The Whiteboard incident

Considering he's uploading the videos, I doubt there's any NDA restrictions
marksmanHL2 :) said:
Thanks for the movies!

Aint sound and therefore I am guessing not much spoiler potential...

Yeah the sound would give away a little spoiler anyway in the movie with the girl which will be later online
they may or may not be dates. the fact still remains that the guy who WENT THERE says that valve told him they are not dates. that is the best information available on that. for any other info, please refer to my posts on the first couple pages. it's "DISCR" no lower case t , nothing else... "DISCR"

k thx gg
Heheh, well the less spoilers and more media is allways nice.

How many movies you say you got! :p
AcousticToad said:
Nice movies, Thanks :)

Also, people are saying about NDA's, did you have to complete one or is everything you took allowed for public domain? Just curious.

No, we didnt have to sign any forms or something. We just asked if we could take pictures and when he said yes i started blinding everyone with my flash :)
If you don't sign a NDA, it's the companies own fault for showing something to you and even allowing video. Valve knew that kids were going to be there with video cameras, so I doubt they showed them anything they didn't want to get out in public.
AgentXen said:
LOL!!!!!!!!!! Funny stuff there!

BTW the white board says "Start Distribution of Half-Life 2 Through Steam"
They said they were going to start letting ppl download it one week before it came out.

*ripping out hair* there's no T. please look at my enlarged image.
AgentXen said:
BTW the white board says "Start Distribution of Half-Life 2 Through Steam"

No it doesn't. Please read back a few pages, it says "start discretionary acting anim(mations)."
Ooooh, its just like an adventure game only without the crap adventure game and more Gabe and Whiteboards!

Looks forward to the other vids.
QUICK! when does summer officially end? i think i see sumthin on that board.....
All upped people, Pendragon will put them up for you (thanks btw! :thumbs: )
lol Moto, hella funny, so was this whoever posted it
How about:

- "Start discarding all game content and restart development of a Half-Life themed tetris-like puzzle game"

- "Start discharge of Gabe Newell and assign Fragmaster as CEO of Valve to develop more dumbass crappy flashmovies"

- "Start disciple recruitment for the Valve religion. We si teh God of y00!"

- "Start disciplinary painful punishment of all people bashing Valve lately"

- "Start discontinuing of Valve"

Loads of possibilities! \o/

am I going to regret watching the movies?
AJM2K3 said:
lol Moto, hella funny, so was this whoever posted it

am I going to regret watching the movies?

Dont think so, you really dont see that much
Its probably START DISCRepancy review or something like that. I dont like the Start Citadel thing. Sounds "Uncomplete" or something. Summer Release? When Cows or Gabe flies (without the manipulator or other mechanical assistance)
Don't know if anyone said this but it looks like Dist... Distribution maybe?
What a common sense would suggest about that whiteboard, yes they look like dates, like a kind of a to-do list, nothing else. I think you're EXAGGERATING the whole thing. Go on, make up some conspiracy theory and make my day :)
shut up. ...

Nice one, I knew it wasn't DISK or DIST or anything like that, I knew it said DISC, but SOME people thought I was an idiot.

Oops, I thought it was discription not description lol, now I see why you all hate me...
I dont know but START DISCReplication sounds sound dont you think?
I mean it does make sense to have that kind of deadline for an animator,
the final date. on other hand one would prefer to write: start disc replication??
jayte said:
I dont know but START DISCReplication sounds sound dont you think?
I mean it does make sense to have that kind of deadline for an animator,
the final date. on other hand one would prefer to write: start disc replication??

lol no. it's "start discretionary acting anim(ations)"
That doesn't bode well for a June release if they're only just starting parts of the content development at that time.
Well, for all we know it says "Start discreationary acting animations for Dr Breen" or whatever. It doesn't have to be more than one character.

I haven't seen the picture where it says that though, so I shouldn't really comment.
I don't think it says DISTR... as someone has said it's a lower-case t whereas the rest are upper-case. Looks like someone started to write DISK with a K, did the vertical line of the K and realised it should have been a C, so tried to rub it out, hence the mess, and put a C in instead.

So it's DISC... looks like an A after is, so we have:


See, now it all makes sense ;)

edit: seems I missed a page, everyone already knows it says DISC... ah well sorry
we11er said:
I don't think it says DISTR... as someone has said it's a lower-case t whereas the rest are upper-case. Looks like someone started to write DISK with a K, did the vertical line of the K and realised it should have been a C, so tried to rub it out, hence the mess, and put a C in instead.

So it's DISC... looks like an A after is, so we have:


See, now it all makes sense ;)

Shuzer said:
Please read back a few pages, it says "start discretionary acting anim(mations)."
