The Whiteboard incident

wOOt, just for that I'm going to visit Hl2world for once :D
I agree, they have to be dates.. but, I won't jump on the "IT HAS TO BE DISCMASTERING+!@!@@~@@@" bandwagon
well, if you're not joing to make the jump, I suppose we'll just have to drag you on. :D
hmmm maybe it's this:

maybe they're talking about starting the DISCover version of HL2...maybe it means "start discovery process"..which means in law terms when a lawyer questions the other party to find out information to build a case ....maybe I have absolutely no clue as to what they mean...

btw I'm new here, been reading for awhile but this is my first post, so be gentle :)
dscowboy said:
That image was edited by Valve and censored, here's the original photo that was taken.


5/23 hordon final :LOL: :LOL:
Wow, nice find. Could someone ask the guy who took the photo for a full sized one? that way we could more easily see what that last letter is. Oh yeah, and that "BF starts citade..." is tomorrow. Pretty cool, knowing that tomorrow someone at valve will start citade... :p
Yes! I am a beliver! KILL THE HERETICS!

Sorry.. offtopic...
How about:

- "Start discarding all game content and restart development of a Half-Life themed tetris-like puzzle game"

- "Start discharge of Gabe Newell and assign Fragmaster as CEO of Valve to develop more dumbass crappy flashmovies"

- "Start disciple recruitment for the Valve religion. We si teh God of y00!"

- "Start disciplinary painful punishment of all people bashing Valve lately"

- "Start discontinuing of Valve"

Loads of possibilities! \o/
I didn't say so before, but I agree: dates it is.
Damn you guys sure love that whiteboard huh :)

I was one of the students on that trip and like a few i also took pictures (and some movies too, ill convert these later this night).

Anyway, you can see more of the right of the whiteboard right here .

More pictures of the visit itself can be found here (yeah im the jaw-dropping guy :E)

If there's a picture you'd like to see more in closeup (cant imagine which one) let me know.

There was also a whiteboard with a list of alternative attacks, too bad i havent got a pic of that.
From that angle, the word looks like Discretionary something anims.

Cool pics. Thanks for them.
WARNING: there seems to be something of a spoiler in that new whiteboard shot in regards to the END of the game. I may be reading it wrong, and it's not earth-shattering, but it does seem to imply something plot-wise.
Apos said:
WARNING: there seems to be something of a spoiler in that new whiteboard shot in regards to the END of the game. I may be reading it wrong, and it's not earth-shattering, but it does seem to imply something plot-wise.

Cant think of what appears to be a spoiler for you in that pic. But hey, im just a headcrab :)
Nice pics: is that the still private Half-life2 website in one of the shots?

I also see: Barney in XSI, what looks like Kliener in modelviewer, "I hate humans, I am a robot, I eat hair...," NAUTILUS!!!!!, Gabe drinks diet Pepsi: Coke threatens jihad!
Cant think of what appears to be a spoiler for you in that pic. But hey, im just a headcrab

I'm not going to spoilertag it because then everyone will just read the tag. I'm just going to say trust me. You might not understand it at first, and that's good, but if you don't go back and look anymore at all, I guarantee something will occur to you...
It says "Start discretionary acting anims". Probably referring to animations that characters may or may not do in response to Gordon, ie, pushing him out of the way when trying to walk somewhere as discussed in the Softimage 'tutorial' video.

re: possible spoiler info on the board, it's not very specific, but i'll spoilertag it:
'GMAN DENOUEMENT' - Denouement means the 'wrapping up' or the anti-climax of a story. Suggests that GMan possibly survives until after the climax of the HL2 story.

EDIT: OK, so bummer for those who got their hopes up about a 6/3 gold date. Based on that schedule and my experience in the software industry I would agree with Apos that we won't see gold until mid to late summer. If we're starting a betting pool, I'll pick August 13th as the date they announce gold status.
Apos said:
Nice pics: is that the still private Half-life2 website in one of the shots?

It sure is, the guy told us that it was going online in a few weeks. Ive put a bigger picture up right here
It sure is, the guy told us that it was going online in a few weeks.

Cool: that's a good sign. They apparently didn't have it ready the last time HL2 was set to come out. Does it say "nothing will ever be the same"?

I'm a bit confused by the "start discretionary acting anim(mations). Wouldn't they be pretty much completely done with all the animation by now? Shouldn't they be?
Apos said:
Cool: that's a good sign. They apparently didn't have it ready the last time HL2 was set to come out. Does it say "nothing will ever be the same"?

Yup, doesnt need much deceiphering huh :)
dscowboy said:
EDIT: OK, so bummer for those who got their hopes up about a 6/3 gold date. Based on that schedule and my experience in the software industry I would agree with Apos that we won't see gold until mid to late summer. If we're starting a betting pool, I'll pick August 13th as the date they announce gold status.

That'd be my birthday :D
AcousticToad said:
*Goes off to deciepher the addy :)*


It's local to his machine/LAN, it's a file on E: or F:.

I'm a bit confused by the "start discretionary acting anim(mations). Wouldn't they be pretty much completely done with all the animation by now? Shouldn't they be?

I think all the tasks on the board are animations/scenes that still need to be completed. Back to Kliener's, Dr. Breen, Citadel, discretionary anims. There appears to be a lot of animation/scene content left to create.
If anyone can help me out with some webspace for 35 MB of movies, i'd love to up them, but unfortenately i only got 15 left or something.

Dont expect too much though, the conditions werent really "optimal" (about 10 guys i had to wrestle for a good spot to shoot :rolling: )
You should create a bitorrent somewhere. Try using
flanger, I can host them for you if you'd like
Might as well go with Pendragon though
I can host. Space and bandwidth aren't an issue.

Sure, but you should still use bitorrent. It's free, it's easy, and saving server bandwidth can't be a TOTAL non-concern. :)
I'm guessing someone has sent an email to Valve asking about it? its a long shot but you never know
Ah, that 40 second was was pretty decent :) Kinda hard to see what was going on, but it's HL2.. and it's footage, and.. yay! Thanks :thumbs:
Thanks for the movies!

Aint sound and therefore I am guessing not much spoiler potential...
Dabs, it says "start discretionary acting anim(mations)."
Nice movies, Thanks :)

Also, people are saying about NDA's, did you have to complete one or is everything you took allowed for public domain? Just curious.
Shuzer said:
Dabs, it says "start discretionary acting anim(mations)."

Ta mate - noticed that page after I posted embarrasingly enough! :)