Theories: Who is the G-Man?

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Apr 1, 2005
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Rumour is that he's an agent of a higher race monitoring Combine activities throughout the universe.
i think he is from an alien race who sent agents to infiltrate human governments
I think he is a human who is making the most of it, now the Government has collapsed.
I think he is a Agent from a Planet that has been Devoured by the combine, and now Hired by an Unknown 3rd party gets on a mission to save worlds from the combine, His first Assignment was Xen but that Failed.. becuz of the fact Xenians r Hostile. His next assignment was Earth.. that failed since he couldnt convince the Scientist's to stop the experiment so becuz of the embarrassment he blew up the facility. But with Gordon Getting rid of Ninhalth and getting rid of the Combine's New slaves...

And now Gordon has to go to city 17 the main Base of Operations for Breen the person who started this mess and Release the wrongdoings of the wrong he did in blackmesa... In hl3 he will probally end up on the Combine homeworld
(sorry about bad spelling)G-man is the combine first scout, he came to earth to help blackmesa in opening the portal to xen, gordan is a pawn used to cause a war between the two worlds. I played the playstation 1 or 2 version of half-life at a friends house and it has a second story "half-life decay" where you play as one of the other black mesa employees and you need a second player to be the other story character. Has any one else played this game? If it doesn't count as an official part of the story i will not continue my theory plz respond.
I can't believe no one's ever made a thread like this before!

Oh wait.

I think he works for the highest bidder.
I think the G-Man is a tool, a tool put into the game through an unholy pact between Valve and Lucifer. He is there to coax us into mindlessly creating Lucifer's most deadly spawn, the Gman based topics, for his ucomming army to enslave the mortal realm. You know its there, you can already feel the darkness.
How could the G-Man be in cahoots with Lucifer? He might not be charming man but he too is against oppression...which is 'evil'. That post is looney, then again its your theory.
Sufferin-rebel said:
I think he is a Agent from a Planet that has been Devoured by the combine, and now Hired by an Unknown 3rd party gets on a mission to save worlds from the combine, His first Assignment was Xen but that Failed.. becuz of the fact Xenians r Hostile. His next assignment was Earth.. that failed since he couldnt convince the Scientist's to stop the experiment so becuz of the embarrassment he blew up the facility. But with Gordon Getting rid of Ninhalth and getting rid of the Combine's New slaves...

And now Gordon has to go to city 17 the main Base of Operations for Breen the person who started this mess and Release the wrongdoings of the wrong he did in blackmesa... In hl3 he will probally end up on the Combine homeworld

You do not know how right you are do you ?
Goverment Man, He works as a problem solver, picks people from certain times and places in the universe and uses them to solve a problem.
He probaly works for a universal company that uses, works with science.
I doubt hes an alien or human he appears to be a Android to me.
Who knows, I'm sure Valve will reveal more information in the upcoming Half Life games.
The first game wasen't really based on the theortical science and mysteries.
'If you run they will chase you, if you hide they will find you, your only chance would be to fight them.' "Half Life 1"
Obviously not human, but other than that I have no idea. Not even a jot of evidence to apply to any theory.
I still think of him as an alien agent, and I think he's really pissed about this Combine race. My guess is he's from a race that clashed head on with the Combine many years ago and swear to track them down throughout the galaxy.
If it looks like a gun, it probably is a gun.
If it looks like a human, it probably is a human.

If I really truely cared who the g man is then I would have posted in a thread about who the g man is, which I have, more than many times. Someone please kill me before there is another thread going
Oh Em EFF jeeeee!!!! GErdan Is teh Gman cept yungeer!!!111!!!
He's Gordon and Alyx's love child from the future :O
He's a robot from the far future. Made by a highly evolved creature that originated from Gordon's earwax.

Alternatively he might just be an otherworldly entity that acts as a recruitment agent for a variety of different superpowers...
Gordon is g-man from the future after extensive plastic surgery. G-man is trying to find out Gordon's surgen.
Nephtis said:
Goverment Man, He works as a problem solver, picks people from certain times and places in the universe and uses them to solve a problem.
He probaly works for a universal company that uses, works with science.
I doubt hes an alien or human he appears to be a Android to me.
Who knows, I'm sure Valve will reveal more information in the upcoming Half Life games.
The first game wasen't really based on the theortical science and mysteries.
'If you run they will chase you, if you hide they will find you, your only chance would be to fight them.' "Half Life 1"

OK so if this government has this power to choose peeps from throughout the Universe how come, Earth lost the 7 hours War ? Or there is some corporation that can do this ? Ummmmm.....but again the 7 hours War. And if he is an Android who built him ? Us ? Again the 7 hours War. If you have the tech know how to do what you suggest then I do not think Earth would have suffered the fate it did ala ' HalfLife2.
Batman. I swear i saw him fly over my head with massive wings one time in C17. Honest. Then there was the music. God it was freakeh.
Jandor said:
He is Human.

It all fits.

I think the fact that he doesn't directly act for the benefit of Earth says a lot for him being non-human. Why not do something to stop the Portal Storms? Why spend 10 years before doing something against the Combine?

That and the fact that, in the literature, Valve always belabor the point that "he is not quite comfortable with human speech" (Prima guide).
Yeah- I think it's fairly obvious that Valve are trying to not-so-subtley hint at Gman's "alien" nature. Although they might be pulling a double bluff, whatever his true form, he's got powers beyond humanity's scope. Obviously.

Then again, for all I know he's a human with otherworldly abilities granted by some unknown entity- though I doubt that.
I think the fact that he doesn't directly act for the benefit of Earth says a lot for him being non-human. Why not do something to stop the Portal Storms? Why spend 10 years before doing something against the Combine?

What's to say he is all powerfull? That he could stop the storms, that he could stop the Combine invasion. etc.

That and the fact that, in the literature, Valve always belabor the point that "he is not quite comfortable with human speech" (Prima guide).

Speach impediment. He still looks human and sounds human.

Then again, for all I know he's a human with otherworldly abilities granted by some unknown entity- though I doubt that.

Black Mesa. They did a lot with teleportation and other experiments. If he is human and he does work for the Government he would have had full access to it.
He does NOT look very human - sure he appears to be, but he doesn't look like he really is.
Gordon freeman is a pawn on the g-mans intergalactic chess tournament.
Anyone of you happen to watch this early 90's Tv series called 'Quantum Leap' about a scientist who travels to dimensions and ends up sometimes being a girl, an old guy, a soldier, he could be anybody. And he's like working or helping this mysterious guy in a suit which noone could see except for him? 'Cause G-Man reminded me of someone and now I remembered who.
The G-Man is a xenian. This is "provable" (by as much as anything in a sci-fi game can be proven)

1) The speech impediment Vortigaunts speak funny, he speaks less funny as he is smarter. They both like using symbolism and other ambiguous figures of speach.

2) His 'unnoticed' presence among Xenians Such as when he walks into the red barn in water hazard (I think), he didnt get a barrel lobbed in his face!

3) His wanting you to kill the nihilanth (apparently) He sent you to Xen to kill the userper to his 'throne', as most advanced and thus leader of the Xenians. That is why he is the "leader/master" (or somesuch) of you and the vortigaunts (see: Odessa vortigaunt).

This will likely lead to the following questions, which I will attempt to answer;

1) Why does he seem to argue with the scientist in the locked room before the "accident" (the fanboy term has momentarily escaped me) of HL1 Well, if he was arguing against such large energy being used, that would be because he would rather live on earth brokering a peace for himself and the higher Xenian life forms, on earth (i.e. smuggling). He simply launched the full-scale attack because he knew the signals from the teleport would attract combine attention (remember Valve said the combine didn't know of Earth until then) and the Xenian resistance may as well remove local opposition before mounting a defense. He didn't realise to use Gordon to kill the Nihilanth until time-and-again seeing his strength in action.

2) Why do the vortigaunts not make mention of these facts? Well, if my interpretations are correct, they do (within reason). That the Vortigaunts work for G-Man is mentioned by the Odessa Vortigaunt. Also, a Vortigaunt mentions your aid in their struggle for freedom, and that ties in with G-Man sending you to Nihilanth

O.K, very tired. Just figured this out now. If there are any facts to disprove my theory, please tell me. What do you think?
hmmm interesting theroy.. Maybe he is like Doctor Who? His Planet got destoryed and he is travelling through time and space... to save other planets
This has been commented on soooo many times. It's obvious that G-Man is Gordon's father.
Hmm, anyone wonder if there is a code in the vortigaunt easter egg? To help explain the plot?
Eatbugs has 0 posts, the fabric of the Universe is falling apart.
The G-Man could be with the Combine you know.

1. The resonance cascade meant the more hostile Xen aliens (headcrabs, bullsquids and such) could get to Earth and show where Earth is so the Combine can home in on it. The aliens could weaken Earth so much that the Combine were, in effect, needed by Humans otherwise all would be lost to them. Plus if they invaded we'd be weak anyway. The G-Man was determined to get the experiment done.

2. Combine expansion usually means they take a planet, destroy it's populace and take it's resources (or so I read somewhere). The Combine were going to do this and so naturally, it is troublesome to them to have Breen make the peace. So if they can enslave humans and take the resources all for the price of one, nice and good for them. However, when Earth is of no more use, get an 'accident' to happen to the Citadel. The G-Man plays an important part in getting you to the Citadel.

3. The G-Man removes you from Black Mesa/Xen before you can get out and help defend against Xen aliens or warn about the Resonance Cascade and it's Portal Storm effects.

4. The G-Man's power could have stopped the Combine invasion or just have stopped the Combine all together. Much simpler. Plus a resistance doesn't want contracts for their 'members' to resist. Plus his powers are probably artifical and as such, could suggest Combine enhancement.

There was more reasons that were better but I seem to have forgot them :(.
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