This has got to stop

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Again, I'm pretty sure VALVe did say recently that enemies WILL be able to smell you.. I remember talking about it shortly after in IRC.
Pseudonym, you misunderstood what he meant by soundscapes. Check the info from Valve thread, that feature seems _very_ interesting.
Pseudonym_ said:
I'm not, I was commenting on the technologies, which has nothing to do with the quality of the final game. It's the morons in this thread that thought they could get at me by bashing Doom³, and all of their comments are un-informed. Nothing they have said about the game is accurate, and so I correct them. If I was on a Doom³ forum and soemone misrepresented hl2, I would correct the maswell.
From your posts it seems the exact oppisite, it seems like you dont know good tech if it came up and bit you in the ass
your just taking what I said out of context. I do not need to see the final game to know the things I have said, it can all be learned from what info we do have.
Pseudonym_ said:
your just taking what I said out of context. I do not need to see the final game to know the things I have said, it can all be learned from what info we do have.

..and from year old media? Okay, reserve your worthless judgment for E3, please.
You've also misrepresented HL2 yourself, as everyone has shown.

However, your comments about "hl2's flat lackluster world." are based on what exactly? You haven't played the final game, so you have no source from which to take this information.

Your spiel about the soundscapes was equally misinformed, as were your comments about the lipsynching/facial animation - you could not possibly judge it without having seen the finished article.

Drop the double standard, and people might stop treating like you a moron.
I know what soundscapes are, he was just touting it as hl2 exclusive feature, which it is not. Doom³ has the same technology.

And something I meant to say earlier, only the sound files trent made were taken out of the game. I was commenting on the work he did developing the capabilities of the sound engine, which was not taken out.

And now your saying you have seen enough stuff to make your decisions and WHAT decisions they are too!!! :thumbs:
Pseudonym you're fighting a battle you won't win. Everyone competent being here disagrees with you. Obviously, SubKamran doesn't qualify. Most of your arguments against Half-Life 2 are based on rumors, and can't be verified unless you work at VALVe yourself and played through the finished game. You lose. Stop self dominating.
I know what soundscapes are, he was just touting it as hl2 exclusive feature, which it is not. Doom³ has the same technology.

You said HL2's soundscapes were a looping techno track, while Doom 3 uses atmospheric sounds etc etc..

Make your mind up.
Pseudonym_ said:
I suppose they hired a writter to write "kill the moving things"?

And who is this mystery writer? Some bum they found in a dumpster? If they had a decent writer then the guy would of said 'hey john, no dice on the chainsaw angle, Mars doesn't have any trees dude, it makes no sense to include it'
However, your comments about "hl2's flat lackluster world." are based on what exactly? You haven't played the final game, so you have no source from which to take this information.

We can see from other media that 99% of the world relies on 4 sided boxes with detailed textures, like every other older game.


Once again, I never said Valve did not release enough information, I simply said their tactis of keeping the fans in the dark for years on end did not represent community driven mentality. But if you did not have the sense to correctly read it the first time, I and most likely just wasting my time repeating myself.

It seems I have stirred up alot of disgruntled fanboys by not being partial to hl2 and valve, and there is little point to this discussion. I have provided here fair and balanced information, but since it was not partial to hl2 I was attacked again and again, and misrepresented. this kind of immature behavior you are displaying is unfortunately all too common in the hl community, and I hope it will soon change.

I'm going now, and I'm sure now that I leave you will continue to misrepresent me and bash Doom³ to make yourselves feel better and take your minds off of the information I have posted, which you know is true. But do as you will.
Pseudonym_ said:
I know what soundscapes are, he was just touting it as hl2 exclusive feature, which it is not. Doom³ has the same technology.

Oh, really? Kelly Bailey, sound designer for Valve and inventor of the sounscape technology took a trip to id software, gave them the soundscape SDK, and then came back to valve? riiiight.

give me a break.
Pseudonym_ said:
We can see from other media that 99% of the world relies on 4 sided boxes with detailed textures, like every other older game.

Watch the HDR DX9 trailer. Clearly, this is not the case with full details. If you look at the buildings in the distance, or anything, they're far more geometric than the other media.
If your a Doom3 man Pseudonym then why not hang around a Doom3 forum, unless you believe you can be into all games without pitching them against other, if so then why argue, your whole existance on this forum appears to be one giant contradiction.
you again and again ignore the facts, time after time

there are lots of morons that would have Spammed this site, with stupid sh*t about the delays, 5 years of waiting, THEN a 1 year delay?!? PLZ!!! i can see it now we should have a poll...whos or fragmaster :angry:
Pseudonym_ said:
I'm going now, and I'm sure now that I leave you will continue to misrepresent me and bash Doom³ to make yourselves feel better and take your minds off of the information I have posted, which you know is true. But do as you will.
You do know this community! When you're not here, all we do is talk smack about you and bash Doom3.

Hey guys, I'm going to start a post called "DOOM3 is tEh SucKz0rz" and we can all make fun of Pseudonym in it! awesome!
We can see from other media that 99% of the world relies on 4 sided boxes with detailed textures, like every other older game.

This will be the media from last year, yes? The media that is unlikely to be representative of the final game? Ok.

I'm going now, and I'm sure now that I leave you will continue to misrepresent me and bash Doom³ to make yourselves feel better and take your minds off of the information I have posted, which you know is true. But do as you will.
"I'm losing this argument, so I'm leaving"

I have provided here fair and balanced information,

Yeah, everything Valve do is for themselves, and everything id do is for the community. Fair. Balanced. Right.

It's also "fair" to point out that people weren't really bashing Doom 3. You were attempting to bash HL2. You failed. Every time someone made a valid point, you ignored it. Every time someone called you on some incorrect information, you tried to change what you said.

We'll miss you!
Spiffae said:
You do know this community! When you're not here, all we do is talk smack about you and bash Doom3.

Hey guys, I'm going to start a post called "DOOM3 is tEh SucKz0rz" and we can all make fun of Pseudonym in it! awesome!
YEA! Spiffae for president!
Spiff, iD developers were detailing their dynamic soundscape system in interview long before hl2 was even announced by valve. Please refrain from commenting on Doom³ until you learn a little about it.
Look through our forums. We have had countless people say they prefere DOOM3 and it is a very rare occurance that they get flamed. And when they do a mod closes the thread or takes the appropriate action.

We have nothing against DOOM3 (Most of us), I am looking forwards to it for sure. But what we dont like is when someone comes and starts insulting valve and HL2 out of blind fanboyism and ill thought out arguements that lead no-where because you are absolutely convinced you are right regardless of other points of view and facts presented to you.

Oh and our members will probably remember you name here from now on. I wouldnt bother posting again. We wont take you seriously. I certainly wont.
are you leaving or not? :)

i cant wait for doom3, i like HL2 more but im deff gonna get doom3
Pseudonym_ said:
Spiff, iD developers were detailing their dynamic soundscape system in interview long before hl2 was even announced by valve. Please refrain from commenting on Doom³ until you learn a little about it.
perhaps similar... not the same.

Please refrain from commenting on Half-Life 2 until you learn a little about it.

oh, and i thought you were leaving?
Spiff, iD developers were detailing their dynamic soundscape system in interview long before hl2 was even announced by valve. Please refrain from commenting on Doom³ until you learn a little about it.

I thought you'd gone?

Anyway, how do you know when Valve started work on their soundscapes? Could it have been during those 5, dark years? Gasp!
I havn't lost anything. That "the first one to leave loses" mentality is schoolyard stuff. There is no point in me trying to reason with you guys, since you have already shown any infrmation that does not glorify your precious hl2 will be ignored and the bringer of that information, although it is true, will be attacked without mercy. There is no reason for me to stay, as it will accomplish nothing. Leaving a dead discussion is not an admition of defeat.

So you kids have fun, I have adult matters to attend to in the real world where hl2 and Doom³ and all the rest of it don't really mean anything at all. When you grow up and stick oyur head outside of your room you will realise this.
i wasnt gonna say any thing but:

"Bring your pussy face to my ass!" - Gimli son of Gloin

even if some one else said it, that shows a lot of maturity :)
Anyway, how do you know when Valve started work on their soundscapes? Could it have been during those 5, dark years? Gasp!

I ddin't claim id did it first, it doesn't matter because they both did it on their own. He was claiming soundscapes were hl2 exclusive, which is clearly wrong.

this is an example of you guys not even bothering to understand what I am saying anymore. Instead, as soon as I post something you look for an angle to bash it. Thats why I am leaving.
Pseudonym_ said:
So you kids have fun, I have adult matters to attend to in the real world where hl2 and Doom³ and all the rest of it don't really mean anything at all. When you grow up and stick oyur head outside of your room you will realise this.

That's very classy. you're right again, of course. Everyone at this board is 5 years old and has never had any responsibility. Wow, i really am impressed by you. Have fun with adult things! Come back soon!
Heh, you've provided nothing but disinformation. Virtually every thing you said about HL2 while you were comparing it to Doom 3 was wrong - a fact that you've wilfully ignored.

So you kids have fun, I have adult matters to attend to in the real world where hl2 and Doom³ and all the rest of it don't really mean anything at all. When you grow up and stick oyur head outside of your room you will realise this.

"I'm more mature than you. Ner ner ner"
Pseudonym_, I very much doubt you're an adult. Too many grammatical/spelling errors for that to be true.

Also, the fact that you claim you were attacked without mercy is complete hearsay. We provided many counter points on your statements, yet you ignored each and every one of them.
I can't believe what I am reading.

I mean he is actually attempting to make himself look adult and mature.

Please read through the thread again and name ONE place. Just ONE place that you addmited you were wrong. Plain wrong. I mean fact based. Not our or your opinions.

I can't spot a single one. That tells us something about your apprroch to this debate. I say debate and by that I mean pointless arguement with no winners and only loosers because someone has a very closed mind.

Oh and before you say anything. Most memembers here know that the DOOM3 tech is immensly powerfull. But like all engines it has advantages and disadvantages
Thats why I am leaving.

No, you're leaving because people are consistently and repeatedly proving your "facts" to be complete and utter cheesecake.
Ok I wanna get this off before I ignore this thread for good.

Allow me to go off topic for a moment(Although the thread went off topic 10 pages ago ;) )
I personally believe the reason few people liked the final 2 of the Matrix trilogy was because the Wackowski brothers made the films FOR THEMSELVES!No one else.If you enjoyed it so be it but If u got the money then let them at it.(Please dont flame me about this as I said its off topic and only using it to illistrate a point)

Now It occurs to me that Gabe Newell and the Valve team are their own greatest critics.NOT YOU,Anyone else in the community,me or any number of Journalists.If they dont like this game they will not release it till they do,even If it would satisfy us (And or blow us away)
I dont care if it takes till december 2005 if they can get it right.(Though I will not bs you and say I wouldnt be disappointed and perhaps look for a Demo to placate me)

HOWEVER fear not cause it wont be delayed because we Have 3 confirmations that it will be released this year from Gabe Newell,The upcoming previews(Of which I trust PCZ the most to deliever the goods) and E3.
These threads are useless and by E3 likely to be utterly pointless(More so then they are now) cause we will more then likely get a definate release date and all will be well.

It is time to avoid cynicism and accept that for once people may not be trying to screw with our heads or wallets. Anyway thats my 2 cents whether it did more to exacerbate this situation or provide another angle to look at this discussion I'm happy either way.HL2 is coming.........and soon!
Why cant people just accept both games, if they like one more than the other, then play that one, what is to gain by upsetting people with comments like, My games shinier than your game, it gets really damn boreing, half-life has a large supportive and friendly community, people who play Day of defeat and Counterstrike today, know full well other games have surpassed it in technology, and most of them play other games, but people keep on playing half-life because the community is so amazingly huge.

Also the mod community, ok so all the other games have amazingly higher polygon counts and features like vehicles and massive maps, but its still cool to see new stuff being done with the old HL engine, theres some really talented people in this communtiy, and i cannot wait for the whole lot to move onto a cool up to date game and engine.

Thats just my 2 carrots. :)
I'd say he's been thoroughly thrashed. Now for the next jackass who parades around declaring that the Doom3 engine will pwn everything ever created, we will rinse and repeat. May this be a warning :P

(I'm joking, but we will dominate)
Voodoo_Chile said:
Ok I wanna get this off before I ignore this thread for good.

Allow me to go off topic for a moment(Although the thread went off topic 10 pages ago ;) )
I personally believe the reason few people liked the final 2 of the Matrix trilogy was because the Wackowski brothers made the films FOR THEMSELVES!No one else.If you enjoyed it so be it but If u got the money then let them at it.(Please dont flame me about this as I said its off topic and only using it to illistrate a point)

Now It occurs to me that Gabe Newell and the Valve team are their own greatest critics.NOT YOU,Anyone else in the community,me or any number of Journalists.If they dont like this game they will not release it till they do,even If it would satisfy us (And or blow us away)
I dont care if it takes till december 2005 if they can get it right.(Though I will not bs you and say I wouldnt be disappointed and perhaps look for a Demo to placate me)

HOWEVER fear not cause it wont be delayed because we Have 3 confirmations that it will be released this year from Gabe Newell,The upcoming previews(Of which I trust PCZ the most to deliever the goods) and E3.
These threads are useless and by E3 likely to be utterly pointless(More so then they are now) cause we will more then likely get a definate release date and all will be well.

It is time to avoid cynicism and accept that for once people may not be trying to screw with our heads or wallets. Anyway thats my 2 cents whether it did more to exacerbate this situation or provide another angle to look at this discussion I'm happy either way.HL2 is coming.........and soon!
I agree, very good point :) and...hehe i liked the last 2 movies :p
I will admit, however. that there are some people in this discussion who are just as bad as Pseudonym, just pro-hl2.
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