THis is TOTALY Irresponsible.


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
$@$# It!

This is the the final straw!

Ok, Noone Pressed a gun to valv'es head and said "YOU MOST GIVE A RELEASE DATE TO STEAM" And they BLEW IT!

I mean If HL2 was delayed 1 month ago when people said it will and vivendi man said it too - it was ok by me bcz thats thier Bussniess but ****ing delaying a release in the last minute is totaly not Proffiecianl
And its purly not responsible by them..

I really not looking forward to steam release(i only wait for HL2 to be released + my computer didnt arrive yet) but im trying to make a point here, even give a bit of a critics to a very success company as valve which keeps showing how Proffesien (at least in the Release Dates Predictions and deadlines valv'es put to itself as targets).

Look don't get me wrong i think there is no Game nowdays (even those who are being developed) that appeals to me as HALF LIFE 2 but i think valve's gotta take a deep breath and invest alittle more time in setting deadlines and releasedates from now on...
Why screw the great relationship the created this far with the fans? and why making a negative impression..

I am aware and sure valv'es is really under pressure now for making the very thing i mentioned to work (That HL2 will released in time).

Now theres no need to flame here and comments such as :"I don't agree with you because XXXX" will be much gratefull.

1) Sorry for my bad english, its not my native language.

2) don't give me that "Its due to the DOS attack" shit cuz:

"We've been making final changes to the Steam network throughout the night. Unfortunately, it's taken longer than we planned. However, the Steam dedicated server will be released this evening, and the Steam client release is now scheduled for tomorrow."
shut the [feck] up. It's not valve's fault there was a DOS attack
Uh, I could hardly understand some of your post (need to work on making your sentences and paragraphs reader friendly), but I think you're talking about the delay of Steam? Well, I too was disappointed... But, Steam is important to Valve. They want a flawless release. They want to do it RIGHT. If they don't, not as many people will be willing to use their software. If Steam had a bug that formatted your harddrive when you ran it, then you wouldn't be happy. You wouldn't want to use their Steam software ever again, either.

This is an important part in the master plan that Valve has for HL2 and future games. Messing up its release would not go over well with their future customers.

Besides that, it's just one day.
Hi! I'm Mr Spelling!

If you had paid attention in pre-school, you'd be able to use me to spell basic words!
Originally posted by Iconoclast
If you had paid attention in pre-school, you'd be able to use me to spell basic words!

DoS attack my ass...

well what do you think happened? If it wasn't a DoS attack than it was the servers being fried from 100,000+ people trying to download
The final straw is a 1 day delay of a product which isn't even the game?

Wow that's a harsh final straw. I'd hate to see what happens if the actual game is delayed for a single day :cheese:

I don't know, but people just seem way too serious about this stuff.
Originally posted by Tyl3n0L
DoS attack my ass...

Quote :

"We've been making final changes to the Steam network throughout the night. Unfortunately, it's taken longer than we planned. However, the Steam dedicated server will be released this evening, and the Steam client release is now scheduled for tomorrow."

Point made - it got nothing to do with the attack if there was any..
Originally posted by Urbanleg
Quote :

"We've been making final changes to the Steam network throughout the night. Unfortunately, it's taken longer than we planned. However, the Steam dedicated server will be released this evening, and the Steam client release is now scheduled for tomorrow."

Point made - it got nothing to do with the attack if there was any..

guess that website was wrong then :cheese:
Urbanleg are you an American?

I only ask because you don't seem to know what real problems are.
Originally posted by Someone
The final straw is a 1 day delay of a product which isn't even the game?

Wow that's a harsh final straw. I'd hate to see what happens if the actual game is delayed for a single day :cheese:

I don't know, but people just seem way too serious about this stuff.

As i said .. my anticapting level from 1 - 100 to steam release is probaby 2.

I just dont think its right to name a date and in the last minute cancel it..

If they would of canceled 4-5 hours before it would of be legitmate
I know, That's why i'm saying this.
They just didn't have the time to polish steam for today.
Nothing to do with 100 000 people clicking on reconnect or a dos attack...
Originally posted by alehm
Urbanleg are you an American?

I only ask because you don't seem to know what real problems are.

Heh its funny you ask it but belive it or not im from Israel.. and yes i know what real problems are..

:eek: :eek: :eek:
Oh my god, someone's throwing tantrum because the Steam release has been pushed up ONE FRICKIN' DAY!

If you're now going to give me a "but my games are all steam enabled" tirade, save it, because you've been using a beta, where the risk of something screwing up is high and well-documented in the beta agreements. KTHXBYE.
Originally posted by TripleDES
Oh my god, someone's throwing tantrum because the Steam release has been pushed up ONE FRICKIN' DAY!

If you're now going to give me a "but my games are all steam enabled" tirade, save it, because you've been using a beta, where the risk of something screwing up is high and well-documented in the beta agreements. KTHXBYE.

I couldnt care less about steam..

Its just ...

Bah.. nm.
If you didnt get it the first time..
If they pushed back the release of Steam by, say, a month... Then I'd be upset (primarily because Steam is supposed to be included with HL2, and if Steam isn't ready then the game gets delayed, heh). But fortunatly it's just a single day. Everything is going according to plan.
just dont think its right to name a date and in the last minute cancel it..

ummm they never cancelled it. it was pushed back ONE day. ONE FREAKING DAY! Is that so bad?
I can see UrbanLeg's point, that valve shouldn't have gave a date then missed it, with no warning (they told us after the deadline). But i also think it's nothing to get worked up about.

What i'd like to have seen valve do, is give a release data 1 or 2 days after they actually thought they'd be ready by, then if something went wrong then theyd still make it, and if they finished early it'd be a nice supprise.
Some of you guys should seriously be witnessing and taking part in MMORPG launches, so you get desensibilized over such lame push up issues.
Originally posted by SLH
I can see UrbanLeg's point, that valve shouldn't have gave a date then missed it, with no warning (they told us after the deadline). But i also think it's nothing to get worked up about.

What i'd like to have seen valve do, is give a release data 1 or 2 days after they actually thought they'd be ready by, then if something went wrong then theyd still make it, and if they finished early it'd be a nice supprise.

You got it, some of it at least.. now add this the "possiblity" that the same thing will happen with HL2 (which is a bigger project = bigger delay) + add to it the fact we are pretty groping in the dark for info and we really know little about evrything regards HL2 = you get pretty much a frustration.. dont you think? :eek:
You got it, some of it at least.. now add this the "possiblity" that the same thing will happen with HL2 (which is a bigger project = bigger delay) + add to it the fact we are pretty groping in the dark for info and we really know little about evrything regards HL2 = you get pretty much a frustration.. dont you think?

My advice to you, then, is to stop worrying about small things like game release dates if you're going to get so worked up over them. Games often get delayed, and I seriously wouldn't be surprised if HL2 gets delayed. I hope it doesn't, but it's still a possibility.
You got it, some of it at least.. now add this the "possiblity" that the same thing will happen with HL2 (which is a bigger project = bigger delay) + add to it the fact we are pretty groping in the dark for info and we really know little about evrything regards HL2 = you get pretty much a frustration.. dont you think?

I'm glad we're in the dark about HL2. It's no fun to know everything about a game before it comes out. It detracts from the discovery factor. I understand what you're saying though.
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
ummm they never cancelled it. it was pushed back ONE day. ONE FREAKING DAY! Is that so bad?

the point is valve gave an estimated time to realease the friggin thing and couldnt shoot thier own target!
and actually shot thier own leg by the procdure...
Ill say it again i know its a only 1 day but valve is not the type of company that should make those kind of mistakes.
Here we go again....Handbags at Ten paces.

Professional...Alot more professional than releasing a buggy steam.
Not helped by everyone trying to get it at the same time.
Originally posted by TripleDES
Some of you guys should seriously be witnessing and taking part in MMORPG launches, so you get desensibilized over such lame push up issues.

Just because lots of companies do it, doesn't mean we should think it's ok. I bet if everyone got annoyed if a company delayed something without telling anyone beforehand then they would be more carefull when giving release dates. (valve even gave an exact time!!)
Half-life 2 will be out when its done, i want a as perfect running version of half-life 2, not some buggy piece of software...
Give it time god damn it, sooner it gets here, sooner we've completed it and looking for the next big buzz. So stop complainin and look at South park pics on the art forum.
Try using spelling and grammar to prevent smarter people from laughing at you!
the point is valve gave an estimated time to realease the friggin thing and couldnt shoot thier own target!
and actually shot thier own leg by the procdure...
Ill say it again i know its a only 1 day but valve is not the type of company that should make those kind of mistakes.

One more thing: I take it you've never done programming before. It's very, very hard to estimate the time it'll take to program, test, and debug (often times repeating the last two steps) a piece of software. Sometimes bugs come up that take along time to fix, and often times that requires a single human being to go through thousands of lines of code to attempt to discover the source of the problem. This cannot always be accomplished in a timely manner.
Originally posted by alehm
Urbanleg are you an American?

I only ask because you don't seem to know what real problems are.
That's not needed.
Originally posted by alehm
Urbanleg are you an American?

I only ask because you don't seem to know what real problems are.

Yes, because if you were American you'd know what problems are.
Thats what you meant right alehm? If you meant the opposite of this, I will report this post to an admin as I would find that offending.
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
I'm glad we're in the dark about HL2. It's no fun to know everything about a game before it comes out. It detracts from the discovery factor. I understand what you're saying though.

Well i understand your point too, but i tried to make another im fine with the fact we know nothing about the game integrity .. but what about development info ? you know a word from gabe saying : " I belive we are standing right with the schedule" Could cheer us up a bit
Originally posted by Adam
Yes, because if you were American you'd know what problems are.
Thats what you meant right alehm? If you meant the opposite of this, I will report this post to an admin as I would find that offending.

Yeah almost as offending as "you don't seem to know what real problems are"


Chill man I love america:afro:
dont freak out about a single day. everyone at valve works their ass off to get this stuff out on time, obviously valve is not perfect, but if you can do better than these guys, then make your own company. otherwise stop whining and wait for ONE day. not too hard, is it? we have no idea what is going on on their side. there are just too many things that could have gone wrong, so dont automatically accuse them of not being proffessional
Even companies as professional as Valve cannot anticipate every eventuality.
FFS, nobodys perfect.
Steam is delayed? A PC game software company has delayed a release?!? Dear sweet candy-coated Jesus, call the New York Times!!! UNPRECEDENTED!!!!

Have you people been following the PC game industry at any time within the last 10 years? 'Cause it sounds like you fell off the stork yesterday and just heard about something called 'software release dates' today.
Originally posted by Joneleth
One more thing: I take it you've never done programming before. It's very, very hard to estimate the time it'll take to program, test, and debug (often times repeating the last two steps) a piece of software. Sometimes bugs come up that take along time to fix, and often times that requires a single human being to go through thousands of lines of code to attempt to discover the source of the problem. This cannot always be accomplished in a timely manner.

I have (done programming), and i share his views. I agree completely with you after that, and it's because finish times are difficult to predict is why they should build in some margin of error in their release times. Perhaps they did, but they should have at least said it'd be delayed sooner (even just an hour or 2 before the deadline).

I think you're all (most) missing the point here. It's not that the companies delay, it's the fact that they made a deadline, then missed it, only explaining that they wouldn't hit it afterwards.