas. And if they were going for christmas, why not last year's christmas?
Seriously, if anyone can think of a game company that has supported the mod community as well as Valve I would love to hear from them....


Let them release the game when its done and stop flaming them for trying to make a great gaming experience. They are trying to top the best game of the past 6 years ya know.
Fed up of what? They only missed ONE date! Yes, I agree that they shouldn't have given that date but right now they aren't saying anything.
ok here is a thing i've been thinking was supposed to be pre-loaded today right,but it was slightly delayed.i mean,you dont use slightly if they gonna delay it more than a couple of days right?

and besides,it is just a pre-load,you wouldn't be able to play the game for at least a week or something.
Where has this thread been..?

You should of thought of this way earlier :E

Thank you VALVe!!! You guys are the best!!!

Is this thread sticky? It should be :O
/me hints.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
This is exactly the type of attitude I'm talking about, they only missed a set date once. Other developers miss their dates way more times than that. No other dates have been announced and HL2 can't possibly be delayed until christmas since it's basically finished.
*cough* DNF*cough* and yet the fanboys are still there waiting for the game. The game will come when all polished and shiny and I can wait. I got kids to raise, a job....

OMG, life continues to happen while we wait. WOOTIES!

You go Valve!
pff steam

2bh i think the real reason for all the delays is steam, why cant they release updates later? because steam cannot cope with the demands

if you were to release HL2 over steam now, i belive steam would be just like the beta days.

lets face it HL2 come out, demand will be *HUGE*, i have no idea how they intend to get that data down the lines!

Steam is a moneymaking oppertunity, dressed up to be the gamers friend that delivers updates like magic in the background! and even a Broadband delivery platform!! it never really has been that, will it be? in the future? maybe..but point is, its not now.
and the reason the games we want are delayed is because they are still trying to get steam working, imo.

I doubt very much steam could cope with the CS:S beta traffic, let alone the whole HL2 base! and they wouldnt want steam to look un-ready.
Coolpot said:
2bh i think the real reason for all the delays is steam, why cant they release updates later? because steam cannot cope with the demands

if you were to release HL2 over steam now, i belive steam would be just like the beta days.

lets face it HL2 come out, demand will be *HUGE*, i have no idea how they intend to get that data down the lines!

Steam is a moneymaking oppertunity, dressed up to be the gamers friend that delivers updates like magic in the background! and even a Broadband delivery platform!! it never really has been that, will it be? in the future? maybe..but point is, its not now.
and the reason the games we want are delayed is because they are still trying to get steam working, imo.

I doubt very much steam could cope with the CS:S beta traffic, let alone the whole HL2 base! and they wouldnt want steam to look un-ready.

They have HL2 developers, CS:Source developers, Steam updaters, and different sections. Steam updaters only update steam, and has no effect on the release of HL2.
Evil^Milk, I do believe that was un-necessary.. :stare:

But, hey.
:thumbs: to valve. They may have missed a release date or three, but they still are the creators of the best fps in the history of mankind. Add to this the irrefutable fact that no other group of developers have supported their game to the extent that the guys at valve have supported theirs and you have an achievement that will not be matched by any company for another decade and more.

I think Valve should thank me for buying their game.

seriously though, developers do it for the money.
Thanks for being Valve, Valve.

Goes without saying from all of us really. And besides, the real 'thanks' will come when Half-Life 2 is released, when it gets a shitload of critical acclaim and makes truckloads of money for everyone involved in making it.
AJ Rimmer said:
VALVe owns. You dudes rock.
But forget about CS:Sucks and finish HL2 asap. Please? Pretty please with sugar on?

pretty, pretty, pretty please? Pretty please with AJ Rimmer in the middle of a cake with a cherry on top of his head? :cheese:
i agree with you 100% but what valve should do is go with the id "when its done" approach, it would make the whole process a lot easier ;)
im really sick of these fanboy threads. honestly, get over yourselves. you act like valve is working the line down at your local soup kitchen. they may not owe us anything, but we dont owe them anything either.

bottom line is, they didnt make this game for you. they made this game because it will make them lots and lots of money.
freeorangeshoes said:
im really sick of these fanboy threads. honestly, get over yourselves. you act like valve is working the line down at your local soup kitchen. they may not owe us anything, but we dont owe them anything either.

bottom line is, they didnt make this game for you. they made this game because it will make them lots and lots of money.

But the point is that people are treating them like soupnazi's even though they don't deserve it.
freeorangeshoes said:
im really sick of these fanboy threads. honestly, get over yourselves. you act like valve is working the line down at your local soup kitchen. they may not owe us anything, but we dont owe them anything either.

bottom line is, they didnt make this game for you. they made this game because it will make them lots and lots of money.

Wow someone who finally has some intelligence. I agree 100%
No freeorangeshoes, you owe them your soul. :P

I paid $50 for my copy of HL and what did it come with? 6 years of support, I'd say that's pretty DAMNED good.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
No freeorangeshoes, you owe them your soul. :P

I paid $50 for my copy of HL and what did it come with? 6 years of support, I'd say that's pretty DAMNED good.

no. first of all, no one buys a game because of the support.

what do you consider support...steam? updates? the only reason valve continued to update hl for as long as they have is simply because they have a sequel in the works. it would be commercially stupid to abandon that product.

congratulations, gunzablazin, you put capitalism to work! this isnt meant to be an attack on you in specific...the blind devotion to this company is just sickening.

if you look at what theyve done with this game (hl2) from an unbiased standpoint, its laughable. along the way, theyve managed to let it get stolen off the lead programmers computer, utilize some of the worst PR ever, continuously miss dates, etc. etc.

if they worked for me, they would have been fired. if the game was anything other than hl2, they would have been looking for a new publisher a long time ago.
While i am not usually one to kiss bums, i must congratumalate valve on the revolver, i can't get over how sweet it looks.....which is really quite worrying :/
I dont believe Hl gamers owe the Valve anything. They need the fans more than we need them.
Getting involved with the gaming community= Fan support
Fan Support=$$$$$$$ in the developers pockets

I know they are aiming to please us but it's not all out of the kindness of their hearts. These people need money as much as we do. And without us they will have to look for work elsewhere. Valve is VERY lucky to have a hardcore fan base like us. So tell me; Who owes who?

I haven't got a thread on a message board dedicated to me by Valve thanking me for buying their games. Have you?

Half Life DOES NOT exists without us.
freeorangeshoes said:
If you look at what theyve done with this game (hl2) from an unbiased standpoint, its laughable. along the way, theyve managed to let it get stolen off the lead programmers computer, utilize some of the worst PR ever, continuously miss dates, etc. etc.

I'm sorry but I am going to have to disagree with that. How many date's have they missed?

One last year, right?
And the CS:S Beta date, right? (To me, missing a date by less then 7 days, doesn't qualify as missing it.)

That hardly qualifies as missing dates ALL THE TIME.

Drizz said:
I know they are aiming to please us but it's not all out of the kindness of their hearts. These people need money as much as we do. And without us they will have to look for work elsewhere. Valve is VERY lucky to have a hardcore fan base like us. So tell me; Who owes who?

I think I remember reading that they (The valve startup team) are quite rich from working with Microsoft (Sold shares or something). Plus HUGE profits from HL. I hardly think that they really NEED the money.
Hey valve look what you have done, people idolize you... which is a bit sad but none the less you better not let them down..
I didn't mean it in that sense. Im dirt poor. I know the developers have more mulah than I do. I meant that they need money like everyone else does. They have families to support and houses to maintain.
I think we should all give VALVe one big consecutive hug :P

To all those doubters in VALVe, firstly, why are you here? Secondly, even IF VALVe solely made the game for money, does that make them any less praiseworthy? We owe them for the game, true, they wouldn't be there if it wasn't for us, but we only buy something if it provides us with satisfaction. I imagine everyone here was satisfied to the large extent with HL and all following associating products, so be grateful.
