top 10 "evil" Nations?

top 10 evil Nations?

  • United States

    Votes: 35 38.0%
  • North Korea

    Votes: 37 40.2%
  • Iran

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Saudi Arabia

    Votes: 3 3.3%
  • Israel

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Syria

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Libya

    Votes: 1 1.1%
  • Iraq (pre-occupation) any subsequent votes go to the US

    Votes: 3 3.3%
  • France

    Votes: 9 9.8%
  • Russia

    Votes: 1 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Iraq does count. America bypassed the UN. I am disgusted at the way British leaders (namely Blair) bought into the deal with America.

Why bring it down to 'Bush or Kerry' ? There must be literally millions of people better suited to the job of running a country, yet it boils down to these two monkeys?

You'd have to vote for the monkey that doesnt do the most damage. Bush had already done enough, why would you vote for him again? Even Kerry had openly said the global view of America had been tarnished and he would do his best to improve the worlds view of America. Instead you voted for a monkey that would 'Free the world from terrorists' ... maybe you were scared into voting.
I chose the U.S. cause they can't ever leave anyone alone. Vietnam, Gulf War, The War On Terrorism are a few examples.
:sniper: They are crazy!
gh0st said:
Even if bush did everything possible for you, you would still hate him.
Which is a shame, because he's soooo cute when he talks all funny.

colson said:
I chose the U.S. cause they can't ever leave anyone alone. Vietnam,
Nobody ever gives France any shit for being in Vietnam. I'm sure there's a reason for this...but whatever.

colson said:
Gulf War, The War On Terrorism are a few examples.
:sniper: They are crazy!
Do you even KNOW what the hell you're talking about? Oh yeah, we're so mean for forcing the Iraqi invaders out of Kuwait!

lePobz said:
Why bring it down to 'Bush or Kerry' ? There must be literally millions of people better suited to the job of running a country, yet it boils down to these two monkeys?
Every election here really comes down to the lesser of two evils.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Do you even KNOW what the hell you're talking about? Oh yeah, we're so mean for forcing the Iraqi invaders out of Kuwait!
Was that any of your business?

I thought it was a known fact that the guy that was appointed the prime minister of afghanistan was george bushes personal advisor of his own oil business that he set up (and bankrupted) before he became president. It's also a fact that a few weeks after him being elected, he had accepted plans for america to get a huge oil pipeline across the country.
lePobz said:
Was that any of your business?
The UN seems to have thought it was the WORLDS business. Yep better retract that statement, the all mighty UN can do no wrong!
gh0st said:
The UN seems to have thought it was the WORLDS business. Yep better retract that statement, the all mighty UN can do no wrong!
This is the whole point you are missing ... yes it was an issue, but the UN is the United Nations - i.e. a team effort. Multiple countries converged in a big meeting hall and decided the best course of action.

You simply can't go it alone intefering with other countries' business. If you do, you will be treated as a radical unpredictable country and you will be feared by other countries that do not want their countries business messed with (this is the situation the world is in now, right?)

Atleast if you went through the UN, nobody would fear one solitary government from deciding you're an axis of evil, and start bombing the sh** out of your hospitals/schools/etc (that all conveniently look like chemical weapons factories).

I just hope that Americans on these boards take a long hard look at their country and maybe see why the United States come 2/10...
lePobz said:
Was that any of your business?
Hmm...wait for it...oh yeah!

lePobz said:
If you keep quiet whilst it happens to others, you can't expect anyone to speak out when it happens to you.

Excuse me for a moment while I go make myself some macaroni and cheese.
gh0st said:
We do. Thats why were the biggest annual donator of federal and public funds in the world.

I meant EU member nations, whats stopping GB from sending some peackeepers into various african nations and stopping genocide?

You are the largest donator because you have the largest economy.
It's like saying, China has the worlds largest birth rate in the world.. because the most babies are born there, but a rate has to be comparible, and compared to other countries china has a very low birth rate... although many more babies are born there than other countries.

The amount you do give in any aid is no where near whats needed, nor is it anywhere near as much as you can give. It may seem allot, but its a drop in the ocean to the funds that are avaliable. For example, America's aid money given to help the Tsunamic relief... was 350 million dollars, the UK pledged 96 million comparison.. the US has spent 150 billion dollars on Iraq alone.. and the UK 11.5 billion dollars.
Ask yourself, Is that right?

GB cannot send peace keepers to stop it, firstly we dont have the resources... our armies have been hugely cut back and what we do have is either in Iraq, Afghanistan or peacekeeping in other areas such as kosovo.

Also us being a reasonable nation-state, rely upon the UN to make such judegments. Afterall, that's what its for, wether it really works or not isn't the point and really is a matter of opinion. As Pobz said, going through the proper UN channels is the right way to go about things, if you dont succeed, then you were planning to do something the world would see as wrong.

The American government didnt succeed, but they did it anyway... and now you wonder why many nations fear and hate you?
oldagerocker said:
You are the largest donator because you have the largest economy. The amount you do give in any aid is no where near whats needed, nor is it anywhere near as much as you can give. It may seem allot, but its a drop in the ocean to the funds that are avaliable. For example, America's aid money given to help the Tsunamic relief... was 350 million dollars, the UK pledged 96 million comparison.. the US has spent 150 billion dollars on Iraq alone.. and the UK 11.5 billion dollars.
Ask yourself, Is that right?
Yeah, another billion is going through the house as we speak. I see the disparity, but you also fail to account for the private sector.
GB cannot send peace keepers to stop it, firstly we dont have the resources... our armies have been hugely cut back and what we do have is either in Iraq, Afghanistan or peacekeeping in other areas such as kosovo.
That isnt Americas fault. Its your fault for allowing them to be cut back as far as they have. You rely upon us for intervening in the world, yet you hate us when we do. I dont follow.
Also us being a reasonable nation-state, rely upon the UN to make such judegments. Afterall, that's what its for, wether it really works or not isn't the point and really is a matter of opinion.
If the UN said "right we need troops there" you still couldnt do anything, if I'm to believe what you said before, so what difference does it make? And no, it DOESNT work thats a matter of fact.

oldagerocker said:
The American government didnt succeed, but they did it anyway... and now you wonder why many nations fear and hate you?
We didnt succeed because the UN would do nothing. At the time there was a real threat, which I admit was proven false, but we still have the responsibility to defend ourselves.
look every nation is evil. humans are evil people when they are given power. its a fact.
I know plenty of good, honest and absolutely decent people that I would trust with the universe, let alone a single country. Why good honest people never actually get elected for any form of power I don't know.
KoreBolteR said:
look every nation is evil. humans are evil people when they are given power. its a fact.
Hey welcome to the real world!

Enjoy your stay. :thumbs:
lePobz said:
I know plenty of good, honest and absolutely decent people that I would trust with the universe, let alone a single country. Why good honest people never actually get elected for any form of power I don't know.
Unfortunately, it's because good, honest people don't go through all the backstabbing, mudslinging, etc. it takes to get into office these days. They not good at politics, in other words.
KoreBolteR said:
look every nation is evil.
Not Djibouti! I have never heard any politician say "We condemn the evil actions of Djibouti!" to say, too. Djibouti Djibouti Djibouti.
gh0st said:
Yeah, another billion is going through the house as we speak. I see the disparity, but you also fail to account for the private sector.

The private sector (i am listing british companies here, but im pretty sure that the amounts are similar all over the globe);
- Vodafone gave £1 million... this is one hours profit.
- Premiership (football/soccor) clubs gave £1 million. From each team, thats £50,000... what Roy Keane earns in a week.
- Tesco (huge shopping store) gave £100,000... roughly, 0.00000005% of annual profit.

Bush has pledged another $600m, its still under a Billion and did Bush not ask congress for another $80 Billion for continued wars in the middle east?

That isnt Americas fault. Its your fault for allowing them to be cut back as far as they have. You rely upon us for intervening in the world, yet you hate us when we do. I dont follow.

We rely on you to intervene because you can, the problem is you are going to the wrong places! Intervening where it isnt neccessary and not where its needed.

If the UN said "right we need troops there" you still couldnt do anything, if I'm to believe what you said before, so what difference does it make? And no, it DOESNT work thats a matter of fact.

We wouldnt be doing anything, the UN would. The UN doesnt just pool its troops from the UK, its from all the members too.
If the UN doesnt work, use it and make it work. Sure it doesnt work for you and invading Iraq, because the UN didnt believe your evidence that Saddam was supporting terrorism and alqueda and making weapons of mass destruction. All lies. So the UN was right, was it not?

We didnt succeed because the UN would do nothing. At the time there was a real threat, which I admit was proven false, but we still have the responsibility to defend ourselves.

You just said Iraq had no WMD's, your own government when they took office said Iraq wasn't a threat. You cant be defending yourselves from Iraq, it wasn't a threat to defend from.
gh0st said:
We didnt succeed because the UN would do nothing. At the time there was a real threat, which I admit was proven false, but we still have the responsibility to defend ourselves.

Sorry, that made me chuckle.

To get the united nations working, the countries in it have to unite. Running off into war and undermining them is not a good way of doing that.

Yet look who's helping the US, after essentially telling the UN to f**k off, they come along and help you try and make something out of this mess.
lePobz said:
I was just letting you know why the majority of the intelligent people in the world have developed a hatred of America whilst Dubyah has been in office. If you don't really care, fine. In the unlikely event you was curious, here's your answer.

I wouldn't care about America if America kept itself to itself instead of intefering with other countries' business. The fact it does intefere is why people around the world are bothered about the idiot(s) running the country.

yea and Britian has a great track record of not intefering in other countries business :|
We're not talking about track records of the old empire and all that crap, we're talking about the here and the now ...
lePobz said:
We're not talking about track records of the old empire and all that crap, we're talking about the here and the now ...

well then a modern example would be, your still in Iraq with us :cool:
Don't remind me... ;( I just hope for gods sake we don't follow you to Iran, North Korea and anywhere else you may take a liking to.
I voted france , just to be in Dubya`s good books when the hammer comes down(as it surely will , cos a visit from Rice is a sure harbinger of doom).

That, and usa would be too predictable.
Ha ha! Look what I've started! 6 votes for France!
I find it very interesting that nobody voted for saddam era Iraq ...very very interesting
CptStern said:
I find it very interesting that nobody voted for saddam era Iraq ...very very interesting
No question he isnt evil, but there are certainly worse on that list. Russia under Stalin killed far more than Saddam could have ever possibly killed.
It confuses me how the mega-nations of the world don't help the poorer countries... Unless it would cause some threat.
Danimal said:
It confuses me how the mega-nations of the world don't help the poorer countries... Unless it would cause some threat.
What possible profit could they make from that????????;)
CptStern said:
I find it very interesting that nobody voted for saddam era Iraq ...very very interesting

north korea is a bigger threat, so i voted them .

im not going to vote for a nation thats long gone, if your going to do that, you should have mentioned nazi Germany from the wwII era. :p
Danimal said:
It confuses me how the mega-nations of the world don't help the poorer countries... Unless it would cause some threat.
what do you mean? the US hands out billions of dollars in aid every year, besides, some countries might do good to straighten themselves out on their own, so they could actually learn something rather than being babied along by every other country
edit:eek:h, and france is f*cking evil, them and their damn french language, all of it, pure evil
Icarusintel said:
what do you mean? the US hands out billions of dollars in aid every year, besides, some countries might do good to straighten themselves out on their own, so they could actually learn something rather than being babied along by every other country
edit:eek:h, and france is f*cking evil, them and their damn french language, all of it, pure evil

aye france bans religion in schools, and sends back arab to arabian countries. id call that racism mr chirac ;)
I think the worst part about all the anti-war types is that there is going to have to be another attack of some kind to get them to defend themselves. North Korea has nukes. Are they going to have to nuke someone for us to go in there and disarm them?
Bodacious said:
I think the worst part about all the anti-war types is that there is going to have to be another attack of some kind to get them to defend themselves. North Korea has nukes. Are they going to have to nuke someone for us to go in there and disarm them?

this could get very ugly, at least with USA and some countries we know nothing will ever happen with thier nukes... but with North Korea, i have no idea, this isa country that treats its citizens like school children, and wants to dominate the world. no media in thier country. it will be WWIII if the US invade thier country.
KoreBolteR said:
aye france bans religion in schools, and sends back arab to arabian countries. id call that racism mr chirac ;)

oh dear god!! do shut up! everything you say is pure speculation and extreme generalizations, you're starting to give me a headache ...look, comments like yours just inflame people ..dont you see? cant you understand that by not supporting your knee-jerk reactionary comments you're doing yourself a dis-service? Sorry, I dont mean to be harsh, it's just that, it's difficult to have intelligent discussions on political issues when people allow their emotions to dictate their opinion . Think things thru before you post
CptStern said:
oh dear god!! do shut up! everything you say is pure speculation and extreme generalizations, you're starting to give me a headache ...look, comments like yours just inflame people ..dont you see? cant you understand that by not supporting your knee-jerk reactionary comments you're doing yourself a dis-service? Sorry, I dont mean to be harsh, it's just that, it's difficult to have intelligent discussions on political issues when people allow their emotions to dictate their opinion . Think things thru before you post

lol relax, i know.. i was joking, id say that i was doing something i hate then.. Stereotyping :devil:
Bodacious said:
I think the worst part about all the anti-war types is that there is going to have to be another attack of some kind to get them to defend themselves. North Korea has nukes. Are they going to have to nuke someone for us to go in there and disarm them?

hey while you're at it there's always China, Saudi Arabia, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bougainville, Brazil, Burundi, Cambodia, Chechnya, Colombia, Congo, Dagestan, East Timor, Ethiopia/Eritrea, India, Iran, Taiwan, Israel, Syria, Kosovo, United States, Kurdistan, Liberia, Venezuela, Mexico, Cote D'Ivoire, Somalia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, France, The Philippines, Russia, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Uganda

good luck
oh look! someone took my advice and voted for Saddam era Iraq ...and here I was under the impression that france was less evil than saddam, I learn something new everyday

/dripping sarcasm
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