Tripe Lately 4 (excluding Firestarter)

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Kula Meenur

Dec 17, 2006
Reaction score
Continued from Dog--'s Strife Lately 1+2. In the words of Dodd's, have at it.

Originally Posted by Madagascar in Life Lately!
...just post about your own life if it is not boring.

Originally Posted by Shmee in Strife Lately - II
To continue on with Madagascar's orginal.

Originally posted by Dog-- in Strife Lately 1+2
Let this one stay, c'mon, be cool. Don't spam.

Me? I'm very badly burnt and am nursing a bruised lower back :p
But for how long it will exclude FireStarter?

Okay, my strife is that i have been up whole night but it's morning and i don't want to go to bed. So, **** it, im gonna be a zombie today.
Wow. You must have smashed some serious food quantities right?
I'm watching someone stream their game of Wind Waker over the internet, have been playing an old PS1 RPG on an emulator, am snacking on various foods, and I haven't a single care in the world.

Life is good.
I ****ed up while driving. Turned off a road into the right lane.

Dad: "What do you think you're doing?"
Me: "What, I'm between the lines right?"
Dad: "Yeah, but you're IN THE WRONG LANE OH GOD CAR"

Luckily I didn't kill anyone. Or even crash the car. But it was very unnerving, especially since I was pretty confident at that moment.
Still learning mate? I think that's the kind of situation that all bikers subconsciously fear :p

Also, just noticed that a girl from my high school is in Aussie's The Biggest Loser, the fat bitch. Also, noticed that Aussie men call each other mates, and Aussie women call each other friends. What the shit is with that?
Yes, west is only 239 miles to west from here. Sweden, that is. And also i found some good, but old, stuff in the fridge so i think i'll leave the dust where it is.
I'm on the first page!

I almost hit a car a couple weeks ago making a turn but I slammed the brakes in time.
i was playing TF2 and my computer locked up. again. sh*t. if you know why go to my locking up thread
Ah fair enough Jin. Lol just flicking through some pictures of GG '08 and Summadayze '09. Goddam they were good festivals.
Trife? lol

My trife is that I have to go to work tomorrow... I'm so antisocial I might kill all my coworkers!
I stole it from Geogaddi. :smoking:
Thursday I did my first kick-boxing-training at the gym, and the instructor confused me with someone else and thought I'd been there before, so he just went full out with the routine. so I've been waddling about my apartment this weekend like some lame penguin because of sore leg muscles.(glad I had Friday off after training)
Well that didn't last very long.

I'm like the uncle that's never invited to any parties because I tried to fondle my neice ONCE. Not twice, just ONCE. And now everybody hates me for it. >:[
It will last longer if you leave. :|

Watching the Super Bowl tonight, helping build my cousin's house tomorrow, work 7am-2pm on Tuesday.
I'm actually rather starting to like the guy.

Maybe I just empathize with molester uncles.
Continued from Dog--'s Strife Lately 1+2. In the words of Dodd's, have at it.

Me? I'm very badly burnt and am nursing a bruised lower back :p


You knew I wanted dibs on making the next Strife.

About to go for a run, then I'll be chillin' and watchin' da superbowl.
My tripe is that I just spilt a whole glass of fruit smoothie all over my floor and my desk. Thankfully none of it got my computer, I just got a little on the underside of my keyboard. But it went all over the carpet and despite my using carpet foam to try to clean the carpet it won't get rid of the massive reddish stain which spread out under my desk. Still, at least it doesn't stink; the foam at least neutralised any odour.But it was still a waste of smoothie.
Did you make it yourself? Because if you bought it, have you heard of lids?
What are you talking about? IT was a glass of smoothie that I had just poured out. I didn't spill it from the carton.

Edit: Shit, the foam must have soaked through my combats because now my skin starting to sting. I just hope that it doesn't cause a bloody full blown allergic reaction. :frown:
Oh, you're talking about something from a carton. I thought maybe it was either a smoothie from somewhere outside, like a smoothie bar, or something you made yourself in a blender.
This thread used to say Trife right?

No way it said Tripe before.

No way. Damn mods! <shakes his fist>
Trifle lately.

Sherry trifle mmmm.
Yeah, I thought it said trife as well. I thought I just couldn't see the heading properly due to my lack of glasses.
No way, a mod changed the thread title to better reflect the quality of its content?
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