There's a Goon the loose

...They are a lot more mature than most people in my high school...Most of what these kids know is from their parents, so calling them stupid is really unjustified as they are too young to develop their own opinions yet.

Yeah, these kids have definitely impressed me. I mean...we all form our opinions from some original source, whether it's family, friends or the media.

But, I've definitely been impressed by how mature a lot of these kids are...Even more so than the elder 15 y/o Greg!?!
Do you notice how most of these kids are from southerner states?

To be fair, I can only see a few things wrong with his... check out this chick.

Let kids work before they turn 15.

It's called child labor babe, and if you want it you got it. Bam! Straight to a sweat shop for you!

Who have been some of the best U.S. presidents, and why?
Both Bushes... because they're from Texas!
Hah.. Don't worry.. once he goes through puberty and learns that it's fun to kill things virtually, he'll learn our world is a craphole of corruption and the Bush sucks. Heres MY bio!

What world leader do you admire?
Adolf Hitler

How would you change the world?
Make everyone be like me.

How would you change your neighborhood?
I would build a mansion and make everyone else live in hovels, and hit all the hobo's with shovels.

What have you learned about power?
Power makes everyone like me.

Is power a good thing?
Of course. It lets me be able to hit hobos with stick without any sort of reprcussions to my life.

What makes a good leader?
A good leader is a despot who will take no tolerance from the inferior races.

Who have been some of the best U.S. presidents, and why?
Richard Nixon, since he was just so cool.

Who have been some of the worst U.S. presidents, and why?
Ronald Regean(spelling?) cause he was such a goober.

When you become an adult, what do you think will be the biggest problem facing our nation and/or world?
People resisting my rule over the world.

If you could put into place one law that pertains to kids in our country, what would it be?
Kids should be detained if they mess with me.

Why are some people rich and others poor?
Cause I say so.

Do you believe global warming is a fact or a myth? If you think it is a fact, what would you do about it if you were in charge?
Of course it is fake it is the govornment's way of giving us something to think about other than the crappy conditions of our democracy.

If you were in charge of immigration, would everyone be allowed to enter the country? Would illegal immigrants be allowed to stay?
We will burn all the immigrants in the county, and set up an electric fence on the borders.

If you were in charge of education, would art class be as important as math?
All schools will be changed to the decleration of how wonderful I am, and if any of you learn to challenge my power, you shall be KILLED! MUAHAHAHAHH! haha.. hah

Do you belong to any organizations or clubs?
I belong to the happy tofu club, and the Young World Dictator's club.

If you could switch places with one person, who would it be and why?
Adolf Hitler cause I think I could ahve made better decisions then he did and I could have pwnt europe.
Is this seriously a thread critisizing a ****ing 11 year old?


I guess it's better than Paris Hilton.

I don't know, he doesn't look very smart to me.

To be fair, I can only see a few things wrong with his... check out this chick.
Who have been some of the best U.S. presidents, and why?
Both Bushes... because they're from Texas!

Who have been some of the worst U.S. presidents, and why?
The worst president would have to be President Nixon. He did things against the law and no president should do that.

Fukken lol'ed :laugh:


If you had the power to change one or two things about our country right now, what would it be?
I would make fuel out of water.

/Clarky's Pedo-Vision activates :O
I can't wait to check out tonights show...I saw this ad the other night, and it showed some of the kids discussing (...fighting) over religion. I just hope they can get through the show with out anymore ;(
Are you guys really beating up on a 11 year old? Classy.

Shame on his idiotic parents for putting him out there like that. I have a hard time believing an 11 year old would say something like that in such a public setting, he was coached to say this.