Strife Lately - II

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But she looks like this


:(. How can I give that up?!

Rewind a bit. I thought you said she was obese?
My girlfriend is going absolutely psycho. She gets suicidal when I spend less than 8 hours straight with her.
You should spend 7 hours and 59 minutes with her, and then leave a knife at her house.
ha. I just said she was psycho, not that I didn't love her. She didn't used to he this way.
The obese one was Allie, not Abby. Get with it!

So there is an obese girl and a girl who carved a heart into her thigh? I thought they were the same person. Clear shit up with them btw. Wouldn't want to be eaten/blamed in a suicide note would you?
[hl?.net] Cash: rly
Kine?sth: Yup.
[hl?.net] Cash: Cool.
[hl?.net] Cash: Thanks for making me feel better about myself.
[hl?.net] Cash: Lately I've been down in the dumps :(
[hl?.net] Cash: Well, it all started when Megan and I broke up.
[hl?.net] Cash: She and I worked together at Chilis, she was a bartender, I was a busboy.
[hl?.net] Cash: We had a lot of fun together when we were at work, and we'd often go bowling with the other coworkers.
[hl?.net] Cash: She'd always be my partner when we made teams.
[hl?.net] Cash: She'd never admit it, but she didn't have a lot of friends outside of work and she was really turning on to me.
[hl?.net] Cash: Well, one night after the place was closing down I asked her if she could help me out in the back dock by carrying in some wine glasses
Kine?sth is reading attentively.
[hl?.net] Cash: So we went into the shed and I was grabbing a box of Merlot when I noticed her standing there in front of me. I knew she wanted to say something so I just stood there waiting for her to speak.
[] Higlac left chat.
[hl?.net] Cash: She said, very firmly, "I want you to **** me right here in this shed, and I don't want you to stop until the sun comes up."
Kine?sth is shocked.
[hl?.net] Cash: I could only instinctfully react with laughter and a "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa???"
[hl?.net] Cash: But her faced was unmoved
[hl?.net] Cash: I realized she was being serious so I put down the box, crouched to enter stealth mode, moved around her so I was undetected, then pickpocket'd her Mini-skirt(1).
Kine?sth: O:
[hl?.net] Cash: I lost some Karma, and she turned around to face me. She smiled, and then entered VATS and clicked on my groin until her points were spent. The world seemed to enter slow-mo.
[hl?.net] Cash: That night changed my life. You see, she was only 12. I know, bartending at 12? How could she possibly be experienced enough to make all those complex mixed drinks? But that's besides the point- I lost so much Karma, nobody in Megaton would look at me with the trusting eyes they once did.
Kine?sth: That's...
Kine?sth: Deeply moving, Pesmerga.
Kine?sth: And so when did you break up?
[hl?.net] Cash: So you see, after I left her the following day because she kept going on and on about blowing Megaton up, I had no one. The people I knew hated me. They would no longer offer me side quests, and my Barter was so low, I could barely afford lodging.
Kine?sth: Ugh...
[hl?.net] Cash: So now I wear her Mini-Skirt(1) that I had looted off of her corpse when I had to kill the bitch for nearly blowing up the whole place.
Kine?sth: Fair enough.
[hl?.net] Cash: The people of Megaton will never know how this crossdressing busboy saved all their lives.
[hl?.net] Cash: And I'll never try to tell them my story. Because they won't accept the fact that I had loli sex, and they didn't.
[hl?.net] Cash: So that's why I've been bummed out.
Kine?sth: That's harsh.
[hl?.net] Cash: Actually, I just can't find any more mini-skirts so I can repair this damn thing.
Kine?sth: Have you thought about moving to a new city?
[hl?.net] Cash: Megaton is... my home. Sure, there's Rivet but... just doens't seem right to abandon the place I saved, only to see some other nut job blow her up.
So we're getting the new carpet installed tomorrow...

Please tell me why in the **** you go from carpet cleaning to completely new carpet? It doesn't make sense. Same damn ugly carpet color too.

So much stress. Now we need to clean out all the closets too... and I'm going to be the only one here... tomorrow.
Why do people think chat logs are funny? They are boring as **** to read.. Yea they are mostly funny if you take place in them, but to read them is just boring.
this twat chased my brother in my garden this afternoon.
so i hit it with a big stick.

this twat chased my brother in my garden this afternoon.
so i hit it with a big stick.

You shoud've posted that in spoiler tags. Some people (i.e. me) are very phobic of snakes.
Urgh, my mouth is hurting like hell at the moment. One of the wires on my brace has come loose and it's seriously making my teeth ache. Annoyingly my next orthodontist appointment isn't till next Tuesday so I bet the week will go by dead slow whilst I'm waiting for the appointment.
Snakes aren't scary unless they're poisonous. Like everything else. Or can STRANGLE YOU HORRIBLY like one of those snakeypops.
Or sink its teeth into you while you sleep. I have heard there are alot of poisonous, big teethed snakes around Manchester, UK. It should be ok as long as you don't live in Manchester, UK.
To be honest, I dont find snakes scary at all. Just because theyre poisonous doesnt mean theyre out to get you. If anything, theyre more scared of you, and when theyre scared they defend themselves.

Its when people get attacked by sharks. They go all up in arms and wanna kill the thing. I always laugh. The ocean is THEIR home, their territory, and WE are the 'invaders'. Invade and you get 'attacked'. Every time you swim in the ocean, youre swimming in their world. Cry moar.

So if you see a snake, go running over to it and get bitten then go 'oh noes, he's poisonous im scared', what the ***k did you expect you moron???

Stick you in a cage and see how you like it...god I hate humanity sometimes.
16 days? Holy cock. They just gave me a pat on the back and said "come back tomorrow". **** that, let's try Friday mmkay.
That makes one of us. I don't want to put off getting my license any longer. Cracker.


I passed the driver's test with one go without ever barely driving a car before.

Yeah, I'm that good.
I had to deliver a performance in Drama today, so I decided to do William Shatner's interpretation of Rocket Man. I also filmed it. I might upload it later. Maybe.
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