Unlockables, acheivments, ideas thread.

I'm seriously hating all the 'can not crit' ideas, seriously, no one in TF2 really relies on crits to get them by unless they're being kritzed or however you spell it. Unless you're a sniper, you don't care enough to be biting your nails thinking 'omg if i dun get crit i will loos!'
Original ideas are hard :p

On the other hand you cannot deny the usefullness of luck crits, especially to Heavies and Soldiers.
I'm seriously hating all the 'can not crit' ideas, seriously, no one in TF2 really relies on crits to get them by unless they're being kritzed or however you spell it. Unless you're a sniper, you don't care enough to be biting your nails thinking 'omg if i dun get crit i will loos!'

well, thanks to the KGB now every other unlockable idea will be "get a kill with this and you will get guaranteed crits for five seconds".

The Screaming Eagle

Replaces: Rocket Launcher

A rocket pod the Screaming Eagle fires smaller, lower yield projectiles at a much faster rate than the standard issue rocket launcher, thus allowing the solider to provide covering fire for his other offensive teammates. The idea is that while the SE grants a faster rate of fire newer players will have to learn to conserve their ammo for more dangerous targets.

Replacement for revolver. Can be used without undisguising; causes an enemy to appear to be a spy on your team to the other team for 15 seconds. Does no damage, but in fact, overheals the person shot.
Or just play Soldier for the entire round and then change to Spy 5 seconds before the end of the round.
Play Spy for the entire round without once changing class? I don't know about anyone else but I tend to change class a few times during a round. Also, not using the cloak is rather counter-productive.
Play Spy for the entire round without once changing class? I don't know about anyone else but I tend to change class a few times during a round. Also, not using the cloak is rather counter-productive.

That's it's why an acheivement, it makes you work for it :naughty:

Camouflage Rifle

Using this replacement Sniper Rifle will allow the Sniper to blend into the area he's in. If standing in front of a wooden wall the Sniper will take on the patter and color of said wall. But he is not invisible. A good I can still see him if they pay close attention.

Head Seeking Rifle

This replacement for the Sniper Rifle will allow the Sniper to build a charge with each kill. When this charge is built up it allow's every shot fired by the Sniper to be a head shot. A Sniper only getting body shot kill's will not charge as fast as a Sniper getting head shots. This charge can be released at any time buy holding alt fire when scoped.

Elephant Gun

This replacement for the sub machine gun does 80 damage close range, 40 mid and 16 long. Let's face it, the Sniper needs a better secondary weapon. It only fires 2 shots before needing to reload which take's a little while. About as long as a Soldier does reloading 3 rockets. But if the sniper hit's alt fire he can fire both barrels at once making it 120 close, 80 mid and 32 long

Cut Throat Cutlass

When the Sniper is confronted they face there enemy with the Kukri in a almost pointless battle in which the enemy wins. But often the Sniper will get in one good hit. So to maximize this attack the snipers replacement for the Kukri, the cutthroat cutlass is a medium to small curved knife that act's like the Spy's butterfly knife but instead of backstab's when the Spy attacks the back, the Sniper will slit the throat of the enemy when the successfully attacking the front of the enemy getting an instakill.

Think when Mr. Eco in Lost killed those to guy's with one knife attack. It's like that. This helps the sniper survive attacks that aren't flamethrower, Backburner or backstabs.


You call that a knife?

Win in a knife fight with another Sniper or a Spy.

Head Seeking Rifle

This replacement for the Sniper Rifle will allow the Sniper to build a charge with each kill. When this charge is built up it allow's every shot fired by the Sniper to be a head shot. A Sniper only getting body shot kill's will not charge as fast as a Sniper getting head shots. This charge can be released at any time buy holding alt fire when scoped.

Neat idea Shoes, but wouldn't the 100% chance of getting a headshot even with a charge kind of take the fun out of being a sniper? While it would be fun at first to own people with aimbot-like precision it kind of removes the satisfaction of being able to pull off headshots unaided that most players find enjoyable.
I would love to see in unlockables for engie good old futuristic Beam Pistol from TFC.
Spy Achievements:

Pyromaniac: Backstab two pyros in a single life.
Industrial Espionage: Expose 10 disguised spies.
Neat idea Shoes, but wouldn't the 100% chance of getting a headshot even with a charge kind of take the fun out of being a sniper? While it would be fun at first to own people with aimbot-like precision it kind of removes the satisfaction of being able to pull off headshots unaided that most players find enjoyable.
My thinking is it will help shorten sniper fights thus letting snipers focus on other class's and not other snipers. But if it came to it I would rather have the Camouflage Rifle rifle.
The Super Spanner

Replaces: Wrench

An Alt. Wrench the Super Spanner charges up an "Engiecharge" meter whenever the engineer repairs damaged buildings. Once at 100% the Engiecharge grants the Engineer infinite metal for ten seconds. This allows Engineer to set up forward bases in a hurry, or tank their Sentry emplacements while on the defensive. The downsides to the Spanner are twofold: 1.) Using the speeding up construction function of the wrench costs 5 metal per hit and 2) Your maximum amount of metal is reduced to 150.

The Tesla Gun

Replaces: Pistol

An Alt. pistol for the engineer the Tesla Gun fires bolts of electricity that grants a tremendous amount of knockback while doing 10% less damage than the standard pistol's bullets. The knockback effect makes it a good tool for holding off offensive foes but the reduction in damage dealt per shot makes it more suited for use in conjunction with the shotgun. Other than the damage reduction the downside is that the TG can't be fired underwater.
Scout Achievement:

I'll have what he's having: Kill a heavy with your bat while he's eating Sandvich.
The Good Stuff

Replaces: Bottle

The Good Stuff allows the Demoman heal 20 HP per second by taunting with it. While still a usable weapon, it comes with some caveats: first, if you should nail someone with the bottle and break it you can't use the heal function until you respawn and second, if you are set on fire and attempt to use the drink taunt the Demoman will explode with the force of a crit rocket.

The Stickier Bombs

Replaces: Sticky Launcher

The Stickier Bombs when detonated reduce your foe's movement speed to 50% of their top speed for 10 seconds, making it an ideal weapon for slowing down enemy rushes while on the defensive or using it to slow targets and then finishing them with your grenade launcher. The downside is that the bombs do 30% less damage per bomb than the standard-issue launcher.

The Nerf Gun

Replaces: Scout Pistol

The Nerf Gun fires projectiles that do no damage whatsoever. However, each round sticks to your foe and increases your entire team's chance of getting critical hits on that person by 15% making it a perfect weapon for those scouting ahead before their offensive teammates. The rounds however, disappear after 25 seconds of inactivity or if the tagged foe is submerged in water for 5 seconds.
You're slower than me! HA!

Get a bat kill as a scout from another scout who's been slowed down by a Heavy's Nastacha
Force Field - Spy Cloak replacement.
Exchanges the Cloak for a Force-Field, almost identical to an Ubercharge (Invulnerability for 10 seconds, or however long it is). However, you cannot turn it off once you turn it on, and you cannot attack, disguise or pick up/carry intel, score objectives etc.
Pro: You can get past a pesky ultra-heavily-defended chokepoint.
Cons: You're visible the whole time, and will likely attract lots of attention (having the same effect as an ubercharge ie: big red/blue aura thing). All defenders have to do is follow you and wait for it to run out.

Tranquilliser Rifle - Sniper Rifle replacement
Slows enemies temporarily in exchange for reduced damage. It's probably already been said.

Spy-O-Scope - Sniper Rifle Upgrade/replacement
Reduces the sniper rifle "charge up" damage (to say, 60-70% of max charged up damage, with the charge time remaining the same), but through the scope the spy cloak and disguises do not work and all players are outlined in their team colour.
Pro: Reveal and intercept spies and take less mistaken shots at team mates suddenly jumping out of the enemy base.
Con: With the same charge-up time, less damage.

The Laser
- Sniper Rifle Upgrade/replacement
Sniper rounds pass through enemies, but it leaves a bright red/blue beam that will give away your location. When you start charging the laser, the sniper also shouts: "SHOOP-DA-WOOP! I'M CHARGING ME LAZER, MATE!" (joke, or take it seriously if you like it).
Pro: Can potentially damage more than one enemy.
Con: Gives away location if you don't kill them.

C4 - Spy's Electro-Sapper replacement
Placed on engineer buildings as normal, but it doesn't disable the building or deal any damage until 7 seconds are up, at which point it explodes with enough force to one-shot whatever it's put on. So when put on a fully-upgraded and full-health sentry gun, the explosion will deal 216 damage. Note: this is more than enough to take out an Engineer or nearby dispenser in the blast :D.

Stealth-Sapper Spy's Electro-Sapper replacement
As Electro-sapper, but it does not disable the building, and the engineer is not alerted to the fact his gun is being sapped (but the icon in his HUD will still flash and lose health).

I realise they won't do replacements for the engineer buildings, but I just thought this would be funny.

Pyro-sentry Engineer's Sentry Gun Replacement
Sentry Guns are now stationary flamethrowers. Level 3 upgrade (rockets) are replaced with shotgun shells (so it unloads 4 shotguns shells instead of 4 rockets).
Con: Much Reduced range, no rockets.
Pro: Much more burning!

EDIT: Just thought of another one:

The Detonator
Sniper Rifle replacement
Sniper rifle rounds will now detonate the tank on a pyro's back. Including those of friendly pyros. XD
The Hunter

Replaces: Sniper Rifle

Designed to assist with the Sniper's role as a support class The Hunter fires rounds that transmit a homing signal to a radar system located in friendly dispensers. This allows both offensive and defensive teammates get a general idea of where their enemy is at. The downside is that 1) all non-headshot attacks fully charged or otherwise do 30% less damage forcing you to practice better aim and 2) The tracked target will disappear off of radar after 15 seconds.

Burn Notice- Be lit on fire by a pyro and then stab said pyro in the back.
Please no... it's a good achievement but sounds as hard as the OMGWTFBBQ

No it's not that hard pyros might seem immune to spies but they never watch their backs. Besides live a little it's not like you can't respawn and try again.

Spy Sappn' My Sandvich- Backstab a heavy as he is eating a sandvich

That Dirty Water-

Replaces: Scout pistol

An energy drink That Dirty Water when drunk ups the scout's speed by 50% for 5 seconds, making it handy for fleeing with the intel or retreating. There are some downsides though: 1) As soon as the effect wears off the scout's movement is reduced by 50% for 15 seconds. 2) There is a 4 second window while the scout is drinking where he could be attacked by an enemy
That Dirty Water-

Replaces: Scout pistol

An energy drink That Dirty Water when drunk ups the scout's speed by 50% for 5 seconds, making it handy for fleeing with the intel or retreating. There are some downsides though: 1) As soon as the effect wears off the scout's movement is reduced by 50% for 15 seconds. 2) There is a 4 second window while the scout is drinking where he could be attacked by an enemy

Burn Notice- Be lit on fire by a pyro and then stab said pyro in the back.

I love that show! And I like the Scout idea too. It could also be used to get by sentrys when there not facing you.
No it's not that hard pyros might seem immune to spies but they never watch their backs. Besides live a little it's not like you can't respawn and try again.

Spy Sappn' My Sandvich- Backstab a heavy as he is eating a sandvich

That Dirty Water-

Replaces: Scout pistol

An energy drink That Dirty Water when drunk ups the scout's speed by 50% for 5 seconds, making it handy for fleeing with the intel or retreating. There are some downsides though: 1) As soon as the effect wears off the scout's movement is reduced by 50% for 15 seconds. 2) There is a 4 second window while the scout is drinking where he could be attacked by an enemy

If there's a four second "drinking" period it's not gonna be much use for fleeing, is it?
If there's a four second "drinking" period it's not gonna be much use for fleeing, is it?

I have two ideas for how That Dirty Water could work:

Option A: The Scout performs a"drinking" taunt that lasts for four seconds and then the speed boost kicks in.

Option B: The Scout pulls out That Dirty Water, presses the fire button and drains the contents gradually over the five second boost period
Maybe the second, so he's drinking it while he's running, so he can't attack, only run. Eh?
Or the scout could just get a weapon that lets him "charge" so that he runs faster but kind of crooked and deals damage to all that gets in his way but takes damage for hitting things hope i was clear
You're saying... a gun, that hurts you (the person that shot) when you fire it at someone, but it makes you faster when you do?
If anything activating any type of scout speed boost should have a trail of fire follow behind The running scout Back To the Future style.

88 Miles Per Hour- Drink Three of That Dirty Water in one life

But maybe another possible downside is that if you hit anything while under the speed boost effect you take some damage like exploing into smoking chunks or something along those lines.
Engineer unlock, (replaces the pistol)
Radioactive cup of tea - instakill on enemy spies no effect on any other class.

..."alexander litvinenko sappin' mah sentry"...
Oh dear Parky, political tension in TF2!? Whatever next :)

Also, Doctorwho...they're not going to make the scout any faster than he is, that is already a huge benefit, increasing it with an unlock would exaggerate his advantage further. Unlocks tend to address problems e.g. heavies reliance on medics. The scouts issue is lack of strong firepower and very little ammo for his long range pistol.
The scout is able to kill most classes in one or two blasts from his scattergun. His low health is his biggest problem.
The scout is able to kill most classes in one or two blasts from his scattergun. His low health is his biggest problem.

Which is in turn rectified by being very skilled with his speed and double-jump.
Too late for another medic unlock but it would help when you are healing a teammate and a pyro lights you on fire you could heal yourself at the same rate you heal your teammate.

Something along those lines.
Too late for another medic unlock but it would help when you are healing a teammate and a pyro lights you on fire you could heal yourself at the same rate you heal your teammate.

Something along those lines.

Really? It's set in stone that each class will recieve only one update?