This is gonna sound sexist.

Ages ago I think we (content writers) were planning to go undercover as girls while playing CS and HL2 deathmatch to see what the result was. But we never did.
do it do it do it
and record it science :E
john3571000 said:
do it do it do it
and record it science :E

YEah! :E

For purpose and balance.
This Reply Never Happened!

Ps. Omg Womenz On Teh Intarweb!
Here's a thought experiment:

What happens if you log onto a server, and people find out you're a hermaphodite?


An individual having the reproductive organs and many of the secondary sex characteristics of both sexes.
Oh. There is no such term in Korean. :E
for the record - bliink and I have been sending each other hawt pm's :cool:
interesting article from the Escapists gaming from a female's perspective.

[boy1] Teleios is a girl.
[boy2] omg, r u serious?
[boy1] yup, i heard her on vent.
[boy2] omg pics, now.
[Teleios] No.
[boy1] c'mon. you're not a girl if u don't show us pics.
[Teleios] I am a girl.
[boy2] then show us a pic.
[Teleios] no.
[boy1] teleios is probably a guy using a voice thing cuz she won't show a pic.
[boy2] ya, there are no girls on the intarweb.

if I were female I wouldnt tell anyone online ....the idiots make us regular males idiots by association
Guys, you're nuts. There are no girls on the internet. I swear. I even checked this corner over here and I'm telling you it's a hoax. You people are buying into this feminist agenda that emphasizes equality and the place of the woman online, but it's a lie. It's a lie that is being subtly coerced down your throats.

If you ever seek enlightenment, I'll be up in my "Man Club" treehouse out in the backyard.

I want to know where all these female gamers hang out. Do you know, Bliink? Any like anti-boy building they go to to play games in?
Ive met tons of gamer chicks o.o. In real life.. Am I a gamer pimp now? >.> = D
Next time I play online(probably never, lol) I'll kill all the 'girls' I see!
Puzzlemaker said:

I want to know where all these female gamers hang out. Do you know, Bliink? Any like anti-boy building they go to to play games in?

There are more female gamers than you think, but female gamers are generally very non-vocal about their gender.
You'll see the most in RPG's and Strat games, or offline ones like "the sims" (Apparently). female FPS players seem to be quite rare, but there are at least two on this site that are very into them (Shippi and I.. I dont know about the others)

CookieCuttah said:
Ive met tons of gamer chicks o.o. In real life.. Am I a gamer pimp now? >.> = D

I actually know quite a few girls who play games and there are several in my college who play Cs (usually after being introduced to it by nerdy boyfriends). It's true though that they mostly seem to prefer WoW, for example, to quickflick FPS games.
yeah everyone knows shippis a cyborg who controls riomahaire and 15357 with the power of its/her/whatever cybernetically enhanced mind
I really have noticed sometimes "girls" get guys to follow them around, and i have also noticed a lot of "girls" get cussed out on mics and made fun of and some stuff id only expect to hear in public school and rap lyrics (both of which suck ass, lol). I think it would be more of a burden for chicks then a bonus.
DiSTuRbEd said:
How much will you pay me for a pic of bliink? :laugh:

Well, how much do you think he'll pay you when he knows you're never going to give him one?


OMG t3h forums are gonna asplode!!

Besides, whos doesn't have a pic of bliink? You never see a full body pic so we can only assume she doesn't have legs...

jk jk oh god oh god

Besides...there aren't girls on the internet anyways! nubs...
bliink said:
Well, how much do you think he'll pay you when he knows you're never going to give him one?



:( Blackmail I see it now.

What if I shared the profits? ;)
bliink said:
Well, how much do you think he'll pay you when he knows you're never going to give him one?



How much would you pay ME for a pic of Disturbed? ;)
bliink said:
Well, how much do you think he'll pay you when he knows you're never going to give him one?


Does this warning just concern disturbed or does it go for everyone, cos i've got imageshack open already, its not trouble really at all anyone.
For a thread with that kind of title, I expected a whole lot more sexist remarks. I got a few up my sleeve but with bliink having an interest in the it worth it I wonder?

*EDIT* Most appropriate article EVAR

Hrm......who here belongs to the two percent I wonder.... LET THE WILD ACCUSATIONS BEGIN!
Bait said:
I got a few up my sleeve but with bliink having an interest in the it worth it I wonder?

The real question is.. are you feeling lucky?
bliink said:
The real question is.. are you feeling lucky?

Yes, I am feeling lucky. I have teh Badger behind me to protect my arse!
DiSTuRbEd said:
Yes, I am feeling lucky. I have teh Badger behind me to protect my arse!

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...or...something.

Not even Badger can protect you from the female cometh!
DiSTuRbEd said:
Yes, I am feeling lucky. I have teh Badger behind me to protect my arse!

uh... that conjures up a rather alarming picture.
Disturbed. That's ****ing rude. How would you feel if someone came up and ejaculated all over your face?