Strife Lately - II

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Today i got PIST-OFF at a girl for coloring her hair dark brown, she was natural blonde. Why would she do such an abomination to her own hair? ITS RUINED, SHE WAS MY NUMBER ONE BLONDE FETISH OBSESSION. I use to have sex fantasies about her in class, but now, its all lost :(

Stupid bitch should be put to death for this wrongdoing.
Today i got PIST-OFF at a girl for coloring her hair dark brown, she was natural blonde. Why would she do such an abomination to her own hair? ITS RUINED, SHE WAS MY NUMBER ONE BLONDE FETISH OBSESSION. I use to have sex fantasies about her in class, but now, its all lost :(

Stupid bitch should be put to death for this wrongdoing.

Quoted for posterity. When she ends up missing, we'll know who did it.
My gf is a natural blond but I think she looks way better brunette.
Gah, I find unnatural hair color unattractive as shit.
Ugh why is it that when I need to be up early I always get under two hours sleep? I got about 40 mins last night, and most of that was disturbed by my brother screaming into his cellphone at 4am.

Sadly I do not find myself at all attracted to blondes.
Brunettes with glasses...god theyre like kryptonite for me.
I'm pretty pissed. I spent the last two days hanging out with canoeing friends, most who I have seen in several months, including this girl I really like. Apparently over the summer she totally liked me, but she said all of two words to me over the course of the last two days.

I have an essey to write due tomorrow, ive had one week to do it. Give me the motivation to do it, FA-GETZ
15:00 "Il do it at 6"
18:00 "Il do it after dinner"
19:00 "il do it at 8"
20:00 "il do it after i jerk off"
20:30 "il do it after i chilled out for a bit"
21:00 (now) "il do it..soon..5 more minutes"

when does it end?
I'm always doing that. I say I'm gonna do something and keep constantly putting it off. Some things I've said I'll do I've still not done and I can't remember how long ago I was supposed to do them!
For instance I've got work for assignment to do, but despite the fact I know it won't take long to do I'm still wanting to put it off because I know I've got time in college to work on it (it's due in on Wednesday), but the whole reason I took it home was to work on it, but I most likely won't do any of it at home!
15:00 "Il do it at 6"
18:00 "Il do it after dinner"
19:00 "il do it at 8"
20:00 "il do it after i jerk off"
20:30 "il do it after i chilled out for a bit"
21:00 (now) "il do it..soon..5 more minutes"

when does it end?

Do it at school, in the classes you have before the class it's due in, instead of doing it at home.
Starting right the **** now, I'll be running a few miles through the woods behind the house. I'm tired of running 10 feet and being put of breath. God damn, this is going to suck. ASS.

Until then gentlemen, suckadick. Nyucka.
Starting right the **** now, I'll be running a few miles through the woods behind the house. I'm tired of running 10 feet and being put of breath. God damn, this is going to suck. ASS.

Until then gentlemen, suckadick. Nyucka.

Il be lurking behind the trees, ready to rape your precious virgin little anus.
So I just ate some pepper with mac and cheese, and soon after I threw up through my nose, luckily it was just stomach acid.

My sister keeps laughing at me, and I can't stop crying since whenever I breath through my nose I smell barf. :(
Starting right the **** now, I'll be running a few miles through the woods behind the house. I'm tired of running 10 feet and being put of breath. God damn, this is going to suck. ASS.

Until then gentlemen, suckadick. Nyucka.

Hey, either I missed what happened the other day or you didn't say anything about it. I actually think that you did say something, but I don't feel like going back through. :/
I finally came about doing the ****ing thing, it was just a short "essey" or whatever you might call it, where you respond to the results you got from the Myers-Briggs test. Here it is for you who really gives a shit about what i have to say:

The Myers-Briggs Personality test states that i am a INTP, or ?The Thinker? as they call it. I think this is a great description of me as it defines me perfectly. I spend most of my time just sitting around thinking about anything that comes to mind. I often question everything, which makes me a sceptic and a strong critical thinker. I try to view everything outside the box, unbaised, and think rationaly and logical to reach my conclusion. I often think about everything on a global scale, what is best for humanity and what should be done to let us achive our full potential.

I am very introverted as i need a lot of time being alone each day. I dont have a problem being with others, i just need a few hours by myself where i can gather my thoughts and regain energy. Sometimes this can be a bad thing, as people think i dont like them because i want to be alone. I spend about 5 hours per weekday alone on the computer, which sometimes isnt enough. During these hours, i relax with music, watch videos, talk with people around the world about various topics, read everything i can learn about, and just constantly gather knowledge and think about everything, such as my life, the world, history, philosophy, and what can be done to make the world a better place.

The test also says that im a T, which is very true, but i have some traits of an F too. Its a bit complicated, i have a lot of empathy and understandings for others as i view everything from different perspectives so that i can understand things better. I do care about other peoples feelings, but i have always been a strong advocate of truth over feelings. This means that i rather go with the truth, no matter how sad or cold it might be, over a delusional ignorance to feel happy. Its hard to explain, but i refuse to silence myself to speak the truth just because someone might get upset about it. I want people to face everything like it is, not hide behind feelings and ignorance, understand the facts like they are. If you are so sensitive that you refuse to deal with the real world or whatever problem it might be, then you are doing the same thing drug-addicts do, hiding behind good feelings and delusions that calms you down into thinking "everything is ok" which simply isnt true, you are hiding behind emotions without dealing with the facts.

I am also very percieving, in which i am unorganized and very casual. I procastinate a lot, and usually never plan ahead. I improvise and do things last minute, which isnt necessarily bad, it improves my reaction time and i can respond to things very quickly. However, i do think about things throughout and look on all sides of the matter before making a decision. I handle things as they come and see everything as a continous flow, there is no "now" and "later", theres only "whenever it comes" and i will do whatever must be done the moment before that.

To conclude myself, i think the Myers-Briggs test worked really great to define me. I value knowledge above all else, i live for facts and truths, and i always look at the world, life and time, from the outside. I believe that you have only one life, so you should achieve everything you want in it, because once its over, you will be forgotten with time and it will be as if you never existed at all. If all you leave behind you is a graveyard stone, then you never lived. The purpose of life is to make a mark in history, either good or bad, and also to live happy on an induvidual scale and do what you value the most. Therefore i believe in total freedom from made up beliefs and morals that tells you how to live, think, behave, which essentially are systems put there to control people. I say live as you want, as long as you let others live like they want, dont impose your way of life on others.
I'm pretty pissed. I spent the last two days hanging out with canoeing friends, most who I have seen in several months, including this girl I really like. Apparently over the summer she totally liked me, but she said all of two words to me over the course of the last two days.


Dude, I'm STILL angry we didnt stay longer. On top of that, I missed saying goodbye to everyone :hmph:
My Last shitty 8 hour shift at work for atleast 3 weeks, now it's just a whole bunch of 4 hour shifts per day.

Which is way better then a few 8 hour shifts, because it's shit working there. I get the same money and have to work almost every day but it's only for 4 hours a day.. :)
Still hot as the inside of the sun's asshole here, and it just started raining. LRN2WEATHER, NEW ZEALAND. SERIOUSLY.

Also my old avatar sucked so there you go. I'm pretty sure this is the first time I've ever gone slightly festive with it, but it was mostly just cause it was Jon with a hat on, which is awesome any time of year.
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