Strife Lately - II

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damn it i have to teach children a.k.a. the devils toiletpaper how to play football this afternoon.
children=double shite.
I am currently unable to talk to the person I want to talk to. This makes me sad.
Or I could just stab you in your carotid.
Still hot as the inside of the sun's asshole here, and it just started raining. LRN2WEATHER, NEW ZEALAND. SERIOUSLY.

Iwish it was warm here. The temperature was at zero this morning. It started sleeting just when I was about to go out for college.
Was very good, yes. Haven't read the book.

Good is relative, though.
My cold is getting worse, I hope I can avoid going to school tomorrow.
I have a group assignment I'm doing and my absence will either help or hurt my group. I guess I'll call them.
I'm finally getting somewhere with my childcare assignment despite the fact I only wrote about six lines today and that was only rough. I didn't have a f***ing clue what to write. I must've changed my mind about six or seven times on which area of child care to cover: hair care, skin care, teeth care, rest & sleep and clothing and footwear. I eventually decided to go with skin care, then realised I didn't have a clue what I was going to write. I got my mum to help me on it when I got home so I managed to stuff written down. I just hope I cna have it finished by Wednesday.
Phobie! Not seen you for a while! What you been up to? It's nice to see you back btw! <3
My current Strife is that I appear to have developed some annoying OCD-like desires to correct every grammar mistake I see. Particularly commas.

I hate you, commas.
Working on memorizing all notes on the fretboard of guitar so the second I look at them I can say what note it is.. D is ****ing with me, I always **** up.. The other strings I got good, just god damn D.
Im so tired, just got home from work and i can't sleep. im closing in on 48 hours without sleep.
Yay me.
Got called into work this morning, didn't go to sleep till god knows when because it was my day off. Then I had class right after I got off work and now I'm here. In a few minutes I'll be in bed.
my current, strife is that i appear to have developed. some annoying ocd, like desires to correct every, grammar mistake. i see particularly commas

i hate you commas
I hate you, Farrow.

I hate you so much.

Working on memorizing all notes on the fretboard of guitar so the second I look at them I can say what note it is.. D is ****ing with me, I always **** up.. The other strings I got good, just god damn D.

Do you read score?
^what little I have (I need to buy some more music)^
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