Troika you f'n screwed the game!


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
I must say, this is the biggest let down this year.

This RPG was so ambitious, but unfortunately it's a big dissapointment.

I started playing VTMB, thinking that it has to surpass morrowind, but instead I find a game, riddled with more bugs than STEAM (that's saying something!) and the worst controls and combat EVER. The graphics are okay, but they scrape dust in front of HL2's visual, even on the source engine - however, the facial expressions are good (not as sliky as HL2 though).

The story is great, but then it get's kinda confusing. The combat is worse than Deus Ex.

I've played it for more than 15 hours, and am bored now.
The story confusing? The combat worse than deus ex?
Hmm... I don't share your sentiments. The story is complex, but not confusing. The combat is exactly like deus ex except with an added emphasis on melee. I think you're trying to play it like final fantasy or half-life. You're expecting the story to come out at you or the game to solve itself for you in a linear progression of checkpoints. Wrong. You have total freedom in this game. Use it.
weird texture errors, texture clipping, and weird crashes. Also, the game is very badly optimized - I'm playing this game at 800 x 600 at high, and still the framerate drops down very often, the worst thing is, it doesn't even look half as good as HL2, most of the time. I have a 9800 pro, BTW.

I hate Deux Ex's combat - and it's pretty much like that. I guess, that's a matter of opinion. Still, I expected the third person combat to be good, at least - turns out it's even worse.
be honest forget the flames and shit

u tried an original copy or a warez version ??

cos a friend of mine has the same problems but its warez.

i dont have friends yet who have an original yet cos they dont seem to have this kind of probs.
The combat freaking sucks in this game.

When they get nocked over and you have to wait for them to get up to hit them again, shesh.
lans said:
weird texture errors, texture clipping, and weird crashes. Also, the game is very badly optimized - I'm playing this game at 800 x 600 at high, and still the framerate drops down very often, the worst thing is, it doesn't even look half as good as HL2, most of the time. I have a 9800 pro, BTW.

I hate Deux Ex's combat - and it's pretty much like that. I guess, that's a matter of opinion. Still, I expected the third person combat to be good, at least - turns out it's even worse.

Buy the game instead of judging from a buggy warez version. :|
my brother has the game. it looks cool but i'll admit that it looks buggy as hell. everywhere from graphical bugs to bugs that get you "stuck" at a certain part in the game. he did buy it. its too bad that they didn't crush all those bugs even though they had all this extra time waiting for hl2 to come out...
Guys, people have checked into this. The WAREZ and the RETAIL are the exact same thing. Their is no differance in the retail VRS the warez. I own the game and my friend downloaded the game. The build is the SAME BUILD!

-Activision isnt known for patching their games.
-Noclip isnt a cheat, its a requirement.
-God, a vampire that cant aim a gun and even when it does work, whats the point?
-Animations and such are far behind that of halflife2. You can really tell that they were indeed finished atleast with the textures and animations and everything to do with the graphics in the game last year. BECUASE THEY HAVENT CHANGED THEM TO LOOK GOOD WITH NEWER TECH! These are almost like HALFLIFE 1 textures!

The thing that people are noticeing it seems as if the game is running like half in dx8 and half in dx9. Almost as if it was missing some files and that its trying to fill in the gap. This might not be whats cuaseing all the problems, but it might be.

Problems being-
Main charecters and items needed to finish some levels... DISAPEAR!
Combat so unbalanced along with skill trees.... WHY CANT I BASH DOORS OPEN... WHY!!! Lockpicking is a needed skill.....
Alot of people with the warez version, if you look on like gamefaqs have been getting ABSOLUTELY STOPPED! about 3/4 of the way through.

*DONT SAY* that the warez isnt the final, the company wouldnt release a trash version of the game right befor selling their copy as you can see from what all ive said from what ive seen at my friends... Its not makeing you want to buy the game... is it?

I will give the game props if they fix some of this stuff as the story and rpgness of the game is absolutely fantastic! I love the level design and the missions. Some of the stuff they did is just a WOWING factor. Even with all the bugs ive played about 10 hrs so far and love it.... i just wish i could use something besides my claws to kill stuff.
If you have performance problems, turning off 'environmental effects' supposedly helps. I haven't bought the game yet (finishing hl2 first) so I can't try it myself, but it's mentioned a lot.

As for the huge bugs, this is the first time I've heard someone complain so much about them, most people pretty much love the game.

Rumor has it the game's copy protection screws up the game on warez versions, bit like The Sims 2. I haven't seen this confirmed, so it may be bullshit.

What's so bad about the combat? I never played DX except for the IW demo by the way, so I have no idea what combat was like in that game. I do know that people who went into bloodlines expecting it to play like an fps are often disappointed because their twitch skills don't mean all that much compared to the character's skills.

If there are truly that much bugs etcetera, I'm sure it will have been patched by the time that I buy it :P
I don't have a warez copy. I have a legitimate retail copy of the game, courtesy of Activision.

Also, I'm not the only one - many people who have the "actual, retail copy" are suffering from these bugs. Even some of the recently posted reviews state these bugs, so I'm not joshing.
Well I hated DX's combat too....but then I was expecting a FPS not an RPG at the time.

this time round I'm looking for a good RPG experience, and in the 6 hours of gameplay I've had so far I haven't been dissappointed.

I agree it would have been nice to be able to break doors instead of having to lockpick them, but maybe it was a judgement call, and i think the need to have a lil lockpicking skill isn't too bad, i just upped my dexterity a bit, which also helps sneaking so I'm fine with that, even though my current character is a brawler.
remember its not an action game, so brawn alone aint worth sh!t

true I havent played it as long as it seems to need to be played to get stuck, so mebbe I'll be back in the future effin and blindin about how crap it is, but for now I'm havin a blast :D
I bought this game yesterday as I love RPGs and I've been fascinated with vampire lore ever since seeing Interview With the Vampire. I've only had a chance to mess with it for a couple of hours, but I like what I've seen so far.

The combat is fine, at least the little I've seen. It's RPG combat, not FPS combat. Graphically, I rather like the look of this game, but then, I'm not a graphics whore (for instance, I still think Diablo II looks pretty good). Performance is about on par with my Half-Life 2 experience. Not surprising considering they both use the same engine.

The facial animations are great. Not as smooth and natural as Half-Life 2's, but a definite step up from games like Knights of the Old Republic and Morrowind.

As for bugs, yeah, the game does have a bit of an unpolished feel to it, which is perplexing since Trokia supposedly had nothing to do but fix bugs during Half-Life 2's delay. Perplexing but not surprising given Trokia's reputation for releasing horrifically buggy games.

At this point, I really like what I've seen so far. I'm looking forward to spending some time with this one.
lans, you dont appericiate good games, do you?

first of all, Deus Ex combat was amazing, everyone loved it, so i dont know what world your living in.

Second of all, every review has said the RPG elements in this game are some of the best.
Works fine for me, and the story makes plenty of sense.
The story is really good.

It's just the combat is extremly bad, when they fall over andthey get back is what makes it bad for me.
Jesus christ people. Its a RPG

That means you suck at comat at low levels! Its not ****ing halflife with vampires.
CrazyHarij said:
Buy the game instead of judging from a buggy warez version. :|

I have the retail and its the exactly like what he said.
Homer said:
Jesus christ people. Its a RPG

That means you suck at comat at low levels! Its not ****ing halflife with vampires.

Yeah well I cheated. I was bored after a couple of hours so i up-ed my xp and skills to max. Yeah some of the weak guys die all easy but the combat still sucks.

I was at least expecting for a maxed out character to have super cool agility, considering I was a Gangrel.

The game is not what I was expecting.
apparently you were expecting a action game.
hmmm still gonna check it out
if only all devs were like valve :)
It has bugs, and it is terribly optimized (No AA and No AF, yet still a GT OC stutters :(), but it's still a fun game.

As for the recoil? Anyone who's rambo MG'ed in Day of Defeat can control the full auto recoil no problem, at least at close ranges :D

<3 the auto shotgun assault rifle thing.
Footsteps are bad. Same sounds whatever walking or running... same tap tap tap tap.. thats annoying!
stop defeding the game, somebody scrwwed it. i was expecting a lot more and i was looking very foward for this game :(

i really hope they fix some issues with the patch
it really needs to :/ even the fact that id select 1024/1028 it still looks 800 by 600 rpg or not rpg ...
I bought this game from, not recieved it yet, but I'm looking forward to it, I'm not expecting it to be HL2 with vampires & I have always liked the RPG genre, so maybe I will not have so many gripes with it..

time will tell :)
The combat in this game is really bad. And before someone whines "Oh but its an rpg" If troika are going to have a class dedicated to combat, the combat better be good for that class.

Now i cant fault it on it's story because that's really nice.

But there are bugs all over the place.
It's an RPG and a great one. I am thrilled to have HL2 and this to play at the same time. Two great and very different games. Look at Troika's logo. That right there explains everything. You can't have it all.
I am having a blast with the game so far. The amount of open endedness and the dialogue options are amazing. It's really starting to feel like Deus Ex in the fact that there are multiple solutions to problems.

For those of you who are complaining about the combat, I think it's fine for an RPG. It's about as good as Morrowind, Deus Ex, System Shock 2, or Gothic 2 which is fine for me. I don't play RPG's for an exciting combat experience I play an RPG to be immerssed in the world and to have a great story. Bloodlines delivers in this area in spades.

The only thing that brings this game down in my opinion is the (sometimes) annoying bugs.

As it stands right now I would give it a 9/10
After a patch or two a 10/10...easily.

The game is a masterpiece.
I'm gonna pick this game up later this week, so I have to ask: is the game like Deus Ex, or more like Morrowind? Even though just about all my favourite games are RPGs (except HL2 and others), I hated Morrowind, mostly for it's combat, but also for it's story and crappy character creation.
lans said:
I don't have a warez copy. I have a legitimate retail copy of the game, courtesy of Activision.

Also, I'm not the only one - many people who have the "actual, retail copy" are suffering from these bugs. Even some of the recently posted reviews state these bugs, so I'm not joshing.

i was playing CS:Source tonight and asked if anyone played this game and the few who responded said it was buggy just like u are pointing out... :|
i want this game...but i dunno.. if its buggy, is it worth it?..
I like the combat in the games, and am having no problems running the game. Im enjoying the heck out of it. Its not nearly as buggy as some of these people are trying to make it appear. Definitely a 9/10 in my book.
I am going to download it like most other people does.
There are games that i buy, but some others i dont...
So far the only 'bugs' I've seen are graphical glitches. Unless graphics mean the world to you and you feel the game is ruined by a flickering texture then I don't think you'll be bothered too much. The combat isn't quite up to par with say, Half-Life 2, but its really not that horrible.

So far its been a great game for me, with great dialogue and voice-acting and cool quests.
This game is great aside from a few minor graphical glitches (all cosmetic anyway)
Some of the stuff they missed in this game in unforgiveable(mapping wise)

In 1 of the sewers they didnt place the water brush the whole way across, so theres a piece of water that just stops randomly near the edge, and if you dont close off the water shader or atleast make the other sides nodraw you get this freakishly bad graphical bug.

Would be a great game in my opinion, apart from combat is just not fun, and there are 2 many graphical and physical bugs.
I have VTMB now...

I was expecting... a lot more, the previews made it look and sound so much better than it really is. Like Lans said, It runs like a dog, HL2 runs fine on my system, this ugly brother of a game runs worse for some reason :(

The rather loose story line is ok but like I said, it is rather loose. The whole "oh wow I'm a vampire!" thing wears off pretty quickly as well, this is a shame.

I'm afraid I disagree with Lans on the facial movement, I think the Bloodlines facial movement is a bit more polished than HL2's. Its a shame when facial movements is one of the only upsides I can find about a game I was looking forward to since I heard about it. :|
Ok theres a major crash bug ffs.

When you rescue the scientist from the vampire hunters it will crash %100 of the time.
lans said:
weird texture errors, texture clipping, and weird crashes. Also, the game is very badly optimized - I'm playing this game at 800 x 600 at high, and still the framerate drops down very often, the worst thing is, it doesn't even look half as good as HL2, most of the time. I have a 9800 pro, BTW.

I hate Deux Ex's combat - and it's pretty much like that. I guess, that's a matter of opinion. Still, I expected the third person combat to be good, at least - turns out it's even worse.

I have not experianced any of these errors. I play the game at 1280x1024 with fsaa at 4x and af at 8x max details. When you spend 5 years on a games design it tends to look really better than a 2 1/2 year cycle game. Art takes time. The funny thing is it looks better way better than every other rpg currently out there. But yet you chose to say its visuals suck compared to hl2? o_O It's competing with rpg's not hl2.