Unlockables, acheivments, ideas thread.

The Blunderbust

Replaces Heavy's Shotgun

A larger version of the standard shotgun the Blunderbust inflicts 5% more damage per shot than the standard shotgun at any range and can send enemies flying backwards at point-blank range. Because of the damage and knockback increase the Blunderbust just like a real blunderbuss must be reloaded after each shot.

The Racher

Replaces: Medigun

An Alt. medigun, The Racher (German for Avenger) fills the medic's ubercharge bar by 75% each time their medigun's target either gets revenge on a nemesis. Unlike the current medic equipment The Racher makes it more essential for the medic to actively assist their teammates by giving them a better incentive other than 100% crits for 10 seconds.

The Screaming Eagle

Replaces: Rocket Launcher

An alt. rocket launcher The Screaming Eagle fires rockets that you can detonate mid-flight with the secondary fire button allowing for tricks such as rocket double jumping. The other perk is that should a nemesis or dominated player be within rocket range The SE's rockets will lock-on to them and home-in on your foe. However, these perks come with a cost, your chances of getting a crit rocket are reduced by 25%
The Scout should have an unlockable which allows him to throw baseballs.

It could be called the 'Fast ball' unlockable.

Don't know why he couldn't already throw baseballs... you could say that Valve really DROPPED THE BALL on that one.
The Scout should have an unlockable which allows him to throw baseballs.

It could be called the 'Fast ball' unlockable.

Don't know why he couldn't already throw baseballs... you could say that Valve really DROPPED THE BALL on that one.

The Afterburner. Replaces the flamethrower. Anyone set on fire with the Afterburner will burn for 50% logner than those set on fire with the flamethrower. Also anyone who this person touches will be set on fire for half of the length of time as the original person. If that person is set of fire they are also set on fire for half the time again, ie, a quarter of the original time. And that person will also set his teammates on fire for an eight of the original time and I think you get the idea. People on fire from the Afterburner burn with a much more smokey flame. The Afterburner does not have the compressed air blast.

The Fuel Gun. Replaces the shotgun. The Fuel Gun is a shotgun with a reduced clip capacity. In exchange for this anyone who is hit with a shot from the Fuel Gun who is on fire will burn for 2 seconds longer (it has no special effect on people who are unignited). A critical hit will cause people who are unignited to catch fire for a few seconds.

The Axepress. Replaces the fire axe. The Axpress does half damage to all targets (Unless it crits, which does full axe-crit damage) but allows the pyro to run at a faster pace. I'm not sure how much faster. Not as fast as the scout, but fast enough to make a different in retreating or charging or suprise buttshechs.
but fast enough to make a different in retreating.

Or the complete opposite, you know :hmph:

Though I'd like valve making a new round of unlockables after everyone gets 3. They should hire a small team just for these.
I believe a knife which could allow you to use ammo to recharge your cloak would be useful. I'm not sure what it's downfall could be. Using garrote wire would mean you couldn't actually do damage unless it was a "backstab"

The Hobbler-

Replaces: Sniper Rifle

An alt. Sniper Rife, The Hobbler's charged shots can reduce your target's movement to 50% of their top speed for 5 seconds should you shoot their lower body; making the weapon ideal for supporting teammates who are on the offensive with covering fire. The main drawback to the weapon is that it now takes 8 seconds to reach a full charge rather than the standard rifle's 4 seconds.

The Hole Puncher-

Replaces: SMG

An alt. sub machine-gun, The Hole Puncher deals 100% crits against your nemesis and players you have dominated, but can't crit against standard opponents. The weapon is only designed to be a sidearm as, like the SMG the rounds are most effective at short range.

The Bushwhacker-

Replaces: Kukri

A machete, The Bushwhacker's attacks can be charged up by holding down the primary fire button. The longer you charge your attack the amount of damage dealt and chance of crits increases. However, the caveat to the Bushwhacker is that each swing is 50% slower than that of the kukri, and a full charge takes five sconds to charge up.
no clever name- sniper rifle replacement. The initial chargeup time is longer than normal (15 or 20 seconds) but for every headshot you get, the chargeup time is decreased (by two or three seconds, probably) however, if you miss or get a bodyshot, then the chargeup time will increae again, or even reset.
I believe a knife which could allow you to use ammo to recharge your cloak would be useful. I'm not sure what it's downfall could be. Using garrote wire would mean you couldn't actually do damage unless it was a "backstab"

For the downfall you could always use the idea I had for my alternate power-gaining knife, The Doublecross: ...a visible meter mounted on the blade fills up by 15%. If you exceed the meter's capacity the Doublecross will double cross you and will explode with the force of a crit rocket. The meter will start to cool down if the knife has not been used for a non-back stab attack for 20 seconds.

Gives a perfectly viable reason not to abuse what the alt. weapon grants.
so ive got this diea kk. so the pyro was pissed off at getting killed all the time at explosive classes so she took teh soldiers rocket loncher and but fire in it lol so she could set fire to peopole from rangerd. its called the RPG (ROCKET PROPANE GRENADE) LAUNCHER.

*it shoots rockets thjat set peopel on fire with splash damage

* Its more powrful than solder butr it does'nt get crit but gets all crits against nemisises

*its a torpedo underwater

*pyro is 10% slower when holdinmg it

*can set ubercharge enemies on fire if its crit lol

so i hope you like my idea dn dont flame coz its just a IDEA lol
I see you read the horrible idea thread too Riomhaire.

The Faker-

Replaces: Spy's Knife

An alt. knife the Faker allows the spy to "play dead" by causing a rag doll of you to appear while playing the spy's death sound and cloaking; thus helping you to shake off suspicion while helping to increase your chances of survival. The "play dead" ability is triggered by pressing the alternate fire button. The drawbacks to the weapon are: one, playing dead does not create a death notice and two, the play dead function requires a 20 second recharge in between uses which can be monitored on a blade-mounted charge meter.
There can't be an alt-fire button for the Spy's weapons because mouse2 is alreay taken up by using the cloak. Unless you mean that the cloak should activate at the same time as the feign death, which would make sense.
A lot of your "weaknesses" are simply limitations to the weapon which don't take anything away from the original weapon.

POWER FIST for the heavy, replaces the normal fists.

Hits significantly harder than the normal punch. You press the button and then 5 seconds later you swing.

Hi, Jintor.
The poo rifle - replaces sniper. It does no damage, but a headshot covers the victims hud in shit.
I noticed a couple days ago that the mouse buttons control which of the heavy's fists you hit with.
Yeh, the heavys fists are determined by whichever button you click, criticals dont matter though
There can't be an alt-fire button for the Spy's weapons because mouse2 is alreay taken up by using the cloak. Unless you mean that the cloak should activate at the same time as the feign death, which would make sense.

That's mostly my reason for using the alt fire button for feign death not cloaking while faking death would be horrible.

Sniper Achievements-

Be Polite- Thank medics who have healed you manually 25 times.

Be Efficient- Kill 50 people with 50 Sniper Rifle shots.

Have a Plan To Kill Everyone You Meet- Kill everyone of the opposing team once.
That's mostly my reason for using the alt fire button for feign death not cloaking while faking death would be horrible.

Sniper Achievements-

Be Polite- Thank medics who have healed you manually 25 times.

Be Efficient- Kill 50 people with 50 Sniper Rifle shots.

Have a Plan To Kill Everyone You Meet- Kill everyone of the opposing team once.

Kill 50 medics who are fully charged

Kill both a heavy and the medic who is healing him

Kill 50 cloaked spies
There's no disadvantage to the knife itself, though. That would be a straight upgrade.

Edit: Shit, extra page.

But yeah, Spy still needs upgrade. I.e. feign death and mother ****ing dispenser/locker should recharge the damned cloak.
Requires 47 AA Batteries- Recharge your cloak 10 times in one life

The Dart Gun-

Replaces: Revolver

An alt. gun for the spy the dart gun fires chemical-laced darts that restrict their target to 50% of their top movement speed for 5 seconds, making it a useful weapon for covering your escape should a mission into enemy territory go awry. However there are some drawbacks to the weapon: 1. The gun's darts fire over an arced trajectory making it useless for long ranged combat. 2. The gun holds 3 darts per clip with a 18 dart spare clip forcing you to work in a support role by prioritizing the greatest threats for teammates on the offensive. 3. The darts do much less damage than the revolver's bullets so gun and run.

The Recharger 3000-

Replaces: Electro Sapper

An Alt. electro sapper, the Recharger uses the power sapped from engineer buildings to recharge your cloak battery. The device can have your cloak totally recharged in 5 seconds but at a cost however, the device sacrifices infinite sappers for the recharge cloak function. You have only 6 sappers to work with before having to reload, making you work more of a support role by having the spy prioritize what buildings must be taken out to make way for their offensive-class teammates.
Wtf. You can't.

Unless you want to break all records for the longest life.

Edit: Screw you and your editting. Was referring to this:

Requires 47 AA Batteries- Recharge your cloak 10 times in one life
There's no disadvantage to the knife itself, though. That would be a straight upgrade.

Besides technically being a very slow non-critting baseball bat? :|

That's its disadvantage, extremely uneffective in any situation other than backstabs.
Besides technically being a very slow non-critting baseball bat? :|

That's its disadvantage, extremely uneffective in any situation other than backstabs.

It already is. It's a horrible melee weapon: slow and low damage. Even if you have another class trying to melee you, if you can't get a backstab in you'll do more damage with the revolver.
Replacement for the Sniper Rifle:

Crossbow (Don't know any stylish name right now):
Single shots, you must reload every arrow. There is still a sniper scope! :D

You have to charge the shot if you want it to go far, so if you just click the arrow will drop down onto the ground. This being said, the arrow shot is affected by gravity, and will always slightly curve down. This means that you can shoot over cover and hit someone, but tha chances of that are extremely unlikely.

You can get 150 % critical hits if you spike the arrow through any opponent's head.

Replacement for SMG:


32 rounds, slow firing British (I think...) SMG. No criticals, but accurate.

Replacement for Kukri / Machete:


Right click throws the boomerang. The boomerang will always return. If you hit someone on the fly, it is 50% critical, as the boomerang travels slowly and can be avoided.

Just hitting someone with it will offer normal Kukri / Machete damage.

Hope you likey.
Explosive Rifle :

A sniper rifle which uses explosive pellets allowing small radius splash damage shots. Explosive shots will only work when charged for at least 50%.

Pro : Allows unskilled players to enjoy this class mainly reserved to the skilled

Opponents standing near walls will be more vulnerable

Can get critical hits (not sure about this one, hmm.)

Small area-denial role

Effective against crowded engineer camps

Con : Headshots do not apply ; aiming for the head will not do extra damage.

Extremely less effective in the hands of someone who gets headshots easily - (therefore fast kills rate reduced).

No-scope shots will not be explosive.

Shots under 50% will not be explosive.

Comments! Cause I really like my idea.
Explosive Rifle :

A sniper rifle which uses explosive pellets allowing small radius splash damage shots. Explosive shots will only work when charged for at least 50%.

Pro : Allows unskilled players to enjoy this class mainly reserved to the skilled

Opponents standing near walls will be more vulnerable

Can get critical hits (not sure about this one, hmm.)

Small area-denial role

Effective against crowded engineer camps

Con : Headshots do not apply ; aiming for the head will not do extra damage.

Extremely less effective in the hands of someone who gets headshots easily - (therefore fast kills rate reduced).

No-scope shots will not be explosive.

Shots under 50% will not be explosive.

Comments! Cause I really like my idea.

Although it is an interesting weapon it would make the sniper more of an offensive class and would encroach on the role of the soldier's long-range explosive rockets. The sniper's role is to eliminate targets that would pose a threat to their offensive and defensive teammates not area denial or killing large groups of enemies.

Also, achievement weapons should act as a teaching mechanism that allow both newer players and veterans alike to learn how to play the class as was intended by valve. (EX. The Backburner is designed to show the player that the pyro works best for ambush tactics) If you take away the incentive of a one-shot one-kill headshot, or the skill required to pull off no-scope shots the newer players have no reason to improve their skills, and the older players won't have any incentive to further hone their talents to Pi Mu Rho-like levels.

I applaud your point instead of pointlessly flaming the idea.
I think the Soldier ought to get a cigar in exchange for losing the shovel.

The cigar does nothing, like the shovel, but it looks hella badass.

I applaud your point instead of pointlessly flaming the idea.

I love the idea of making a weapon designed to ease a newer player into a class and in that respect I think you are on to something Cube. Don't throw out that idea but try refining it a little. For example I came up with this:

The Kneecapper

Replaces: Sniper rifle

An alt. sniper rife the Kneecapper fires rounds filled with compressed gas that will send enemies flying back should you hit them with a fully charged shot. This function makes the weapon ideal for holding off targets that could pose a threat to your offensive or defensive teammates.
However, the weapon has a glaring downside: all non-headshot hits deal 75% less damage than the standard rifle so to use the weapon to it's maximum potential you must learn how to refine your aiming skill.

Replaces: Scouts bat.

A rideable bicycle that increases the scouts speed by 150%, and it crits whoever is hit by the bike. Downside: you can't strafe and your health is halfed.
That's ****ing hilarious actually :LOL: :LOL:

Someone needs to make a photoshop out of that

Oh I thought you said tricycle, that'd be way funnier.
Someone needs to make a photoshop out of that

Done and done.

These ideas are kept vague for a reason. The ideas are more important than specific details, which just lead to knit-picking. I know all the names are crap.

These unlockables were just random ideas that came to me. They don't have any specific train of thought or theme. The medigun is just a random idea. The syringe gun is a support weapon; terrible at killing people directly. The saw is a direct combat weapon; designed for making one deadly strike. The names have been gotten by mixing up German words that I got from the Altavista Babelfish translator (so they're probably incorrectly translated) except for the saw, which Minty translated for me. Anyone who understands the reference in the saw's name gets a plate of cookies and a tall glass of win.

  • Doppelheiler. A medigun that can heal two allies at once (left and right click). It does not have an ubercharge. If are healing someone who is ubered/kritzed, the uber will be passed on to the other person who is being healed. The passed-on uber only lasts as long as the original lasts and as long as the medic keeps healing the two teammates. The medic does not get the uber.
    Alternatively, it allows the medic to heal two allies at once and also increases the Medic's rate of regeneration. It still does not have an uber and cannot pass on an uber either.

  • Giftignadel. A needlegun that does minimal immediate damage but does continuous damage to enemy health until they are healed by a medic, medkit, dispenser or locker or until the enemy dies and respawns. The rate of health loss is slower than that of being on fire.he
    Alternatively the Giftignadel can blur enemy vision for a short period of time instead of poisoning them, while still being much weaker than the normal syringe gun.

  • Der Grosste Kommuninsaw. A saw with a very slow rate of fire. Swings of the saw can be charged (holding mouse1). A fully charged swing is a guaranteed critical. Will charge faster if the Medic has a partially- or fully-filled uber/kritz bar, at the expense of some of the ubercharge. When the swing is fully charged lightning will appear around the saw as if the medic were kritz'd.

All of the Pyro unlockables here are based to augment the Pyro strategy of hit-and-run, rather than attempting to kill people directly, although the shotgun can also be used to set people on fire from a distance when combined with the kritzcrieg. I tried to make the names similar to the current Pyro unlockables.

  • Afterburner. A flamethrower with a redder, more smokey flame. People set on fire with the Afterburner will burn at the same rate as people set on fire with the basic flamethrower, but they will burn for a longer time. People who are set on fire with the Afterburner burn with the same, red, smokey flame and if they touch one of their allies the ally will be set on fire for half of the original burn time. Any ally who that person touches off will be set on fire for a quarter of the original burn time and so on. The Afterburner does not have the compressed air blast.

  • Fuel Gun. A sawn-off shotgun with a wider spread and smaller ammo capacity than the normal shotgun. Anyone hit with a shot from the Fuel Gun who is on fire will burn for a further 3 seconds. This time does not change whether the enemy is hit with every pellet from the gun or just one. A critical shot will extend burn time for 5 seconds instead of 3. A critical shot will also set unignited people on fire for 5 seconds.

  • Axepress. A small, single-handed saw that does only half of the damage of a normal axe, although crits are as strong as normal axe crits. It also increases the running speed of the Pyro.

The first two weapons here, like Valve suggested, were thought up to help the Heavy be less dependant on the Medic and also a bit more mobile. The other one is just random and probably a terrible idea. Names are just Russian girl names.

  • Natasha. A chaingun with no warm-up time. The Heavy can begin shooting as soon as the fire button is pushed. Natasha will overheat if fired for too long. Once the gun overheats it must take several seconds to cool down, during which time the Heavy cannot run.
    Alternatively a machinegun with a slower rate of fire, less strenght and slightly more accurate that does not slow down the Heavy when he uses it.
  • Tanya. A double barrelled shotgun. Can only hold two shells. Regenerates the Heavy's health while he holds it.

  • Nadya & Sofiya . Two differnet brass knuckles, each distictive from each other. Each one controlled by the different mouse buttons. The heavy can punch at a faster rate but each punch does half damage. If a punch from one girl is rapidly followed by a punch from the other, the second hit will be a guaranteed crit, which does the same damage as a normal punch critical.

These ideas don't have any real goal behind, but they probably all make the Scout more annoying, which is his greatest asset. The bat is an obvious rip off of the Pyro's new compressed air blast. All names taken from a list of Boston slang.

  • Ripper. A scattergun with a larger magazine. Does not normally have critical shots. All shots that hit the Scout's nemesis or someone the Scout is dominating are guaranteed to be critical.

  • Bubbler. A somewhat innacurate uzi that starts off weak, but the game counts the amount of bullets that has hit each enemy. The higher the count, the more damage that each successive bullet will do to that enemy. The count decreases with time.

  • Sox / Sok. A bat that does no crits and has a slower attack rate. If swung with correct timing it can deflect enemy explosives. If the Scout strikes a sticky it will fly off and then explode on impact with the next surface it hits. Returned enemy explosives have a chance of becoming critical.

Ideas are totally random and not picked to attain a specific goal for the class and the sticky replacement is of course just a weapon that was cut from the game and was in the original trailer. I simply couldn't come up with any kind of creative names for these.

  • Cluster Greneades. A grenade launcher that fires a cluster grenade. When the grenade explodes it releases a small group of bombs that spread out explode on impact. The grenade launcher holds a smaller number of these than normal grenades.

  • TNT. A large bundle of dynomite. Can be thrown a short distance. Explodes powerfully after 4 seconds. The explosion sends smaller sticks of dynomite flying in all directions, which explode after 2 seconds. Only a few can be carried at once.

  • Moon Shine. A bottle of moonshine whiskey that temporarily blurs enemies who are struck with it. Has a slower attack rate.

The first is just a rip-off of the Blutsaugher and has been suggested by more than one person before. The other two are just...well ideas that I came up with. Names are made from random scientific pricipals/terms.

  • Induction Shotgun. A shotgun that steals ammunition from enemies and converts it to metal for the Engineer. Does not get crits.

  • Uncertainty Pistol. A pistol that does very low basic damage but has very powerful crits. The odds of the Engineer getting crits with the Uncertaintly Postal go up when he is standing near a dispensor.

  • Quantum Wrench. As the wrench is used to repair and upgrade buildings it builds a charge bar. When full the Engineer can use it (right-click) to make any one friendly building invunerable for several seconds. Building and upgrading a sentry to level 3 is enough to fully charge. Hitting a building, even if you aren't upgrading, repairing or restocking it, will also slowly increase the charge. Reduces the Engineer's maximum metal pool to 150.

The soldier's weapons are not supposed to do anything specific. The rocket launcher replacement is half ability, half weapon and the melee one is just me being silly. Names are supposed to look like proper weapon names at first, but when you read them properly you realise that they're rather silly.

  • Thompson MKII Lemon-Scented Fragmentation Grenades. Grenades can be thrown at any time using mouse2. They have a three second fuse and can be cooked. The Soldier can not carry very many of them at once. The grenades can be thrown at a relatively quick rate. A critical grenade will hurt any enemies that it bounces off.

  • Glock 12-Gauge Ready-Lubricated Shotgun. A shotgun that does not require reloading but has a very slow rate of fire. When the Soldier kills someone with the 12-Gauge his attack rate on all weapons increases for five seconds.

  • Hasbro Standard Issue Field-Grade Pogo Stick. Terrible strenght, but if the Soldier jumps and then "attacks" the ground has he lands the Pogo Stick will launch him back into the air at a greater hight. The Soldier can not quite reach the same height as he can with rocket jumping, but he can still use it to jump very high. If the soldier bounces on someone's head it is a guaranteed critical hit, at full crit shovel hit strength. If you think this is a bad idea just imagine a soldier bouncing off a Heavy's head while raining grenades down on the enemy masses.

These ideas change the Spy's methods rather a lot, but are still about stealth and sabotage, of course. Names are supposed to sound as cheesey as possible.

  • Revolver upgrade. When an enemy is shot with the revolver his damage indicator will not show the direction that the damage actually came from, but instead the opposite direction. Someone else suggested this before (forgot who). He suggested it as an unlockable weapon but I think it would be great as just a straight upgrade to the revolver, like how Valve upgraded the flamethrower with the compressed air burst.

  • Target Master 700. Makes the watch a selectable weapon. The watch comes with a laser targeter that makes a dot similar to the Sniper's aiming dot. When used on an enemy it causes all shots that him to become critical. Drains the watch, and therefore the cloak, battery when used. Does not reveal the Spy's identity when used.

  • Omnitracker 4000. A tracking device that can be planted on all enemies and enemy buildings. Any tagged enemies will show up as dots on allies' HUDs through walls when close. The tracking device is destroyed when the enemy jumps into water or respawns and shuts down automatically after one minute. Does not reveal the Spy's identity when used.

  • Inject-O-Matic 2000. A syringe with a virus. The virus does no immediate damage to the enemy and the enemy gets no indication that he has been attacked. The virus stays in the enemy for five seconds without doing any damage, during which time the enemy will spread the virus to any one of his allies that he touches, who will also carry it for five seconds without taking damage, while spreading it. After five seconds the victim will start taking continuous damage and will continue to pass on the virus to any ally he touches. It can be cured by being healled by a Medic, medkit, dispenser or locker. Medics can be infected but are automatically cured after 5 seconds. Once you are cured you are immune to the virus until you respawn. Reveals the Spy's identity when used.

Again random ideas. Names just sound Aussie.

  • Chuzwazza. A sniper rifle with a thermal scope. Allows the Sniper to see enemies, allies, buildings, fires and explosions through walls. Because the scope shows heat signatures it is impossible to tell if a person is an enemy or ally when viewed through this scope. Fires and explosions also block vision through the scope much more than regular vision.

  • Hazewuzza. A sub-machinegun that does very small damage. Blurs an enemy's vision while he is being shot with it.

  • Bushwhakka. A machette that gets a guaranteed critical shot for every headshot the Sniper has gotten in his current life. Does not otherwise get critical shots.