Strife Lately - II

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I have to go outside and rake leaves.

It's in the negatives

and snowing :frown:
It's my birthday on the 17th of December and I'm moving school this week. Ohh great not only do i get to be the 'new' 'loner' kid but i get to celebrate my birthday all on my own. :(
It's my birthday on the 17th of December and I'm moving school this week. Ohh great not only do i get to be the 'new' 'loner' kid but i get to celebrate my birthday all on my own. :(
Establish dominance by caving in the skulls of several high ranking members of the school's society. They will have no choice but to accept you as queen and live off of you for sustenance.
Establish dominance by caving in the skulls of several high ranking members of the school's society. They will have no choice but to accept you as queen and live off of you for sustenance.

Umm.........i might get expelled and arrested for that :\
Today I found out I look dashing in a dress shirt and tie
No, that was when I was getting the stuff I needed to look dashing
You look dashing in pretty much everything. Uuuuuuuuuuh... I mean.... have you played Left 4 Dead?!
Took my graduation photos today and finally got all of my (mandatory to pass high school) 40 hours of community service hours for high school. I also got my mid-term report card, 83 average. Over 85 in all classes except autobody which I have 73. ****ing 96 in construction (wood working) - I'm amazing.

Hell yea. Pretty good day today. Now I just have to coast through to pass high school, no worries about community hours or any such bullshit anymore!
Life is great.

Buongiorno principessa! (cookie to the wonderful person who recognises where that's from)
Life is Beautiful....Wonderful

or something. Awesome film anyway :)

/me gives Skaadi a biscuit

Well done mate :)
Buongiorno principessa! (cookie to the wonderful person who recognises where that's from)

What is Life Is Beautiful? Wonderful, wonderful film.

I have a big strife, but I'm not keen on sharing. Just wanted to show my knowledge of 90s Italian films.

Edit: ****.
T-Minus 30 minutes until school and I am having horrible bowel movements. Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
I hate grad school applications. They are like undergrad applications but 50x more confusing and headache-inducing.
Just got a notice from a technical college that they require my CV to process a course application.

That's.... a bit strange.
She kept hinting at herself being single and flirted with me like hell today. I'm tired of sitting back and not doing anything, going to ask her out for sure tomorrow.
I swear to god if you come back tomorrow and say "Didn't see her," "I couldn't do it," or "D:" I will fly to Jackson and kick your ass. I got paid today so I can afford a plane ticket, it may be one way so I might have to say on the couch in your house...
I swear to god if you come back tomorrow and say "Didn't see her," "I couldn't do it," or "D:" I will fly to Jackson and kick your ass. I got paid today so I can afford a plane ticket, it may be one way so I might have to say on the couch in your house...
You can use the couch. Don't touch my Skittles.
It turns out that the girl I mentioned earlier is still single and possibly interested. Yay!
Now I just have to get drunk and ask her out.

Also, exam tomorrow and I haven't studied sh*t.
I'll bring my own Skittles. If I have any money left over, that is.

It turns out that the girl I mentioned earlier is still single and possibly interested. Yay!
Now I just have to get drunk and ask her out.

Also, exam tomorrow and I haven't studied sh*t.
Holy shit do it.

I'm starting to get cold feet now. Like, I woke up and thought "Meh, I don't feel like it."
This girl i have been stalking noticed me today.

My heart skipped a beat and I knew we whould be togehter soon. Trust me.
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