Tripe Lately 4 (excluding Firestarter)

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I've heard the hefty ones do it perfectly because they treat it as a delicate twinky where they just want that cream filling instead of the actual breading.
You have obviously never seen a fat girl in the presence of twinkies.
About to go to school. S******s.

Edit: Since when is ****ing Sni ckers a bad term? **** you all.
Shit... accidentally hit an emotional trigger for a friend of mine... she was in tears and I had no idea what to do. ;;__;;
Drag your sack across her face. 10 points to the man that gets the reference.
This be serious, Ukraineface.
Apologize, explain you didn't know the meaning of what you said to her and talk about it.

She knows all that stuff man, it's just yeah... you just dunno what to do. : |

We were talking about songs, then Chinese songs, and I started singing a song, and it turned out to be a song that she identifies strongly with her father, who died of throat cancer only two months ago. : |
Ok that's really not your fault mr. asia. Just leave it with an apology and I bet you that it will be fine.
She knows all that stuff man, it's just yeah... you just dunno what to do. : |

We were talking about songs, then Chinese songs, and I started singing a song, and it turned out to be a song that she identifies strongly with her father, who died of throat cancer only two months ago. : |

If she knows all that then just give her time to cool off. Don't stop talking to her, if she seems distance when you do try, tell her that you'll talk later or to give you a text when she does want to talk.
I can't find a f*cking job. I keep looking on the Jobcentre-direct website but there are just no suitable jobs at all. I did have an account with several jobs saved but now I can't log into my bloody account. It's been around three weeks or something now since I left college and I really should have a job by now but I can't find anything at all.
I can't find a f*cking job. I keep looking on the Jobcentre-direct website but there are just no suitable jobs at all. I did have an account with several jobs saved but now I can't log into my bloody account. It's been around three weeks or something now since I left college and I really should have a job by now but I can't find anything at all.

I too feel your pain.

*shares pain*
I can't find a f*cking job. I keep looking on the Jobcentre-direct website but there are just no suitable jobs at all. I did have an account with several jobs saved but now I can't log into my bloody account. It's been around three weeks or something now since I left college and I really should have a job by now but I can't find anything at all.

Yeah there is just about no work available over here either. Been looking since September.
Weeks behind in schoolshit -_-
On a bright note i'm catching up fast
I know you're not kidding but you are overstating it.
I don't know if I'll have another run in me tomorrow.
Goin for another ride. Trying to get my head around the new set of brembo's i threw on on last weekend. Saw a bloke yesterday go for a slide off Scarborough beach road. Some assholes round here cannot ride for jack. Is quite appalling. :( The new forks i threw on last month are superb. Goddam the company really made it right when they made the CBR alright.

After that, will stop by the beach again. That's the plan for today, yup yup.
Dammit I did something very stupid, I was talking to the girlfriend's friend while the girlfriend was at play rehearsal and we sat outside. We were talking about work, because we all worked together, and so I mentioned to the friend that I thought she and the girlfriend were both cute but obviously I liked the girlfriend better. I meant this in no way to be offensive, and I never had feelings for the friend, other than I thought she was cute. I mean, she was one of the two girls working there, my options were limited. But then friend at some point tells girlfriend this and girlfriend gets all upset. I feel bad.
Women. Playing games and ****ing with men since ever.

Women. Playing games and ****ing with men since ever.

You just got punked Lefty.

I had a girl actually crying to me about this other girl. Let's call the first one bitch, other one dike.
So bitch is crying, telling me what a bitch this dike is right? I agree with her, I ****ing hate dike, but the worse thing i say about her is basicly "yeah i know, what a ****." So...
Bitch and this dike used to be friends. They made up, and then decided that the best thing was to blame me, becuse I had called dike a c-word. They actually called me up and told me how bad and wrong was to say those things... And that I should watch myself.

Women, right?

I called them both c-words after that.
Found out tonight my friend killed himself @ 8:51 pm. no-one knows why, or how (his family are too devasted too talk) but apparently, I was mentioned in this note about always being there for him among others.

is it right too feel completely numb now
Yeah that really sucks. Friend deaths is always hard man. I suggest you do stuff you enyoy and give you perspectiv. When one of mine died we played basketball for 3 hours without saying alomost anything. And if you feel that you want to play videogames or whatever you should. Everybody deals different and you should really do what feels right. There is no wrong ways here man. Take care.
God, I'm so sorry, Highlander. :( That totally sucks. *hugs*
Hugs for Highlander. :(

I have Chef Boyardee mini ravioli. Discuss. **** you its mine don't discuss.
My daily routine since November has been watching The Price is Right, playing games, applying at jobs, watching LOST, watching the news, fapping, and then sleeping. That's all I have been ****ing doing and it's pissing me off. I apply at 3 companies a week for unemployment money and not 1 of the 30 companies so far has called up any of my references. So I apply at some temp agency and instantly get a call. :LOL:

They don't see how a 21 yr old "kid" can get a $20 an hour with an Associate Degree in Welding. They don't see that I had 1 really good welding job in my life for 7 months before being laid off. All they see is some kid with no experience and wants too much money. I just might as well sell my soul to the union or join McDonald's. America is truly ****ing itself over mainly because of this. I have been ****ed over by a temp agency in Houston, TX and another temp agency in Nashua, NH. I feel so horrible because I can't go outside neither when it's winter. This is like some advanced form of cabin fever. Another thing that pisses me off is that they don't refer me as "sir" but rather "bro" or their voice sounds like I'm a kid like talking down to me. I'm never gonna find a job and girlfriend aka life. ;(
My karmas been f***ing great lately, all this good shits happening.

Except the girl I like hates me guts and won't even look at me and my best friend decided we aren't best friends anymore.

The karma part wasn't sarcastic, it really is awesome.
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