Unreal 2006?


May 5, 2004
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some details about the next UT ..which is scheduled to be released some time next year will use the UT3 engine (big surprise :upstare: )

*The next UT will focus on AI, specifically voice-controlled AI.
*As with many UT2004 levels, the layout of maps in the next UT is being finalized before artwork is incorporated.
*The game will feature a global ratings system that will allow clans to compare scores.
*Gametypes include Onslaught, DM, TDM, CTF, and the all-new Conquest mode. No mention of Assault or Domination.

Further info on the Conquest gametype:
*Features eight teams, each with unique armor.
*Conquest maps are "potentially as large as three onslaught maps with assault-like objectives and even a form of limited resource management planned"
*"there may be the option to treat a conquest match like a long term war, so you can play, take a break, and then go back and play more later"
*"you can use your stats to find similarly abled opponents"
*"pre-game lobbies" will be present in some form
*"clan pages and other sites will be able to be viewed from within the game"
*"conquest will take advantage of the UE3 engines ability to seamlessly stream maps by putting you in a battlefield the size of several maps stitched together"
*"players will battle on one of two teams, each sides terriroty will look physically different, as you take a territory it will convert to the otherteams structures and physical surroundings"
*"conquest should appeal to a wider gaming audience and provide a place where longer-term strategy, teamwork, and face-to-face fragging all meet"

sounds interesting
CptStern said:
*The next UT will focus on AI, specifically voice-controlled AI.

That sounds to be the most interesting part to me. :frog:
Ohhhh no, i'm going to have to upgrade my computer sooner then I thought :(
  • 11 Weapons
  • Level editing will include the Kismet script sequencing tool
  • A big focus on AI; "voice controlled AI"
  • "Pregame lobbies" are being incorporated
  • "You can use your stats to find similarly abled opponents"
  • Ability to enter your Clan-ID in a stats server, to view the status of clan-matches in a "global rating system of how clans have done against each other."
  • Clan-pages and other sites will be able to be viewed from within the game
  • "Automatic downloading of mod content that you choose, perhaps in the form of a daily download..."
I read this on another forum. Sounds great! Conquest sounds amazing.
I hope it is better than the last ones, there is just somthing about these games that feels very cheep(and no, I do not suck).
Has anybody heard rumors of what kind of monster system requiremtnts the UT3 engine will have?
Unreal Engine 3. Ahem.

Eurogamer said:
Eurogamer: What system would you have to build or buy to makes sure there are no compromises in an Unreal Engine 3 game?

Mark Rein: This is pretty much it, what we're running here. A really fast high end processor, either Intel or AMD, a GeForce 6800, half a gig to a gig of RAM would be good - pretty much a top of the line system right now. But by the time we ship games with this technology, that's going to be a relatively low-end machine. But the cool thing is, with Nvidia's SLI set-up, as we move into PCI express, even though that would technically, with a single one of those that might be at the relatively low end of the scale. You could just go out and - they'll be cheap by then - just go out and buy another one of these same GT cards and plop it in, connect them together and you've doubled your performance; you've now moved up to the middle of the pack in terms of performance, so that's pretty exciting.

Eurogamer: At the low end of the scale, what's the minimum you would need?

Mark Rein: We're pretty much aiming that if you're a real gamer and you want decent performance of this engine, that's pretty much where we want you to start. It doesn't mean that the game won't run on things that are less than that - of course we'll have some fallbacks for the previous generation of video cards and systems that don't have all that power, but it'll be like playing in software today. It's okay and it works and you don't have to return the game but it's not the optimal experience. We believe in that term 'The Way It's Meant To Be Played' and we really want people to have a good experience.

There was another source saying at least a 6600 GT, I believe.

By the time the game comes out, it would be cheap enough to upgrade at your average consumer level.

Of course, if you want to experience the full power of the engine, you would need the top-of-the-line card of that generation.
Shens said:
Unreal Engine 3. Ahem.

There was another source saying at least a 6600 GT, I believe.

By the time the game comes out, it would be cheap enough to upgrade at your average consumer level.

Of course, if you want to experience the full power of the engine, you would need the top-of-the-line card of that generation.

Well then I guess I'm going to have to settle for average consumer level, as usual... I need to get a job....
Foxtrot said:
I hope it is better than the last ones, there is just somthing about these games that feels very cheep(and no, I do not suck).

The opinion of the grand elders of this world is that you do indeed suck.

A lot. :p
that Game just moved to the first place of my "What I want" list
I want more screenshots! Looks like I'll have to pick up the latest Computer Gaming World. :)
Oh man CANT WAIT for this. Will kickass HARDCORE!!!
Lemonking said:
I played it at the Game Convention in Leipzig..
Stop lying! You haven't played THE Oblivion! Liar!!!11t3h0ne!

There isn't even a real place called Leipzig anyway, so there goes your story! :E

Anyway UT, nice. I loved UT2k4, and I'm sure I'll crumble before the mases and buy this.
PickledGecko said:
Wow, its actually a new game, not just a £35 update.

You obviously haven't played UT2004.
So just stfu. :rolleyes:
You obviously haven't played UT2003.
So just stfu.
*"conquest will take advantage of the UE3 engines ability to seamlessly stream maps by putting you in a battlefield the size of several maps stitched together"

Oooooh so streaming maps in MP?? Well I'm happy, very happy about that. I'm sure Pi will be too :D
Meh, will it suck as hard as UT2004 though?

UT was great, UT2003/4 blew chunks.
MaxiKana said:
You obviously haven't played UT2003.
So just stfu.

I have played UT2003...well the demo.
Now...if UT2004 was released for free...with all those maps / models / etc.
It would be hell to download all of that crap.
Plus, it gives them an excuse to start an assembly line.
The Dark Elf said:
Oooooh so streaming maps in MP?? Well I'm happy, very happy about that. I'm sure Pi will be too :D

Damn right.

I'm a bit concerned about some of the elements of the new Conquest mode, though.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Damn right.

I'm a bit concerned about some of the elements of the new Conquest mode, though.

I haven't played a game mode in the UT series I haven't liked yet :)

Apart from that one with the spawning monsters. That blew.
Venmoch said:
Meh, will it suck as hard as UT2004 though?

UT was great, UT2003/4 blew chunks.
Then you'll hate UT 2005/6. UT2003/4 was probably one of the best games developed for online play.
Pi Mu Rho said:
Damn right.

:D:D:D and people wonder why SW moved to UE3 hehehe

I'm a bit concerned about some of the elements of the new Conquest mode, though.

Yeah I spotted those. Isn't this like the second time its happened too? :(
Conquest sounds kind of like an RTS style of gameplay without all of the building. You must take control of one force to increase your territory and the players with the most land at the end wins! It sounds like great fun, but they better change the name from "Conquest" because that's a Battlefield mode too. Epic might have an EA lawsuit on their hands before they know it. :p
Foxtrot said:
I hope it is better than the last ones, there is just somthing about these games that feels very cheep(and no, I do not suck).
Probably because you pay so little to get so much content. UT2k4 was fantastic, and this sounds like it's going to be incredible... plus the Ripper will return :D
Is it just me or did they skip a year? Is UT 2005 coming out?
You read my proposal for multiplayer the other week. Looks like I'm going to have to do a bit of a rethink, although I've already for the basics for a different mode sorted.

ray_MAN: There'll be no UT game this year.
I loved the original Unreal Tournament, one of the best FPS's of it's time - much better than Quake 3 in my opinion. I was disappointed by UT2003, something didn't feel right about it, but UT2004 was brilliant. I still love it, plus all the great mods like Red Orchestra, Air Bucaneers etc. make it well worth it.

Hopefully UT2006 (like ray_MAN - no 2005?) won't be too different, big huge open maps isn't what UT's all about imo. While Onslaught is a great laugh I think DM and TDM/CTF makes UT.
Pi Mu Rho said:
ray_MAN: There'll be no UT game this year.
Thanks. I hope they are taking the year off to work on the Unreal 3.0 engine. Pi, do you work/know somebody at Epic?
ray_MAN said:
Thanks. I hope they are taking the year off to work on the Unreal 3.0 engine. Pi, do you work/know somebody at Epic?

it says in the interview that there'll be no UT this year

"Midway have previously confirmed that no new UT titles will be shipping in 2005, so it's likely that this game will bear the name "Unreal Tournament 2006" or "Unreal Tournament 2007"

2007? that's far too long!
was wondering that myself, I heard they are floating on IRC, but I aint "down enough" to being able to find them. So if anyone has em and accidentally drop them in my pm box it will be appriciated.